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So I've had old threads that compiled this sort of thing indirectly, but normally, given the timing of those threads, there was a lot of 'accepted' (grudgingly) reasons to not go into specific desires relative to Augments except in broad terms for the Archetype I was compiling for.

So I've never gathered up 'what people actually expect from Mage Augments' or any other, as a singular thing.

As 'starters' here is the old data from old threads, referring only to NON-Mage-Primary choices (I figure these are still relevant since we haven't received any new info since then):

Two Scions (one also considering Spellhunter) wanted to have mobility and utility as a magic archer, six others wanted elemental crits/effects (even specifically some debuff), another wanted to sustain CC on targets, another wanted a 'super long range artillery caster', five others wanted this class (one of these wasn't actually explicit about this choice)

One Spellshield (probably) wanted to go the Evasion route, another had specific desires that were considered for the schema, another wanted to explicitly be a Magic Tank (ice magic), four others wanted this class

One Spellsword specifically wanted 'Rune Stacking' from their Elemental augments, another was unsure which way to combine archetypes, based on Augments, a third was most interested in teleportation Augments and a fourth in Ice ones, two others wanted this class(to look sexy), yet four others were less obviously interested in the sexiness.

One Magician wanted mobility. Another wanted to increase resistances. Another wanted wind magic.

One potential Oracle really wanted water based healing, two others considered this class

One Nightspell specifically said that they were looking for elemental enhancements for their attacks, DoTs and additional survivability. Another wanted speed like (and with) lightning, but would accept teleportation. Eight others just said they wanted this class and really love its components and the idea of it.

There was no data for Spellmancers. Take that for what you will. Not that I didn't make a Summoner Thread, just that there weren't any clear Spellmancers in the data compiled.
almost 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
@Azherae The team isn't ready to give a definite and final answer for what augments will be available for the Mage archetype, but I hope some examples of some of the abilities shown on the April livestream helped give an idea of what is currently planned for the Mage's kit.

With that said, we really have enjoyed reading the augment theory-crafting here, and there are some very creative ideas!