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Glorious Ashes community - we're excited to continue our new series called Guild Gatherings! Guild Gathering topics are a "reverse Q&A" similar to our Dev Discussions, where we ask you about your thoughts on everything related to guilds.
Our team has compiled a list of questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding guild tools, gameplay, your previous experiences, and more. Join in on our Guild Gatherings and share how your gaming family is special to you!
Guild Gathering #4 - Team Building
What kinds of activities do you like to participate in with your guild outside of the game?
Keep an eye out for our next Guild Gathering topic regarding your fondest guild memory!
Greetings again everyone - thanks so much for taking the time to chime in on this topic! After gathering up your feedback for our team, check out some of the top notes you shared with us below:
[*] Many highlighted that they watched TV/movies or played other games together
[*] Others noted that they enjoyed theory-crafting with their guildmates
[*] A few detailed how they met up IRL for bonding sessions
[*] To some, the best form of team building is meme building
We're excited to see what you share in our fondest guild memory topic!