Original Post — Direct link
Hi there!
I purchased the $350 package, and I noticed that it only includes the Alpha Two access, with a name reservation. With that knowledge, are people with Alpha One access able to reserve names before Alpha Two people? Or is everyone reset when Alpha Two comes along? At what point will I have access to reserve my name?
almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya! As a quick note, you are not reserving names for your test characters (since those will be wiped many many times during testing) - when name reservations go live, they will be to reserve a name for one character on one live server!

As we haven't announced details on when and how to reserve your name quite yet, I would recommend keeping an eye on your email inbox, since we'll be sending out messages to all relevant users on how to redeem that perk! You can also check out a bit more on our plans for how name reservations would work order-wise here.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's any other way we can be of assistance in the meantime!