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Hello, I would like to know how Ashes intends to stand out from the mmorpg lot.

Because being a former player of wow and Lol (with the community of karen), people only play the classes / spec op of the moment.

In fact, apart from a few rare people, including me, I've never seen anyone play a race/class, they didn't opt ​​100%, because I dared to prioritize pleasure before rank.

Will Ashes be a rank game? Like a simple Wow?

or only classes/race/spec that rank high will be taken in raid and/or pvp?

Because it must be admitted, the fault is with the players known on twitch or twitter.

If a player from a big guild tells you that you have to play such a class with such a character, people will do it.

Like rush the faster a raid. :/

Blizzard rewards people who blaze the game.

You're a dev', you've been pissed off building a world, a universe, an atmosphere, so that no one notices, just because the player's interest is to finish quickly?

In my opinion and this is only my opinion, if wow or Lol have become so horrible, it is partly because of the players.

I just hope that the devs at Ashes will be much smarter than the devs at Riot and Blizzard, because we really need renewal.
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
We certainly aim to make a game that stands out from the crowd and is different. Some things that lessen the experiences for players are in the hands of the players themselves, while some things can be controlled more easily by the game's developers.

Let's look at your example of min-maxing characters. With all the different customization possibilities for your character, such as augments, weapons, archetypes, classes, etc. There will be many different flavors if gameplay to create. With systems ranging from Node sieges to raids, there will be many different activities to apply those customizations of your character to. This, coupled with no DPS meters and no add-ons, should provide players with the means to create what they want, and not necessarily be wrong for doing so :)