Original Post — Direct link
"Once these creatures are born, there is an element of raising them, animals must be raised from berth to adulthood and trained for their intended purposes. Either as a mount, a pet, a beast of burden or livestock.
You can specialize within the Animal Husbandry profession to one of the four creature types (mount, pet, beast of burden, livestock)." ~ https://asheshq.com/2022/02/25/development-update-february-25-2022/

"There are a multitude of activities which include feeding, cleaning the creatures, taking them out for practice rides, training them to fight monsters. This period is very important, because it will have the greatest influence on the resulting quality of the genetically determined stats of the creatures once they reach adulthood." ~ same place

Is anyone else getting overwhelmed in a sort of "too much data to compute" way when reading this? Sounds like in the end players can become certified animal breeders in real life (joking of course, hopefully)

Just reading only this sounds to me like this game is aiming at a much bigger scope than I thought it was.
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
In-depth systems don't have to mean they're simulators! At the end of the day, Ashes of Creation is a video game intended for fun rather than education. Our developers will always keep that in mind when creating the systems within the game ^_^

While they may be complex, I wouldn't worry about them being so complex that they're simulator-like!

What do you find to be the perfect balance on a scale between very simple and simulator?