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Hello everybody.

The point of this thread is see the opinion of the people here about exagerate cast animations.
For example I really don't like the actual fire ball mage cast, does a mage really need to JUMP then make two turns in the air then come down and finaly cast the fire ball? I came from WoW, I played that MMORPG for 12 years and one thing I liked about the animations of cast was the simplicity of them, but one day they change the animations for more exagerate casting spells and i hated it, I mean I know this is a game and is cool see our characters do cool stuff but in some point I think is too much exagerate.

I want to know your opinion, thanks.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

Honestly, one thing that has bugged me greatly, to the point of annoyance is the animations in Ashes. I love the game and the concept. But during the castle sieges and stuff they've shown I could barely see the character Steven controlled. Never-mind the other players. Never-mind recognising a cast and have a chance to react accordingly.

Hiya friend! As we mentioned both before and after the segment that highlighted recent Castle Siege footage during our live stream, and we do our best to continue to reiterate in a variety of places, all of the animations and FX you've seen so far are works in progress/placeholder that will continue to be improved upon as we continue down the testing path! You may have even noticed some recent progress on that front in between videos as well :smiley:

We also still do plan to give you a variety of options for adjusting those on your end through the UI as well, so you can tune them to your appearance and performance desires!