Original Post — Direct link
What would people think about implementing something like the CSM (council of Stellar Management) from eve online. Its a group of players elected within the game yearly that work with the development team closely and are the direct voice of players ingame.

This isn't just talking to developers. In eve they have to sign a real NDA and have access to balance changes/statistics/new game play mechanics from inception and actively work with the devs to balance the game. Eve`s CCP actually fly CSM members out to iceland for in person meetings as well.

This idea is different than the founder/kickstarter talk to the devs bonus. The idea is to have yearly elections to have a elected government of people that speak directly for the entire games population working directly with the devs.

I feel like having the CSM working so closely with eve's devs has been what has kept the game going strong for years.

about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

They may not respond to every suggestion on the forums, but they seem to be looking at them.

Oooooh you better bet we're looking at them πŸ‘€

I think a system like OP mentioned could certainly have some interesting potential depending on how it was implemented, and for certain games it does seem to have impacted community and developer relations in a positive manner. Would love to hear more examples from folks on how similar concepts have been implemented in other games you've played, and what worked well/didn't work well :smiley: