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Maybe it's me, I'm not really sure, just sharing my feedback for those that may come after me. I kickstarted back in 2017 at the 500$+ tiers, really liked the team, concepts, and ideas they were selling at the time, I was definitely sold.

But here we are in Alpha 2... 7 years later with a mostly working product and design/roadmap flushed out... and I was very much not expecting an original runescape/everquest/EVE type of game. Is that on me and I didn't read enough content in the 7 years leading up to the Alpha? I really don't know, but it definitely wasn't marketed to me that way originally.

I'm not interested in extremely legacy MMO concepts like mob tagging or accidently pulling 2-3 mobs at a time = death. I'm far too old (35+) for games that will require me to both invest an extreme amount of time and also get out of my comfort zone to be largely social to succeed. I very much want a game I can spend a couple hours on a day and feel like I have made some kind of progress. This is very much not shaping up to be that and largely seems to be requiring a social network to succeed.

"But solo play is totally fine" - says one or more content creators. Yeah sure, I got to level 20 purely solo over the alpha weekends. It was absolutely miserable. I died all the time by people aggroing near me and incidentally getting aggro, or being PKed for just existing (yes literally just sitting on my horse taking a break), or just not having the patience to pull a single mob at a time > eat/drink > repeat for hours.

I'm extremely defeated at this point. I speculate many more energetic/younger/content creator people will really like the idea of a legacy MMO that (as others have said) doesn't respect your time and lets you build a name for yourself - but it very much is NOT what I signed up for 7 years ago.

Best wishes Interpid, I hope this is a success for you and your fan base.

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4 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Greetings brother. I’ve been very clear over the years about many of the old school designs I employ across our systems. That approach will hold true. However, I would advise waiting to make judgements about content. Especially solo play. I cannot say this enough, phase 1 is not a content test. It’s about performance and stability. We will introduce and expand on features and content as we enter into phase 2 and 3

4 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by ReapsIsGaming

From everything that is being said, is that “you better have friends or this game is going to be tough / rough for you”.

Is this not the case or is there something getting lost in translation?

Having friends will absolutely make the play experience optimal. We are an mmorpg after all. But the current solo experience is lacking complimentary systems like a fully fleshed corruption system. More quest structures, more population options and economic structures like auction houses etc. There is a lot of content and gameplay polish that is scheduled for phase 2 and 3.