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Now that I have a family I became an intermitent or casual player at best. Meaning I can play 5-10 hours a week for a few weeks then I'll be completely off for a few months.

Also, knowing that we can store extra items in a stash on a freehold and that the freehold could be destroyed and looted
And knowing that on char death we can loose materials/...

So knowing all this, we can see that simply having stuff in AoC will be challenge.
Now if I log off for a few months and I come back to find that almost all I had is gone, my incentive to come back will be greatly diminished.
People have real lives that they need to care of, whether it's a week of vacation, caring for elderly parent of simply a change of pace in the gaming habit.

So my question to the AoC dev is: Is there a plan for those players so that they don't lose everything?
For the community: What do think should be done? Should there be any sort of safe stash or should those "absentees" be left to whatever the world of AoC has in store for them. (Might be nothing happens, might be they have nothing!)
over 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I think the beauty of MMORPGs and Ashes of Creation by nature is that they can often be played in drastically different ways by different players. For example, I know some people who have put thousands of hours into WoW and all they do is RP, where as all I do is raid and PvP.

I think a way to look at this situation is to think of and explore all the different ways you can enjoy the game and it's many systems with your particular schedule and lifestyle :)