about 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBlunderguff

I have been bashing Intrepid for their presentation of mounts in the livestreams for a while now, because it feels like I am watching advertisements for buying their mounts. However, these two short clips (made aware by Narc) are exactly the format that I would think are perfect, when presenting "mounts".

Of course, this does not show how the mount is ridden on which is also important. But this is a nice chance in pace, and if they can mix all the mount videos with some of these short clips, then I am happy and I think it would be a major improvement to their livestreams.

Edit: For clarification; the wolves with the white eyes are in-game achievable as a mount, so it isn't "just" a mob, but a mount as well.

Glad to hear you enjoyed this post from our Twitter ๐Ÿงก while this was more of a fun/stylized video for social media, we'll share with the team that you'd like to see this style of video perhaps during our streams as well!