Original Post — Direct link
Hi there, I'm looking to get into Alpha 2 by slowly upgrading through pre-order tiers as I cannot afford to buy into it all at once. From what I understand, it is still possible to buy pre-order pack upgrades even after sales end on January 17th. Will this still include the the Alpha 2 tier pack? Can someone confirm either of those please? Thank you!
about 1 year ago - SomethingWitty - Direct link
Greetings Chevelev, As Hinotori mentioned, after the discontinuation of the pre-orders, you will be able to upgrade an existing pre-order for the foreseeable future. Any changes to that will be posted with ample notice both to our News and social media channels, and an announcement will be made in our Monthly livestream. You can review the FAQ that announced the end of the preorder packs, posted at the bottom of the news article here: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2023-09-12-the-unseen-order I am closing this thread. Feel free to make a new post if you have any other questions.