Original Post — Direct link
I've played L2 for a long time. I've been in Tier 1 and Tier 2 clans for the longest time but due to life eventually moved to Tier3/4 clans and I can tell you that life really becomes very boring for Tier 3/4 clans. One of the problems is obviously lack of strong organizational structure and the other is lack of incentive, because players know Tier 1/2 clans will come and swoop your ass so they don't even bother trying. While few moments against other tier 3/4 clans are very nice and rewarding because you are fighting same level players as you.

Is there any mechanics planned to support Tier 3 / 4 clans? Like over-laying events where Tier 1 event like raid spawn would also coincide with less important raid spawns at the same time, allowing smaller tier clans claim lesser raids, because tier 1 clans are too busy to protect more important raids.

about 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
If I understand what you're discussing here - Guilds can always ally with one another! There is nothing stopping smaller guilds to ally with larger ones for a competitive advantage :J