Original Post — Direct link
I heard there isn't going to be a damage meter allowed in this game. I think this is a mistake. Damage meters allow you to know how you're performing in comparison to other people of your class. Increasing my DPS is basically where I get all my enjoyment out of PvE encounters. Does anyone else feel this way?
over 4 years ago - StevenSharif - Direct link
Hello friends! I love reading all of the comments and opinions here. There was also a very large thread on dps meters A little while back, where I felt Noaani articulated the position in favor of DPS meters very well.

My decision is not to allow DPS meters nor add-ons. I feel we have adequate measures in place to prevent a majority of potential third party trackers. I know this subject has passionate voices on both sides and I respect the various opinions and positions many of you have expressed ❀️
over 4 years ago - StevenSharif - Direct link

That reply was "f*ck you". Not to me (nor from me), not the game, but specifically to the creative director.

over 4 years ago - StevenSharif - Direct link



That reply was "f*ck you". Not to me (nor from me), not the game, but specifically to the creative director.


Hi Steven,

I am hard core PvE player who loves to min/max my character and performance. I love going through my combat logs and analysis them to improve my performance. I understand there will be no in built dps meters but do you plan to log combat text to a log so that we can go through them at later time?

I come from Everquest 2 (many of your developers worked on that game) and that game does not have in built dps meters but it has detailed combat log. So you plan to do something like this please?


Hello friend,

Yes there are combat logs :)