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I just wanted to make this discussion to get a general idea of where people stand on the levitating animations while casting spells as seen in the many videos released by Intrepid such as this one and this one

I personally dislike this animation and here's why: Firstly, I don't like how it looks. Just a personal preference. Secondly, it doesn't really make sense that your character can levitate unless that is something the archetype has the ability to do.
I feel like the animation invites the idea that all spellcaster have a form of levitation, which I doubt all of them have. (I could be wrong though)
And if these archetypes don't have the ability to levitate, then why would they suddenly be able to levitate while casting specific spells?

I fully understand that this is just an animation flair and doesn't really matter, but it was just something that kind of bugged me when I watched the videos. I don't have many things to complain about with AoC so I'm nitpicking.

What are your thoughts? Do you like it or not? Do you care? Do you think it has an in-universe explanation or just artistic flair? Does it serve a PVP function?

Keep it civil.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Speaking personally, I've always wanted the superpower of flight - so I love seeing how some of these spells appear to be filling you with so much power that they pick you up off the ground with a flourish! That being said, we definitely appreciate seeing the variety of feedback you've shared here on the animations we've highlighted so far <3

Also uh...apologies if I blew out anyone's eardrums in the first video Thodric linked >>