12 months ago - Vaknar - Direct link
[img]https://images.ctfassets.net/9px3mh1bipby/1pEuyJxudhFovyfXoXGXBW/b23e85e8c80ecb1e6f2d5771f3f6cc06/1920-Feb__1_.gif?h=250[/img] Glorious Ashes of Creation Community! Our next livestream featuring an Alpha Two Commissions Preview will be Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 11am Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.) If you have a question for our team, then you’re in the right place! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll select 10 of them at random to answer during the end of our livestream. In order to accommodate a variety of questions from our community, please only post ONE question below - the more direct, and succinct the better (think one to two sentences)! Submissions end Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 11am Pacific, so we can select your questions before the broadcast. We'll see you soon for our development update livestream! twitch.tv/ashesofcreation ----- πŸ‘€ ICYMI, we showed how Commissions can affect the broader world of Verra in this gameplay video! https://youtu.be/p8DVCxYD_28 ❓ Do you think this will help players feel like they are in a reactive and responsive world?
12 months ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Can someone please elaborate what "Commissions Preview" means?
You can think of Commissions like quests! Commissions are one way that characters and Nodes gain XP. Commissions are a simple type of quest with a singular objective. They will react based on the situation around you ----- I've edited the message to make it more clear. Not that Mayoral Commissions are the same, but you can get an idea on what those are here: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Mayoral_commissions