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So first a disclaimer, this is my very first game I have watched from an alpha stage being developed. I have been apart of betas but nothing in alpha.

I wanted to see what everyone's opinion was on the current situation with the lack of information concerning the classes. We still don't have specifics on 4 base classes, and have virtually nothing on the 64 advanced classes. From my perspective I feel like we are being kept in the shadows on that. I keep telling myself the game is in alpha but I also look at the amount of time we have had the famous 64 class chart (late 2017 was when it was published) and I think to myself how do we not have more on this? To be clear, I am not asking for footage or even to be fully implemented at this point. It would have been nice to had at this point what abilities we could see for the base classes, much like the info graphics we have already for tank and cleric, and what augments are going to be available per second archetype.

I know during some podcast or interview Steven mentioned he wants there to be a mystery/discovery element to finding out the exact abilities and you can keep that mystery/discovery element while disclosing more info. What I would like to see if you pick warrior for your base classes here are some abilities you could expect and if you pick mage you will have access to teleportation, fire, frost, and electric augments (Steve has somewhat confirmed the mage's secondary archetype augments however this still leaves 7 other archetypes to be relieved). Doesn't have to be as descriptive as Steven's example of combining a teleportation augment with the warrior's dash will give you x.

Given the time frame of alphas 1 & 2 and what is expected to be in each one I think it is fair to say this is coming soon (other 4 base classes will be released prior to alpha 1 and alpha 2 is supposed to have all the secondary archetypes - see "Release Schedule" on Ashes of Creation wiki). Just seems like there after all this time we should have more information on the base classes and augments at this point. Am I expecting too much for a game in alpha? Should this info be available now? Curious as to everyone's thoughts on this.

Thanks for reading!
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya! We definitely want to share more details on what you can expect for the archetypes you'll be playtesting during Alpha One, so we can gather your feedback for our design team on the specifics they'd like you to help test!

We'll be sure to keep you posted in all our usual news places, like our website and here on the forums and Discord, so keep an eye out for more details on that front as we get closer to upcoming testing! <3