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I think you should keep some thing hidden during the test phases or atleast till very last beta which should be short to keep the game fresh on release

Some ideas to achieve this.

- jumble the node types, nodes in the test servers wont line up with how they are on release so a scientific one during the test phase would become a commercial one on release for example, this leave to discovery during release aswell as hindering people planning out there day 1 plan with there node choices.

- internally test some of the high end content/world bosses/dungeons so dont add them to the test but only on release so people cant get the mechanic down pre release to womp them down super quickly on release. this would take a few run though on developers team to make sure there mechanic work properly but should be achievable, might not be an issue with node system making different things spawn

- Hide some high end crafting recipes especially if there drops recipes, simply remove some of the high end recipes off the loot table will achieve this

- hide some freehold (from my understanding this are spots people can claim in the world i could be wrong) Would be nice if you couldnt find the one u want in alpha and be like im gonna claim this asap on release kinda thing if some are hidden people might look more for them.
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
We plan on keeping some content, especially lore, under wraps for the sake of surprise, mystery, and fun!

Open development can be bittersweet in the sense that, while we get to show off all this cool stuff as we complete it, it also means there may not be heaps of mystery and surprise. So it's all about balance so we can maintain that element when the time for release comes, but still show off all the cool things we make as we make em'! :)

For example, nodes won't be in their final locations during some of the testing phases. ( ͡^ ‿‿ ͡^)