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What exactly is the ranger fantasy in Ashes of Creation?
For now mage has:
- some mobility with blink
- some defensives with strong shell shield
- big single target burst with stacks
- big aoe damage
- a lot of ccs: aoe tab target sleep, single target frozen root, aoe meteor knock up and aoe earth spikes knock up

What is the role of the ranger in the fight then? I know that ranger is physical, but if you go mage augments so you deal magic damage then what.. are you just worse mage?
almost 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Because of the nature of how customizable archetypes will be in Ashes of Creation, along with each archetype's kit, there will be plenty of reasons to play either Mage or Ranger. And you will have tools to make them either as similar, or as different as you can!

I'm interested to hear more about the different desires for class fantasy between Ranger and Mage. Even though they both have ranged abilities in their kits, their fantasies can be quite different, in my mind!