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I know there is a durability loss and repair system that will constitute a resource sync.
But I think for the long term that might not be enough.
Having Items earned exist forever I find weird.
I was thinking what if the more you repair an item the more the maximum value of it's stats drop. Not something you would care for short term, but say in 1 year of constant use , an item would loose 10% of it's stats max value.

That way even the best crafted roll , would not be best for all eternity. And economy will keep churning to replace what was once best and now is aging.
almost 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

But I think for the long term that might not be enough.
Having Items earned exist forever I find weird.

I'm curious if you can elaborate on this. Why exactly do you feel that the current design might not be enough? Or can you elaborate more on your thoughts outside of it feeling weird? Interested to hear your thoughts!