Original Post — Direct link
Hello Wonderful Peoples,

If I am looking at purchasing the "Muscarian Marshals" and the "Mycelian Mansion" cosmetics from the "From the Undergrowth" set, do I need to purchase the Voyager Plus Pre-order Package, or can I purchase the Wayfarer Pre-order Package and buy the specific cosmetics that I want?

Thank you,
almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there friend! Each Pre-Order Pack grants you the cosmetics it shows you in the shop, and unlocks the ability for you to purchase the cosmetics of the same category in future months! For example, the Wayfarer Pre-Order Pack would include the Lumilichen Stovepipe, and allow you to grab any future accessory cosmetic skins that you wished! In order to get the costume or freehold cosmetic skins as you noted (the Muscarian Marshals and Mycelian Mansion for this upcoming month), those would be included in our Voyager Plus Pre-Order Pack.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's any other questions we can help answer in the meantime!