almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Hello glorious community,

It was awesome seeing all of your reactions to the current WIP for the Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Character Creator during the March 2022 Development Update livestream! We’d like you to provide any feedback you might have, and let us know what other features you’d like to see for our Character Creator in the future.

NOTE: The goal of our Character Creator isn’t to just help you customize your character. You’ll also be able to customize the NPCs for the places you create in-game.

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters:

  • What do you like or dislike about the Character Creator we shared?
  • What features would you like to see included in the future for the Character Creator?
  • What areas of customization are important to you?

Please don’t feel limited by the thought starters above. Feel free to share anything you’d like about the current design of the Character Creator.

We’ll be compiling a report for the development team on Thursday, April 14, 2022, so please try to get your feedback into this thread or share with us on our forums by then!

External link →
almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Hello glorious community,

It was awesome seeing all of your reactions to the current WIP for the Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Character Creator during the March 2022 Development Update livestream! We’d like you to provide any feedback you might have, and let us know what other features you’d like to see for our Character Creator in the future.

NOTE: The goal of our Character Creator isn’t to just help you customize your character. You’ll also be able to customize the NPCs for the places you create in-game.

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters:

  • What do you like or dislike about the Character Creator we shared?
  • What features would you like to see included in the future for the Character Creator?
  • What areas of customization are important to you?

Please don’t feel limited by the thought starters above. Feel free to share anything you’d like about the current design of the Character Creator.

We’ll be compiling a report for the development team on Thursday, April 14, 2022, so please try to get your feedback into this thread or share with us on our forums by then!

External link →
almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by pajausk

  1. Ability to add color hex code for accurate wanted color (for both CC and in future equipment dyeing).
  2. Besides sliders having a place to put number for more accurate shapes always great.
  3. Undo option 🙂.
  4. Ability to change sizes of pointing out tooth/horns/some accessories.
  5. Compare option (comparing changes with previously save changes before saving).
  6. If possible ability to upload photo of person's face and game itself adjust settings to match as much as possible would be great.


Idea regarding character creation but its post creation. How about having in-game activities which basically could allow us to boost some body size depending on those activities. Such as fitness/training for more muscular body like in GTA days (gym workout).

Basically, imagine you use 100% muscle slider, yet in-game you can add like 10% more with some heavy training. That would be cool 🙂

RE: Undo option - We plan to have a log per option of changes you can reverse. o7

Steven confirms this here.

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by omen_tenebris

You need to make bald Asmongold a preset.


almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by iml3rith

This was far better than I expected. I think this is one of the best character creators I've ever seen and the team did an incredible job.

Thank you so much for the kind words! The team is incredibly proud of what we were able to share on the last stream.

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Vaiguy

To sort of piggyback off of this. As someone whom has third optic nerve palsy, it always makes me happy to have the option of asymmetry especially for eyes.

Appreciate the feedback, and we'll share this idea with the team. 👀

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Manjaro89

Very nice to see what you have done. Some polish on the UI and i dont think I can ask for much more.

The only thing i am afraid of is seeing creations of abomination characters. Super big head, super weird faces and bodys.

So i pray you keep it in a fantasy world, as "natural" as possible.

If im going to add something:

  1. The ability to see your character with highlvl/decent armour.

  2. Toning your hair.

Well done team!

We definitely want characters to feel like they fit within the world that we're building. Appreciate the other feedback here!

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by FlyingMohawk

Pretty solid, no complaints. But I’m also not someone who overly cares a lot since most characters fades are covered with a helm sooner or later.

Unless I missed it, a Barber Shop would be nice to change hair and beard after creation as well as some way to change skin/eyes/tattoos/etc. nothing feels worse than new options coming out and not being able to use them, or worse they are behind a paywall.

The plan is to let players customize their character's appearance in-game via a salon and/or barber shop system.

To learn more about what we've shared so far regarding customizing character appearance over in the wiki here:\_appearance

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by _Mufaro_

The character creator is looking good so far and I like the way it’s going.

I more so would like to bring up a general issue I have with hairstyles for black characters in mmo’s. They are usually quite generic and fall into either standard natural hair, the obligatory Afro and some variation of cornrow’s or dreadlocks. Along with this most of the beards that you would place on black characters are beards that aren’t Afro-textured. The only mmo I’ve seen so far get the hairstyles pretty well is lost ark. They even have an option for a singular Afro-textured beard.

So please for black characters please add a multitude of various hairstyles so people who want to play as black characters or people (like me) who want to try make themselves in the game have abit more unique options beyond natural hair.

Also sliders potentially?

We appreciate the feedback, and getting hair right for different types of characters is something that matters to us.

As we're able to share the Alpha Two version of the character creator with players, please let us know how we're doing regarding hair, and the sliders associated with hairstyles.

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by LarkWyll

Thanks for sharing your work in progress. I almost feel bad for indecisive people while watching.

I'd like to see customization options for players inclined to be wicked looking. Facial gestures etc.

For scars and tattoos the customization looked great.

An idea I had was that Tattoos and Scars could be earned throughout playing the game as achievements for boss fights etc. and/or a low % chance awards based on being hit by a certain boss attack. The drops/achievement scar/tattoos could later be applied via an npc.

It would kind of be cool if the Tattoo was like a legendary drop certificate that players could take to an in town npc and see themselves getting tattoo'd. I think that would be different and would tell a story about their achievement or character arc. (Could be nefarious tattoos for pvp red kills etc.)

Some like to come onto the game as their complete preferred look. An alternative could be more of an evolving character appearance (optional to apply to your character model).

Also, if going that route you could have our characters have voice dialogue and body language emotes pointing to the scars or tattoos and giving a short blurb for where we got them. Like many a movie and shows have done. Kind of like the Witcher scene in season 1. (This could be an over the top unrealistic suggestion I know).

What I'm getting at is scars and tattoos could be woven into the game to tell more of a story then simply being cosmetic body tailoring in the character creation screen. As it was shown I think everyone would be very happy though. My idea is likely scope creep and not everyone's preference for their character.

Interesting ideas. We'll get this passed along to the team!

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Buttercup_Clover

Love the update, it's great to see the first glimpses of alpha 2 as well as the first show off of the character creator. Here are a few things I noticed just from what we saw:

The lion symbol for the Kaelar is nice but the way it was designed made me initially think it was the Py'rai with a horned looking icon. It took me a minute to see the lion's mane but every time I glance over it I see a horned face still.

With the ability to customize nail color I hope we can also customize nail shape and length. It's not a big detail to most people but most games give you jagged looking nails or extremely short.

I would also like to be able to sculpt the hair the same way we can sculpt the body. Hair customization is something I spend the most time on, sometimes more than customizing the body itself.

I do hope that tattoos can be on the body and extend up into the face if wanted. The demo showed a weird transition when it started to get around the neck line.

I do have to say that I really like how the scars look great even when expanded. A lot of games will just make it look like a low resolution enlarged.

I also hope there is some sort of way to age the body as well as the face. It looks like a wrinkled old man still has the body of a 20 year old. This may be the same problem going on with the tattoo transitions.

Overall, I love it. Despite the stuff mentioned above I think it's a really high quality creator, especially for a first iteration of it. Really excited to see more of the races over the next few months and can't wait till we can finally get our hands on it.

We appreciate the feedback and ideas here, and we'll get them passed along to the team. :)

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Vorkosagin

I just wanna say thank you for planning to get it in our hands early ... Also, are we going to get it early even for A2?

While this Character Creator is planned for Alpha Two... stay tuned. It'd be awesome if we could get players in the creator prior to the next test :)

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Sockski

The CC is super impressive already! Keep up the good work AoC team. :)

I loooove that you can really get in there and adjust your body type and age. That's something you don't see much in other games, but for filling out the world of AoC with a vibrantly diverse playerbase, it's vital. Want to be a rotund businessman wearing a rich-person costume? You can. Want to be a lean, old, grey-bearded wizard? You can. Want to make yourself in the game down to the finest details? You can!

Some things I'd want to see: - Some form of an 'undo' feature. With so much freedom, it's almost just as easy for people to mess up the look they're going for as it is to create it. Help players protect themselves from ruining the creation they may be spending hours on.

  • This may be more of a scope creep thing, but voice adjustment options! With how ambitious AoC is in almost every aspect, I worry that the lack of voiced lines will almost feel like a dead spot in the experience. Having some control over how your grunts and whatnot sound could help alleviate that gap.

RE: Undo Feature - We're planning to have a log per option of changes, that allows for things in character creation to be reversed.

Steven shared this information in another thread last week.

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Louislabroquante

It's very impressive. Love all the different ways of adjusting.

And above all, finally we can feel some artistic rendition of characters. Before that they were so lifeless, but what they have shown is a huge step up.

Can't wait to see the final version and all the races in there!

We appreciate the kind words, and we're all excited to share a future version of the Alpha Two Character Creator, with all of the races present :)

almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Vorkosagin

Here's an idea ... Let us TEST the creator 😉
