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I myself love emersion and customization. As much is shown by me purchasing cosmetics before a game is even in beta. Most are self explanatory but the housing ones are a bit vague. All they state is "Freehold Building Cosmetic Skin". I originally thought it meant the house but I overlooked last months selection that has a fiery portal looking thing. That doesn't look like a house. Maybe some that are mistaken as a house are really a barn or stable or something. The thing is we don't really know. Is it a building for a proffession or action I don't intend to get? I do love flavor text but it would be nice to know exactly what they are for so we can see if we are getting skins that are competing for the same building. Because this months building looks great but I don't want to have to end up with multiple skins competing for the same slot.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! We've mentioned a few times previously that we're currently working with our design team to get you more clarity on what each of these buildings will be used for on your Freehold, as well as how much space they'll take up on your land as well! We appreciate your patience as we work to get those details for ya! <3