8 months ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Glorious Ashes Community,

Dev Discussions are YOUR chance to participate in a conversation about topics that our design team is looking for feedback on. This is an opportunity to have your feedback impact the direction of Ashes of Creation.

Dev Discussion - Basic Attacks in Combat Rotations

How important is it for you to have basic attacks be a part of your combat rotation? Do you enjoy using other skills and abilities in between auto-attacks, or are you having the most fun when basic attacks are less important to how much damage you’re doing?

Here are a few additional discussion starters which may help you provide feedback on this topic. Please don’t feel limited by these, and give us any feedback you’d like on this topic:
[*] What role and function have basic attacks or auto-attacks had in previous MMORPGs you’ve played?
[*] What role do you feel basic attacks and auto-attacks should play in MMORPG combat?
[*] Do you want your rotation to be mostly abilities, or do you want to have auto-attacks be important in your rotation?
