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Given that FFXIV is on 1st position right now
I hope AoC will stay on 40 to avoid attracting voices who want fast travel and all no risk activities.

That website says WoW is at the top. It also includes non-MMOs.

Though, those population numbers are all pathetic, especially compared to WoW's 12 million peak. If anything, I think that proves that MMORPGs are a dying genre. This is one of the reasons *not* to follow modern MMO trends. You could argue that "the current MMO market wants and expects X, Y and Z," but that's ignoring the fact that this market is heavily on the decline and approaching death.

If you want your new MMO to be a big success, it should strive to be more than just "another one."

The last statements is directed more to Steven.
I searched a bit and from wiki
I was directed to this video
Ashes of Creation PAX Panel - 17:32
where they say that they want to capture the nostalgia of old mmos but also be innovative

I think over the years, MMOs learned what players really want.
Ashes of Creation should not try to be a game for old people.
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

to answer the OP question.. a booming economy that gives people free time lol and not needing 4 jobs just to survive lol. peace and love. And great gameplay of course. And a great community! :)

I agree that good in-game economies, gameplay, and community are some of the most important aspects that create a great MMORPG.

To me, this idea of

where they say that they want to capture the nostalgia of old mmos but also be innovative

"nostalgia of old MMOs" is the ability to capture or create unique player-made situations and scenarios. Memories that come from actions and decisions that players make. Roshen and I love discussing these core memories that cemented the genre in our hearts. To me, if an MMORPG can make these moments in time occur, it can be a great MMORPG. That's easily one of the most exciting factors of our game to meโ€”the systems and design decisions around this idea of risk vs reward and player agency. <3