Transcript (by Youtube)

17s hello everyone Welcome to our glorious
20s ashes of creation July development
22s update we hope that you've all been
23s having a wonderful month and everyone
25s has been keeping well and safe uh we
27s know it's been it's been crazy for me
30s it's like when it rains it pours I don't
31s know why work stuff is great just
33s everything else is falling apart my
35s house is leaking my cat is in the back
38s no I'm having a baby I know people have
41s been asking about the baby the baby's
42s not born yet it's still the baby's
44s coming baby's ready for some barred
47s gameplay the bar yeah the baby's ready
49s for some music that's true um so we're
53s uh we're only nine weeks away well you
55s know they'll come whenever they want but
57s that's where we're at it's uh crazy so
60s exciting I can't believe it I know it's
65s nuts have you have you and Brian
67s realized that it's happening yet or
68s you're still like wait a minute oh
70s believe me I know what's happening I'm
72s like feeling this thing kicking me every
74s day um it's kind of like you know
77s exciting and then also nerve-wracking
79s because we've been planning this for
80s like four years but then it's like it's
82s going to happen I also I also in charge
84s of a human I know I was about to say I
86s also love that like the planning around
88s the baby is like was perfectly timed for
92s the Alpha 2 launch as well like so we
96s thought we did not know that we were
97s gonna get pregnant like our first try so
99s it was like uh we we were thinking oh
102s we'll try and but we did not think that
104s it was going to happen like right at
106s that so this is a you know not great
110s timing but we'll see I I like that you
113s said there's nine weeks remaining and
114s then people are like nine weeks
115s confirmed Alpha 2
118s date yeah oh my gosh let's try not to
121s have Alpha 2 at the same time as Literal
124s time we should turn the servers on as
126s the baby is born that'll be like your
128s gift to you allia right you have to
130s you're you're going to have as much of a
132s surprise as us in regards to the time
133s frame um but anyways we'll talk about
136s what's happening today obviously you can
138s see the itinerary down below if you're
140s new here uh we always keep that up to
142s date for you guys so we're going to do
143s some reminders and a little bit of
145s announcement stuff and then we will have
147s uh our B archetype preview which is long
150s going to Buckle in it's 2 hours long
153s just that yes so so just just to be
155s clear though let me just say that like
157s we listen to feedback and the core
160s audience here and look everybody's
162s saying yes a two hours hell yeah holy
164s smokes you know oh my goodness like you
167s guys in chat the the faithful followers
170s and viewers that come to Twitch to watch
172s the show you have said to us that you
175s enjoy the longer shows the majority of
178s you have said that twitch streams I
181s think AB ones people are like I just
183s want the Snippets and
185s that's exactly that's why we have social
187s media team that's why we have content
189s creators they get to take and distill
192s down the actionable you know highlights
195s that they want to take and that gives
197s them something to do but for you guys
199s you enjoy the long stream so you know
202s what we did yesterday or was it
204s yesterday or day before yesterday day
205s before yesterday God I can't even
206s remember what time the time now um day
209s before yesterday when we were playing we
210s just decided to play just to play the
213s game tell that they're just playing at
215s one point Steph's getting chased down by
217s a poor Goblin he's coming for you man I
220s know they were all coming for us poor uh
222s poor Brian died we lost the tank in one
225s of the encounters is like Ste saying
227s tanks are expendable so they are all the
230s tanks out there Rest In
234s Pieces it was a good time we enjoyed it
237s also you know Stephen just runs into
240s build
240s like oh look there's mobs in here let me
243s tell you though let me tell you though
246s the eye adaptation makes it difficult to
248s see in the interior of buildings from
250s the outside now you're making excuses
252s yeah no it's intended that's game design
255s right like if it's during the day and
257s you walk through a door like you it's
259s hard to see inside and then boom there's
261s a thousand mobs what are you going to do
264s like it's true it's true uh you run you
268s run away but maybe not into your your
271s party um of course after our B archetype
274s preview which will be long so uh Buckle
276s in grab your snacks um uh we will have a
279s little bit of a studio update a tiny art
281s update and then we'll do our Q&A for our
284s forums we will also be pulling some live
286s questions from uh right after the barar
288s type preview as well so um if you do
289s have questions while you're watching
290s that feel free to paste them in the chat
293s or if you're watching over on Discord I
295s know we have a Discord party and I
297s always watch the chat over there too and
299s on social um our team is watching in all
301s the places our you know Peter vnar and
304s Roshan are kicking butt all the time
306s whilst whilst we're live streaming to
308s ensure that you guys are being engaged
310s and uh they're watching if there's
312s anything that uh we need to be aware of
314s to answer and address but let's get this
316s show on the road uh first and foremost
319s we have our uh Spotlight YouTube
323s Spotlight so for those of you who don't
325s know if you come check out our full
327s development update and leave a comment
329s on it like this video will be up next
331s week um as long as you are a subscriber
334s and you have it as public you can be
336s spotlighted uh so your comment may be
339s selected um this person is s silis I
343s don't know if I'm saying your name right
344s so I'm sorry uh they want to know since
346s you made multi-threading work have you
348s tried to delegate work to multiple
350s servers or is it sending the data to
353s process across servers too expense or or
356s is sending the data to process across
358s servers too expensive you were talk
360s talking about how fixing faulty servers
362s isn't having a system to detect and
364s replace them automatically possible like
366s a backup server and then the final
368s question is is it possible to have a
371s server swap system like having a bunch
373s of monsters monster servers that take
376s authority over crowd crowded areas that
379s are not usually crowded so it's like
381s three-part they're cheating three that
383s yeah that there yeah I was going to say
385s is this a single question is a
387s three-parter it's so common okay let's
390s let's break this down so uh the first
392s part of this question is with regards to
395s delegating work uh across multiple
397s server so the work the the the
399s Brilliance of this approach uh from the
402s server architecture perspective is that
403s work is delegated uh to the multiple
405s servers each server has its own
408s multi-threaded replicator um so that
410s that is that is obviously one of the
412s strengths of the system um the second
414s part of the question when talking about
416s like hot fixing faulty servers having a
418s system that detects and replaces them
419s automat automatically is that possible
421s backup servers yes so that automatically
424s happens whenever a server crashes a new
426s one takes its place and players get to
428s relog in within a few seconds of that
430s this can happen um you know at any time
432s and it doesn't affect the broader realm
434s the broader server realm right we
436s actually had this happening during our
439s stress testing and load testing with
441s some of our Alpha 1 testers uh when was
444s that test it was last week or before
446s last Friday last Friday so we invited
450s right oh my bad okay well I mean I'm
452s allowed to talk about that you can talk
454s about it we had we had we we invited
456s about 1500 testers 1500 Alpha One
458s testers roughly um and we actually uh
462s knock on wood and congratulations huge
465s milestone to our networking team and our
468s devops team and our IC teams um we did
471s not experience a single realm crash we
475s did experience four server worker
478s crashes which is like a section of the
480s world and when that server worker
482s crashed a new one took its place and
485s anyone who was on that server worker was
487s able to relog in and it did not affect
490s the broader realm health so that was a
492s huge successful stress test um and props
495s well done to to obviously again the
497s network team the ICS teams and devop
499s team and also our testers um who helped
501s us test there yeah they figured out some
503s of those crashes already they've
505s resolved them we found a few extra ones
507s because we've done we've done some uh
509s extended Tes continually and we're going
511s to be doing some more testing too so
513s it's uh we're definitely getting
514s ourselves prepped and ready yeah we got
516s another test I think uh Friday right
518s this Friday yeah Stephen's leaking all
521s the things oh my gosh I'm
523s sorry leaky today um okay and then the
526s third part of the question let's see
527s this says um is it possible to have a
529s server swap system um having a bunch of
532s monster servers that takes authority
533s over crowded areas yes so um that's part
536s of the dynamic griding right uh whenever
538s a server isn't crowded we mer merge
540s servers together to save costs obviously
542s and then this gives us another server
544s that goes and joins the server pool uh
546s that we can add into a specific region
548s of the world uh as load gets higher all
551s right and so that is the answer to your
555s to your lovely YouTube comment thank you
557s for being an awesome subscriber for us
558s and of course if you want to be
561s spotlighted uh you know just make sure
563s that on our next de our July development
565s update that you are a public subscriber
567s and that you leave a comment and perhaps
570s you will be chosen um now to move into a
573s bit of announcements of ass something so
576s I'm going to kind of hand this off to
577s Stephen to uh to tell to tell you guys
581s absolutely and super excited about this
583s we talked last month about providing an
585s alpha 2 date and you know the reality of
588s it is there is a lot that goes into what
591s Alpha 2 uh is going to be delivering
594s what Alpha 2 testing is going to look
596s like when Alpha 2 testing begins how
599s we're going to ramp up in play time
601s during Alpha 2 um those are all super
604s important topics we have a lot of
606s information to deliver about that we
608s also have a road map that is going to be
611s detailing how we intend to release
614s content throughout Alpha 2 along with
617s additional features uh as well um
620s however some ways that you guys get to
622s engage with that process as well
624s absolutely that that that presentation
627s is going to be a longer one and I know
629s that we talked about about providing you
630s dates today on this stream what I'm
632s going to tell you is the month that
634s Alpha 2 is going to begin in and then we
636s have planned two weeks from today or is
640s it two weeks from today no it's the 16th
641s of August August 16th so we have planned
645s on August 16th and AMA where we are
648s going to take um all the questions that
651s you have related to Alpha 2 we're going
653s to host a Reddit thread with that we're
655s going to host it on our forums and we're
656s going to take live questions about Al
659s forums but we'll we'll link to theit um
663s that'll go out after this live stream's
665s over so you'll be able to start adding
666s your stuff there and and I'm gonna give
668s I'm GNA give it to you in just a second
670s here but we're going to take that we're
672s gonna take that ama and we are going to
675s detail and talk about the Alpha 2 road
678s map when it's going to start what we're
679s going to be showcasing during those uh
682s during Alpha 2 and when new content and
684s features are going to be released what I
686s can tell you
688s today is that
691s Alpha 2 will begin in the month of
693s October so we are a little bit beyond
696s what we expected for quarter three
698s slightly Beyond however that's okay we
701s have got to do what's necessary in order
703s to make sure that the uh that the Alpha
706s 2 is um is stable and that we are able
710s to collect the data that we want to
711s collect that we are able to have the
712s uptime that we are intending to have
714s October is when Alpha 2 is going to
716s begin so you can walk from today knowing
719s that that October is that going to be
721s that time frame and then come August
723s 16th we're going to have probably an
725s hour to two hour long roughly live
727s stream again where we're going to answer
730s all your questions about Alpha 2 and
731s roll out the road map for Alpha 2 so
733s that you guys have um all the
735s information and then that will also be
737s put into an article as well so for those
739s of you who don't necessarily want to
740s watch an hour or two long live stream
743s you'll also have an article that you can
744s uh go uh see the kind of recap and the
747s highlights of the most important
748s information from that which will have
750s some of the roadmap information as well
752s as um answers to your questions um and I
754s know I know that I was watching you know
757s kind of in Discord and across the
759s community you know different thoughts
760s about other games that have releases in
762s August and in September did we did we
766s take into account that around Alpha 2 I
768s mean obviously we take a lot of things
770s into account right when we are
771s determining when we're going to do
773s certain days um those were definitely
776s taken into account to a degree um but
779s you know also at the same time when it
780s comes to stability when it comes to the
782s Polish that we want the intro to Alpha 2
784s have October landed around that time
786s frame uh so we're pretty confident in
788s October very much so to at least give
790s you that month and um coming up for the
792s Roop map discussion on August 16th when
794s we have that ama we're going to go into
796s detail around what the plans are for
798s Alpha 2 yeah so prepare yourself for
801s that uh it's going to be a lot of
803s information a lot of information you
804s guys have been asking us about uh it
806s will set the expectations so you guys
808s have an understanding of what to expect
810s going into Alpha 2 and then what to
811s expect as we continue forward um and how
814s long the testing phase will be because I
816s know that that those have been some of
817s the frequently asked questions we have
819s we know you guys have a bunch of them
820s we're going to try to address as many of
822s the frequently asked questions as
823s possible in that upfront road map
825s section um and then of course any
826s additional questions that we uh see
828s coming down the line we'll make sure are
831s are added to the
833s mix now with that being said I think we
838s have a pretty exciting
840s video gameplay to show the preface to
845s The Bard
846s action yes and uh do we have a prepped
849s on um YouTube as well um we do we are
852s going to play a preview but uh I do want
854s to bring up one more thing on the
856s reminders front um is that we do have a
860s Dev discussion um it's still up the one
863s for camera perspective so if you uh can
866s we'd love to know what camera
867s perspective you prefer in terms of both
869s angle and distance from your camera your
871s character and do different situations
873s call for different perspectives kind of
875s anything that you are interested in with
877s camera or camera tools too I I don't see
879s a problem with adding some details into
881s that and our next one is going to be
882s about storytelling with archetypes which
884s kind of fits perfectly with the segue of
886s The Bard um so yeah go for it Stephen
889s very cool okay so quick preface
891s obviously everything you're going to see
893s here is a work in progress specifically
895s as it relates to uh UI along with uh
899s visual effects however you are going to
902s see a lighting update uh as well with
905s this uh barred gaml the lighting update
909s is not complete yet however you are
912s going to see some visual differences
915s particularly as it relates to um
917s exposure settings eye
920s adaptation um interior lighting uh those
923s types of things in addition to that
926s there are still musical compositions
928s that are outstanding for some of the
930s barred abilities um so some of these
933s abilities might be placeholder audio as
935s well uh particularly the um uh the um
940s the chance I believe it's called um so
944s um with that being said we had a lot of
946s fun it's a two-hour long gameplay
948s session we're going to start out by
949s showcasing each of the individual
951s abilities um and then we're going to
953s move into uh a point of a point of
955s interest that you guys haven't seen
956s before called the dereal Estates uh
958s there's a lot of story behind the Dall
960s Estates with regards to the riverlands
962s area um I think you guys are going to
964s enjoy it right we will see you all in
968s about two hours um if you have any
970s questions or anything like that like we
971s said make sure that you're just posting
973s them in the chat or if you're over on
975s Discord having fun enjoying it over
977s there we'll be kind of grabbing those uh
979s because our lovely Community managers
980s are they're watching all the things um
983s so see you in the flip slide
1005s hello everybody and welcome to another
1009s day in Vera and we have an exciting
1012s stream for you today for the first time
1015s in ashes of creation history we are
1018s going to be showing off
1020s The Bard and it is a good as you can see
1024s it is a good looking Bard right now this
1028s armor set the uh what is the name of
1030s this armor set this is the rose rose
1032s Thorn Rose Thorn armor set oh my God I
1035s am in love with this and Manny did this
1036s right mhm it looks so good I mean we we
1040s have a great shot here I am joined as
1042s you can see by uh five of our glor
1046s actually all five of you are designers
1048s we don't have any engineers today we
1050s don't have any artists today we're all
1051s designers how how selfish is that of
1055s us but I am joined uh by five of our
1058s glorious designers many of whom have
1059s been on the show before but for the
1061s first time we have a sound dude with us
1063s Tori how you doing Tori doing great and
1066s you know I think I would put myself in
1068s the artist category more designer
1069s because I don't really get the numbers I
1070s just make things go true that is true
1072s you're representing here the artists
1074s that is very true I didn't even think
1075s about that but Tori we're excited to
1077s have you because of course The Bard is
1079s an very sound oriented class probably
1082s the most of all of our archetypes in the
1084s game and you have done a phenomenal job
1085s with these sounds um thank you yes so
1088s excited to have you and chat about what
1089s you've been working on with Bard we also
1092s have some of our regular uh combat dudes
1095s specifically three on the archetype
1097s combat design side uh Trad Brian Bucky
1101s how you guys
1102s doing doing good ready to show off the
1106s board yes and and I also see not only
1110s The Bard but we have a floating giant
1112s spell book in front of us and for the
1114s first time we're going to be looking at
1116s the Spellbook weapon as well Brian I
1118s know you did a lot of work on that yeah
1121s um myself um and other members of the
1125s team like Noah and Matt especially put a
1128s lot of work into this cuz it's it's
1131s animating by itself it's not using the
1133s typical uh way that we attach weapons so
1136s yeah we'll get into that in a little bit
1138s I love it I love it and then we also
1140s have with us one of our glorious NPC
1142s senior designers Doug how you doing
1144s buddy I'm doing great looking forward to
1147s killing some monsters yes and we have
1149s some new and interesting monster types
1151s that we're going to talk a little bit
1152s about that have been implemented that is
1154s going to shake up a little bit of the
1155s encounter design uh which I know you and
1157s your team have been doing a lot of work
1159s on yeah excited to shut things off very
1161s cool
1163s so first and foremost where are we we
1168s are in the river lands of course but we
1171s are in an
1173s area uh that I don't think we've ever
1176s been at before this is the where is this
1178s Bucky this is the deral Estates yep
1181s that's right we're going to about to
1182s venture through the daral Estates and
1184s there's some used to be owned by the
1187s family of daral way back in the day now
1190s after the return to Vera uh bunch of
1193s peasants moved in and were farming the
1194s land for a while but now I think some
1196s more Sinister forces have taken and are
1199s reanimating the dead and all sorts of
1202s bad stuff going on here so we got to go
1204s this love it and it is it is daytime out
1207s currently uh in the in the spring time
1212s uh 3 days 3 hours and 35 minutes
1214s remaining until summer I love
1217s that that is very
1221s cool okay
1223s so normally what we've done in the past
1227s when we have new archetypes is we kind
1228s of go through each of the abilities and
1231s uh Bucky I know that obviously you are
1234s the master of The Bard this is your uh
1237s uh class design as as many of you know
1239s Dr Bucky has um a wide repertoire of
1242s skill sets uh as well as his work on the
1246s system side he's been doing a lot of
1247s work on the combat side and The Bard is
1249s near and dear to his heart so Bucky talk
1251s to me a little bit about the inspiration
1252s for this b class before we start getting
1254s into some of the uh
1256s abilities oh man yeah we we had tons of
1258s different different Inspirations
1260s obviously you know the lineage archage
1262s sword singer uh blade dancers I believe
1265s um but then other from other OS as well
1268s like some Concepts from Wow and stuff we
1270s really gravitated towards um but one of
1273s the big things we wanted to do with this
1274s part specifically was not to focus
1276s specifically on just song or dance but
1279s have kind of a culmination of a bunch of
1280s different of these themes Al together in
1282s the same kit so as you can see down the
1284s ability bar you know we got some
1286s Melodies dances songs all working
1288s together to build out this kit all right
1291s so I'm I'm I'm opening up the skill tree
1294s Here and Now obviously we're level 10 so
1296s for those of you guys who are tuning in
1298s for the first time I just want to
1299s preface as is necessary and our
1302s obligatory kind of of of of discussion
1304s Point here everything you see is a work
1306s in progress that includes mainly the UI
1310s elements the uh the uh effects visual
1314s effects um uh but what you're going to
1317s see right now we have a lot of these
1319s abilities already speced um you wouldn't
1321s normally
1325s have of today's demonstration um we are
1328s obviously going to go outside of what is
1330s typical uh in order to kind of give you
1332s guys insight to the class um so this
1335s skill tree that we we've done a little
1336s bit of a rework on skill tree
1338s progression Trad do you want to talk a
1340s little bit about what we've changed for
1342s the purposes of Alpha 2 uh with the
1344s skill tree and how it's set
1346s up absolutely yeah so um
1349s for those who uh were were accustomed to
1353s some of the structures that we had in
1355s place before they were very uh rigid
1358s right like there there were very
1359s specific paths that were linear and in
1361s if you wanted to get to a particular
1363s skill um you would have to take a very
1365s set path to get there and while some of
1367s that is desired like you if you if you
1369s don't have any of that then you don't
1370s really have a skill tree at all um but
1372s we wanted to open it up and and give a
1375s little bit more freedom of choice um so
1378s in this version of the tree you'll
1380s notice that rather than these ongoing
1383s linear branches going in different
1384s directions um you have essentially tiers
1388s of skills so you'll you'll see three
1389s tiers the bottom the middle and the top
1392s as you invest points into each tier
1394s eventually you'll unlock access to the
1395s next tier so for example to get to that
1398s second tier um you need to put four
1401s points into the tier below so it gives
1403s you a bit more freedom of which skills
1405s you pick with while keeping you within
1407s that tier before it let you go on to the
1408s next one and usually each tier has a bit
1410s more advanced um abilities um so it's
1413s also a good way of introducing you to
1414s the archetype awesome and and this is
1416s obviously something that we have
1418s distributed across all of the archetypes
1419s for the purposes of Alpha 2 that's
1421s something that you and your team are
1422s going to be collecting a lot of
1423s information from from players as they
1426s you know give us their feedback and and
1428s and play through kind of the uh the
1430s skill tree progression we'll be tuning
1432s that as as as that information comes in
1434s I notice here Bucky that at the start of
1437s this tree there is an instrument
1439s selection talk to me a little bit about
1442s that yeah so the way we decided to do
1444s instruments is they're mainly just a
1447s cosmetic choice right now so players can
1449s choose as their first choice at The Bard
1451s what instrument they want to play all
1452s melodies with and so this will actually
1454s change the animations and change the
1456s sound effects of um what how The
1458s Melodies will play love it that's super
1460s cool and obviously this is something
1462s that will be expanding upon in the
1463s future right with different instruments
1465s that you'll have access to um but it
1467s allows obviously
1469s players the opportunity to kind of
1470s customize um their own personal barred
1473s experience now after this um after this
1478s instrument talk to me a little bit about
1480s some of the first abilities we're going
1481s to take a look at I see they're they're
1483s here on the uh skillbar one through um
1487s one through five where do we want to
1489s start so we can just start with one so
1492s these these first five abilities are all
1493s of your Melody abilities and so they all
1495s share some common some common uh
1498s similarities
1499s um so basically they're all large
1501s persistent AOE Buffs or debuffs um so
1504s the first one is cheerful Melody which
1506s applies a healing receive bonus to your
1509s party and heals them over time okay so I
1511s see that here that this lightly heals
1514s the party for
1517s 15% magical power healing magical power
1521s every two seconds and if I look at my uh
1525s magical power I'm at 33 magical IC power
1530s and and and you know in the past we
1532s haven't really talked too much about our
1535s primary attributes their waterfall stats
1537s do you want to talk a little bit about
1538s magical power how we derive that
1540s waterfall um and what contributes to it
1544s sure yeah so your main uh attribute that
1546s waterfalls into magical power is going
1548s to be intellect and so that's a large
1550s portion of intellects giving you magical
1551s power but it also gives you other stats
1553s such as um critical power I believe
1557s accuracy and
1559s uh one other one perhaps casting speed
1563s yeah so each each of the attributes will
1564s waterfall into a variety of these stats
1566s but magical power is an important one
1567s for increasing the you know damage or
1569s healing of your abilities okay so to
1571s demonstrate this we probably need
1573s somebody in the party to to have some
1576s lower
1577s Health yeah who should we do that
1582s to you know Brian is the tank Brian I
1585s can't even see you you're literally
1587s hiding behind a shield you're small than
1589s the shield I think this book is larger
1590s than
1593s youf dwarf Strat right there oh no I
1598s nuked him okay he's nuked all right so
1600s you've lost some health Brian now we are
1602s going to um oh by the way I think this
1605s is the first time since alpha 1 that we
1607s have had a
1609s duner uh in one of the live streams so
1612s very cool love it all right so now let
1615s let me use this cheerful Melody and see
1618s how it affects your healing you're at
1622s 578 oh very cool and talk to me about
1625s cheerful Melody kind of how it
1627s works yeah so this applies a buff to the
1629s whole party um so everyone's getting
1631s this little very very light healing over
1633s time but the biggest thing this does is
1634s it increases all the other healing you
1635s receive so obviously this whole combo
1637s great with the cleric and it's kind of
1639s like you know the clerics are still
1640s going to be our Premier healers right
1642s but BS are more of a support role and
1643s they really will power up clerics and
1645s all the other archetypes when they're in
1646s the party okay so I can I can click on
1648s this Melody and it says it's a it's a 20
1651s second cast so basically it's ticking
1654s throughout that time and can I use other
1656s abilities while the melody is playing
1658s that's right yeah that's other big part
1660s about Melodies is that they work
1661s concurrently with your other abilities
1662s so you can be casting the other stuff
1664s doing weapon combos Dodge rolling and
1666s that'll all not interrupt your Melody
1668s that's active very cool and now Tori we
1671s don't have kind of the final versions of
1674s our composed uh music in for these
1677s Melodies but the intent is to have our
1679s composer be creating these Melodies to
1682s kind of live harmoniously with the
1685s ambient music of the biome as well as
1688s the other skills and abilities correct
1690s it's going to be a uh decently complex
1693s system so it will take a while to get it
1695s properly implemented but we won want the
1697s music to interfere with your experience
1699s in a very atonal way especially for uh
1702s at least those barred uh Melody
1704s abilities um those are going to be
1707s happening enough that you don't want
1708s want them to be too annoying very cool
1710s and now Bucky specifically you mentioned
1713s that this cheerful Melody it augments
1716s the healing received from the primary
1719s healing archetype which of course is the
1721s cleric and talk to me a little bit about
1723s the differences between the types of
1725s healing effects conferred Through The
1726s Bard archetype versus the types of
1728s healing effects conferred through the
1731s cleric yeah for sure like like I was
1734s saying a little bit earlier uh BS are
1736s definitely going to be they'll be able
1737s to do some healing but it's going to be
1739s more kind of regenerative healing over
1741s time lighter the real you know through
1744s burst healing is going to always come
1746s from
1746s clerics um but bards will be able to
1750s keep you know a couple players alive and
1751s they'll just have to you know play
1752s defensively and careful but uh yeah so
1755s it's a little bit slower healing cool
1757s very cool so obviously we're keeping
1758s that burst healing towards the cleric
1760s those are the people who are going to be
1761s able to actually sustain you in a pinch
1764s or
1765s through significant damage received
1767s whereas The Bard is an augment to that
1769s and empowers the cleric's ability to
1771s kind of confer those effects on the
1774s party okay very cool cheerful Melody
1776s that's awesome I love the effects for
1777s this I think that was CA that did these
1780s yeah SAA did all the effects on the bar
1781s and he really he really did a great job
1782s he was killing it look phenomenal and
1785s Nat did the uh the icons yep Nat did the
1788s icons and all the concepts for the
1789s effects which really you know helped the
1790s whole process out good start on the
1792s right foot very well done love it okay
1795s let's talk about our next
1797s Melody yep so this next one's called
1799s pensive Melody and this is just a slow
1802s Mana regen over
1803s time okay so this is kind of a yeah just
1806s if your part is low on Mana doesn't need
1808s healing doesn't need some other effects
1809s you can switch to a Mana regenerations
1811s to give everybody a little bit of uh
1813s sustain for longer you know fights and
1816s stuff like that now we've seen one other
1818s Mana um recovery ability in the past I
1821s believe and that was on the cleric um
1825s and that was that was uh conferred Mana
1828s restoration through your weapon
1831s attack yep I've got a spec right now and
1834s I'll be using that as well so those two
1836s things in conjunction will be really
1837s nice for the lucky Target that gets it
1839s um the the biggest difference obviously
1841s is that that is a single Target ability
1843s that you can only maintain on one target
1845s at a time so it's more potent but again
1847s uh kind of reinforcing the theme of The
1848s Healing uh the the strength of The Bard
1851s is is party wide benefits um there not
1854s to say the cleric won't have some party
1856s wide stuff to but that's really where
1857s the B shines is in in a in an eight
1859s eight-man party very cool so Doug as
1863s you're kind of authoring the encounter
1865s designs for you know obviously party
1867s compositions you guys are taking into
1870s account the restorative ability of a
1872s particular Arch type design or party
1875s comp around these like these these Mana
1878s abilities right because you want to tax
1880s those parties uh significantly in
1882s between different poles and taking into
1885s account what restorative Mana there is
1887s available to a party design um is
1890s calculated in in the NPCs correct yeah
1893s and you're going to see that a little
1894s bit today I think we're going to start
1896s without uh Trad here healing is the
1898s cleric so we're going to go in with a
1900s tank and and only a barge and have that
1902s sustained support uh heal us uh I think
1905s and then we're going to have a cleric
1907s join us later and fight stronger enemies
1909s and that's really going to be the
1909s determining factor is like you know if
1911s you're you're a small group you might be
1913s able to get away with a Bard uh as your
1915s only support/ healing um if you have a
1918s tank but then maybe if you don't have a
1919s tank you'll want to bring a cleric uh so
1922s composition strength of enemies these
1924s all things matter there now I notice
1927s that um when activating these Melodies
1930s that the radius uh seems to be pretty
1934s significant um I'm assuming that uh on
1937s the um visual effect side that uh this
1941s ring as it expands and kind of ends out
1944s there um that's the distance that I need
1947s to maintain maintain as a Bard within or
1950s rather my party needs to maintain within
1952s proximity of of myself that's pretty
1956s generous yeah the idea was we wanted to
1958s have just something Baseline for bards
1961s that they can as long as they upkeep
1962s this ability it privides just kind of
1964s like a default you know bonus to your
1966s party depending on which one you choose
1968s um whereas the other abilities are more
1969s man intensive cool and intensive um to
1972s differentiate them a bit cool I can also
1975s speak a little more to the the general
1977s Paradigm between um party and AOE
1980s abilities um usually with things that
1983s are party based um we're a bit more um
1986s lenient on on the radius just because it
1988s is already limited on one axis to to
1992s members only within your party um but
1994s then we'll also have abilities that
1996s Target an area and it'll hit any number
1998s of people or whatever like regardless of
2000s whether they're in your party or not but
2002s they're more proximity throttled very
2005s cool now talk to me about epic Melody
2009s this one is a movement speed boost to
2011s your whole group so if you need to run
2013s away or get to someplace quick or do you
2015s just want to grind through a POI really
2018s fast then you can switch this one yeah
2021s they'll have some great uses in PvP as
2023s well oh okay I see he gets a little bit
2025s more down and dirty in this one the
2027s animations look great yeah yeah yeah so
2030s we kind of have different different
2031s styles of animations for each of the
2032s instruments depending on like you know
2034s if the song's a kind of a more calm song
2035s or an intense song um
2039s but yeah this is a nice speed boost for
2040s the whole team you guys got to get
2043s someplace very cool that's awesome of
2047s course snow bar would be complete
2048s without some type of movement modifier
2050s exactly exactly right I love it um okay
2053s talk to me about cathartic
2055s Melody this one will give uh everyone in
2058s your party a chance to heal themselves
2060s so it's kind of like a leech song so
2062s it's kind of an alternative way to apply
2064s some some healing support um but
2067s obviously it only work with a group that
2068s has a lot of people doing a lot of
2070s damage so if you're in kind of like the
2071s Healer group or the tank group maybe it
2073s wouldn't be as good to use that one but
2074s if you're in a group full of you know
2076s all DPS it might be more effective way
2078s to provide some bonus healing now I see
2080s this says that your attacks have a 25%
2083s chance to heal yourself for the for 50%
2086s of the Damage Done is that 50% of damage
2088s done on a per ability basis or just for
2092s your weapons attack or all the above
2095s right right now it's all the above but
2096s um you know we can keep iterating on
2098s this but uh it feels in in practice it
2100s feels like it gives a little bit of
2101s support but obviously you wouldn't be
2102s able to just completely replace the need
2104s for a cleric with this so yeah but
2107s obviously all the exact numbers are you
2108s know we're still erating on as we get
2109s closer to Alpha 2 yeah one one extra
2112s thing to add to this I I like the um
2115s strategic or tactical choice that you're
2117s kind of constantly making between
2118s cathartic and um and the other healing
2121s one um cheerful just because you know
2124s you you want to keep cheerful going
2126s maybe when you're running between en
2127s counter or packs you know there's not a
2129s lot a lot of like activity going on and
2131s then when you see like a bunch of like
2133s burst combat or something happening you
2135s probably want to switch over to that so
2136s you're almost like kind of bouncing
2138s between them while healing instead of
2140s just passively having one going on all
2142s the time and then also there's a little
2144s bit of weaving opportunity that I think
2146s we'll get into in a little bit later too
2148s absolutely I mean how often in you know
2151s raids or you know in hunting grounds
2154s that you will want to burn through Mana
2157s right I mean during that time you may
2158s want to have your cathartic Melody
2161s active while your DPSS are burning
2163s through their Mana versus when you're in
2166s a lull pull or you know something a bit
2168s more um uh sustainable keeping that 20%
2172s healing received and the uh and the
2174s regen up that makes a lot of sense um so
2178s effectively at this 25% chance to heal
2179s for 50% of the Damage Done that's almost
2181s like a on average probably around 12
2184s 133% consistent life steal exactly yeah
2188s so it kind of really depends on the
2189s situation right like you guys were
2190s saying so but it's nice to have the
2192s options absolutely all right talk to me
2194s about menacing
2195s Melody okay so this one is the one
2198s different one This only affects enemies
2200s so it applies a debuff to all nearby
2203s enemies that'll make them take increased
2204s damage so you can see over there that
2206s myet in the background has this menacing
2209s Melody debuff yeah see so uh it'll make
2212s him be taking more
2214s damage I like the Synergy between that
2216s and cathartic as well yeah yeah that's
2219s those are two great ones to weave
2221s together okay so this basically um you
2224s forego benefit to the party directly and
2228s in instead apply that 10% debuff uh to
2232s enemies within the radius and again that
2234s that's a pretty significant
2236s radius yeah I think uh we were planning
2238s on making that uh Target limited to the
2241s like the rest of the Melodies are um but
2243s uh yeah that's something we're we're
2244s going to add probably like eight nearest
2246s Targets or something like that right
2248s okay so it's not yeah so some typee of
2249s diminishing return on that effect yeah
2252s yeah yeah
2253s cool okay so those are the five Melodies
2256s let me open this back up again just so I
2258s can take a look we wanted now we could
2261s just talk about the uh the two Melody uh
2264s passive specialization options because
2265s we were kind of mentioning that like the
2267s weaving Style versus like the charge up
2269s style mhm that's going to be the uh up
2271s at the top in the middle of the plus
2273s sign that's where you can choose yeah so
2275s this is a passive that unlocks level 10
2278s so there's the two options here so one
2279s of them is called Crescendo which is
2281s your Melodies just power up slowly over
2283s time over the course of that 20 second
2284s cast and then the second option is
2287s called Counterpoint where every 20
2289s seconds you can switch between Melodies
2290s and the last Melody will its effects
2292s will still be active so you can kind of
2293s weave two Melodies at once which opens
2295s up a lot of cool potential very cool
2298s yeah now that that is
2300s um that is something that I think uh is
2304s even expandable upon as we continue
2306s beyond Alpha 2 above 25 you may add
2310s additional um uh Melody concurrency is
2314s that is that what you're thinking
2315s exactly exactly yeah we might we might
2317s even just make this Counterpoint thing
2318s just something that you get for sure
2320s like weaving we want all Barts do
2321s because that's you know that's a really
2322s fun gameplay a lot of Bard players
2324s gravitate towards and it it really does
2325s make it fun with the Melodies you know
2327s when you can combine two of five that's
2329s a lot of different options right right
2330s so this is this is kind of a a broader
2334s Spectrum Choice versus a higher vertical
2337s uh effect and so you you said this
2339s increase in power over the course of 20
2341s seconds this is something that scales on
2343s a step uh essentially over that 20
2346s seconds or or rather linear it's linear
2348s right now but um we were talking about
2350s experimenting with making it STS like
2352s every every you know 5 seconds or
2354s something it chunks up a little bit but
2356s um that's kind of the option for people
2358s who don't maybe want to have to deal
2359s with weaving back and forth and want to
2361s just kind of stick to a song and get
2362s rewarded for staying in one song for
2364s longer one Melody for longer cool are
2367s these also Melody Centric the other two
2370s uh the other two so those are for the
2371s other groups of abilities there's dance
2372s Mastery specialization and song Mastery
2374s specialization but um if you wanted to
2375s demo we could demo the Counterpoint one
2377s really quick just take a look uh yeah so
2380s yeah like the weaving Counterpoint all
2383s right if you confirm that and
2386s now y so now if you do for example if
2389s you do the cheerful
2390s Melody um you'll see the buff we're all
2393s getting is going to start lasting longer
2394s and longer on our party frames MH um so
2397s once we get to 20 seconds it'll be
2399s applied at 20 seconds so that means the
2402s next 20 seconds we can switch to a
2403s different Melody and then this one will
2404s kind of be going the whole time so we'll
2406s be effectively having two stacked up at
2408s the same time that's kind of what this
2410s this Stinger right here that's that's
2412s showing you okay your Melodies at 20
2414s seconds full charge now you could switch
2416s to you know yeah cathartic orive oh wow
2421s so yep so we have both the melody Buffs
2423s are active right now as you can see
2425s cheerful starting to wear off so after
2426s 20 seconds in cathartic is going to fall
2428s off and we'll have to weave back to that
2429s one or weave to a different one so
2431s that's a lot of different options so
2433s you're so you're upkeeping um so as I
2436s see now cheerful has fallen off I can
2439s add the cheerful back yep so you kind of
2443s you know weave back and forth between
2445s two you want to use or you know
2446s alternate to whatever the part is
2447s needing in the current time so lot of
2450s different ways to play
2451s it that's pretty
2453s cool yeah I like that gameplay so that's
2456s that's that's essentially you know as
2458s The Bard you you are very cognizant of
2461s kind of the situation that the party is
2463s in and you have all of these different
2464s types of effects that you can confer
2466s you're essentially you know monitoring
2469s what the party needs at a any given time
2471s and able to swap in between these
2473s without exactly without letting the last
2475s utilized uh Melody go to
2478s waste that's very cool that's what I do
2480s with that one weaving is a classic I
2482s feel like in a lot of even older MMOs um
2486s you know
2488s some people love it some people hate it
2489s that's kind of why we have it as a spec
2490s option so it you know you can choose
2493s whether that's your style of gameplay or
2494s not um but we we think it's cool and I
2496s think we've taken it to um another level
2499s that you know in some games in the past
2501s at least I know weaving has been kind of
2504s janky or clunky or even unintended but I
2506s think we're leaning into it and I think
2508s it's it's a better version yeah I agree
2510s that's that's awesome okay what do we
2513s got next Bucky uh so next on your bar is
2516s a different ability this is a Mobility
2518s ability called flourish oh whoops oh oh
2522s no spoiler spoiler
2529s alert I'm sorry I must have the auto
2532s attack uh enabled do you want that
2535s enabled Bucky um no you can turn it off
2538s if you want okay well let me let me uh
2540s open up my game options and go to combat
2544s there it is the third check box and I
2545s will uncheck my auto attack I apologize
2548s everybody your auto attack privileges
2551s are revoked yes you you saw you saw a
2554s preview of the spell
2555s book I'm watching that guy like slowly
2559s get closer to us little by little I
2562s didn't expect us to attack him curious
2565s mushroom now that would have been a good
2567s opportunity for me to use flourish
2568s actually to get out of Dodge right yep
2571s you could have done that yeah but uh
2572s yeah that's yeah number six so this is
2574s just like a Mobility ability so similar
2576s to Blink and some ways however this has
2578s the added bonus that you can use it
2580s during any other ability so kind of like
2582s with your Melodies you can cast them
2583s while you're doing other abilities this
2585s flourish you can cast during other
2587s abilities use it while you're turning
2590s Stephen yeah and it lets you Seer a
2592s little bit too like move your character
2595s as wait what your character while you're
2598s dashing while I'm dashing yeah
2604s spin that's cool I love this one oh
2608s that's awesome I love that
2611s Mobility how cool is that I also love
2614s the uh the effects for this yeah it
2618s looks pretty pretty exciting but uh yeah
2620s so it's a great ability like especially
2622s as you see later the next group of
2623s abilities we're getting into are uh the
2625s dance abilities and this move combos
2628s really well with those because it lets
2629s you get into position to do the dances
2632s um it also lets you you know get out of
2635s get out of Dodge like you were saying or
2636s you can also use it to like uh slide
2638s through enemies to it it turns off your
2640s Collision so you can not get blocked or
2643s trapped different ways yeah that's
2644s pretty awesome um now obviously guys as
2648s I said before I do have my cooldowns
2650s turned off for the purposes of
2651s demonstration here uh but the cool down
2653s here would normally be um I think it's
2657s like a 15-second cool down with two
2659s charges or something like that oh okay
2660s cool so it has a couple of charges that
2661s you can use yes so you can save it up
2663s and use it okay so you're talking a
2666s little bit about these dance abilities
2667s and am absolutely in love with the icons
2670s here yeah they're great they're pretty
2673s great um yeah so this next category of
2675s abilities are dances and so they're all
2677s kind of uh in contrast to the large
2679s radius Melodies these are all lot
2681s shorter range uh abilities but with
2684s pretty powerful effects so this first
2686s one's called shielding dance which uh
2688s heals everybody for a little bit over
2689s time and also applies a a heavy temp
2691s Health Shield so this is a great one to
2693s use when people are about to die and the
2695s cleric needs some more time to heal you
2696s can give everyone a shield
2698s okay so this applies a shield to
2701s everyone around me uh yep heal yourself
2705s and nearby allies for 50% of your
2707s magical power every second and apply up
2711s to one instance of The Shield to each
2713s Target if you hold shift you can see the
2715s tool tip for shield which is yeah just
2718s some temp Health oh wow that's awesome
2721s 400% of your healing power mhm for 15
2725s seconds wow okay and my healing power we
2727s saw was like 40 or something yeah yeah
2730s so it's a decent decent little chunk of
2731s Health um or temp Health that is and but
2734s the downside of this one is that it's
2735s only a 5 meter range so it's quite it's
2737s basically melee range so that's why you
2740s really need flourish to you
2742s know there we go oh my
2746s God Tori I love the sound of that holy
2750s smoke that than so much that is so good
2753s absolutely one of my favorites from the
2754s whole set
2757s oh I love this so now I can move while
2759s I'm using this as well yep you can move
2762s while you're doing it and you can also
2763s KNE slide while you're doing
2765s it so with the long longer cast duration
2768s um you know you might hit hit some close
2770s by people with initially then you want
2772s to knee slide to another group of people
2773s to get it with the end so kind of since
2775s it has a decent duration you get you
2777s have some time to apply the buff to as
2778s much as people as possible is kind of
2779s the idea with that
2781s one I just want to comment on the shield
2783s application as well like how it
2785s materializes is just awesome that is so
2789s good CA did such a great job with this
2791s holy smokes I love that yeah be great
2795s and then the little lights above you
2798s little sigil notes hold on you know let
2800s me let me put myself in walk mode just
2802s so I can see myself slow move on the
2804s dancing here hold
2809s on yeah that's it yeah Alex Alex did all
2814s the animations for this one I think yeah
2819s that is the RP so great I literally
2822s would just use that single ability the
2823s entire time that's all I want to do with
2826s this so hold on let me let me give the
2829s cheerful Melody while doing this oh
2832s that's so
2834s great love that that is super cool
2838s that's a cool one it's a great one um oh
2841s yeah next one Nimble
2842s dance let's see grants Nimble and pep to
2845s yourself and nearby allies every second
2848s what is Pep hold shift uh it'll tell you
2852s what those effects are so Nimble is just
2854s a pretty high base evasion buff um so
2857s just another form you know of mitigation
2859s damage reduction hopefully people will
2860s Dodge right um and then Pep's uh short
2864s movement speed boost which a couple of
2866s the different abilities around the B kit
2867s are giving
2869s Umar wow so if I have if I have both um
2873s the Epic Melody as well as Nimble dance
2876s playing
2877s those
2878s stack yep right now they stack yeah so
2881s it'll be an additive bonus of 40%
2882s movement speed so yeah you can get going
2884s pretty quick oh my God put that up and
2888s then this is me
2890s running actually we should all run
2891s together let's run together when we do
2892s this let's start at this tree and then
2894s we'll run the other
2895s way okay right all right
2898s ready um hold on let me turn this off
2901s first we'll see we're going to run to
2903s that bigger tree there in the distance
2905s okay it's going to be it's going to take
2907s about 10 seconds to drop okay hold on 3
2910s 2 1
2915s go oh my
2920s goodness that is so good that's a great
2923s combo if you're trying to run away from
2925s like a PVP engagement or you know
2927s getting out of a counter gone bad oh
2930s whoops who do we run into over here
2933s mushroom respawn oh from earlier okay
2937s okay let me let me do this one
2942s again I love those animations that kick
2946s is so cool yeah it's really great these
2949s animations actually started out MOA and
2951s then Alex MOA by Matt and then Alex did
2954s a great cleanup job and added some added
2956s some spins and stuff so turned out
2957s pretty cool let me let me just get
2962s this wow that looks so great Alex did a
2966s great job with these yeah he did a good
2969s job it looks really cool looks really
2970s cool in running too like the the jump
2972s kind of just seamlessly works with the
2974s split body the effects are great well
2977s done so good you'll notice this one also
2981s has a lot of percussion as the main
2983s focus all the dances are going to be uh
2985s at least from the audio side I wanted
2987s that to convey the feeling of Mo motion
2990s and uh just the hits of each of the
2993s dance moves oh it sounds so great you
2995s know what actually let me let me try
2996s something thing um hold on real quick I
2999s just want to I want to check to see if I
3002s can turn on the music real quick hold on
3008s where is my audio
3014s audio oh
3017s okay all right and then let's see how it
3020s Blends in with the
3025s audio oh that's sounds so
3028s good awesome that sounds awesome Max
3031s Mana let me give myself some more
3034s Mana yeah those that it it does sound
3037s really good Tori with the audio that's
3039s great yeah I I specifically a lot of The
3042s Bard abilities because they have so much
3043s musicality to them we have to make sure
3045s that they stay ambient enough that they
3050s don't mess with the overall feel of the
3052s music while also matching up in uh you
3055s know tonality and key for the musical
3057s ones so there's a lot of stuff going on
3060s but I think we're doing a pretty good
3061s job of combining it so it feels in world
3063s and in place yeah
3066s absolutely all right after Nimo what do
3068s we got mesmerizing
3070s dance Yep this next one is a offensive
3074s CC type spell so this will it's a little
3077s bit shorter cast than the rest um but it
3079s basically applies incapacitate to all
3081s nearby
3082s Targets so we have to have some
3085s enemies care do you want to drop party
3087s maybe sure yeah it' be good to have that
3090s for the some of these offensive
3091s abilities coming up all right you're
3093s going to have to flag on me
3098s first all right now let me put you to
3100s sleep go to sleep oh wait I have to flag
3104s flag I have to
3106s flag go to sleep wait a minute what's my
3110s flag what we change the HCK key too I
3112s can't
3113s remember
3115s uh is it
3118s yeah all right there we go okay there we
3120s go all right here we go and go to
3124s sleep
3126s oo nice that's awesome that's a quick
3129s cast too yeah that one's a bit quicker
3131s because it just has a just a sudden
3132s effect and it's not as much of about the
3134s duration but uh yeah nice to be able to
3137s knee slide in flourish in and get a stun
3139s off flourish out you know oh I put him
3141s to sleep again he's
3143s incapacitated oh and now he has immunity
3147s that's a nice segue what is this
3149s diminishing
3151s returns yep talk to us about this trap
3155s for a little while our game was a bit
3156s unbalanced when it came to crowd control
3158s so uh I figured it was time for a
3160s diminishing return system to be put in
3162s place um I can I won't get go into like
3164s super detail about it but the basic idea
3168s is we have created different like
3170s categories of CC so you've got um hard
3173s CC you've got movement CC you got
3176s activation CC like silence and disarm
3179s and each of those categories will um
3181s tick up as the duration ticks uh and
3184s once you've hit a max amount of duration
3186s of that CC category it'll kick in a
3188s temporary immunity period um so you know
3191s we'll we'll probably iterate on this
3192s more just as we do with everything else
3194s but we wanted something in place just so
3197s that people can't like Perma lock you
3199s down cuz nobody likes that and just to
3201s just to give some clarity obviously to
3203s the audience you have bucke tized
3205s essentially the different types of
3208s control effects so that they don't all
3210s share the same diminishing return values
3214s but rather each of these effects share
3217s with some other effect types and they
3219s will communally grant um some Dr based
3222s on the effect type yeah I mean real
3224s quick um the movement ones are snare
3226s chill root and freeze um the hard ones
3231s are the one you're seeing here um
3232s incapacitate which is breakable on
3234s damage but there's also um tier 2
3236s versions of that which is trip and stun
3238s which do not break on damage uh and then
3240s you have your activation CC's which are
3242s silence and disarm and um potentially
3244s more in the future but that's what we
3245s got right
3247s now very nice that is awesome I know
3249s that from a from a user experience
3252s standpoint obviously um we were getting
3254s a lot of feedback from the test that hey
3256s when is this system going to be in place
3257s it's really feeling crappy and PVP and
3260s in the encounters to just consistently
3262s get tripped or snared or you know
3264s whatever um and now you guys have of
3267s this so well done very nice that's
3269s definitely going to help I remember
3270s being rooted for like 30 seconds during
3272s that node War live stream like here one
3275s day my primary motivation was playing as
3277s a fighter in PvP and getting perar
3279s rooted I'm like nope nope we're changing
3281s this right now oh my gosh it was so good
3283s okay so mesmerizing dance that's that's
3285s super useful and that's obviously uh a
3287s short radius AOE effect with a 5 meter
3290s range there but pretty significant
3291s considering that it's an instant cast
3293s that's a pretty strong ability um yeah
3296s yeah okay okay cool what do we got next
3298s maddening
3299s dance so this one's just more of a
3301s general AOE damage ability um that
3304s scales up if there's less targets so
3306s there's a lot of targets it'll do 40%
3308s magical power but if there's just a few
3309s it'll do more um and it also has some
3312s interaction with uh status of the bar
3314s can apply which is demoralized and it'll
3316s promote that to humiliated which
3318s decreases Damage Done okay so this is
3320s cool this is kind of like um you know a
3322s decision to make here obviously uh if
3325s you're using it as a solo player
3327s solo barard you're going to have greater
3329s damage efficacy um against single
3331s targets or something but if you're like
3333s pulling large you know groups of mobs um
3336s it's going to automatically deprecate
3338s some of that damage mhm exactly cool
3341s let's test this on dread care
3351s again
3353s okay he's gone mad did we
3357s got so we're doing about 17 damage a
3360s tick there mhm okay that's pretty good
3363s that's pretty
3365s significant yeah just let the Bard get
3367s in there and get some AOE in as well I
3370s also love the screen effects that are
3372s applied there there's some there's some
3373s like screen Distortion effects a little
3375s bit Yeah I think the internal of the
3378s effect has some distorts going on
3380s something like that I don't know looks
3381s pretty uh pretty cursed in a good
3384s way I like how discont toed the the the
3386s body is yeah exactly you know going for
3389s some sort of like weird El thing right I
3392s love it we should get some weird
3393s tentacles flying out of
3395s them that be cool that's super cool okay
3398s cool that's uh those are our dances are
3400s those all the dances yep those are all
3402s the dancers right now
3405s um yeah there's also a there's also a
3407s dance Mastery passive as well but uh
3410s we're still it's still getting some
3411s iterations so we can chill out it one
3413s off later okay like we said we're not
3415s you know this isn't the entire kid
3416s there's a couple AB in here we're not
3417s going to be showing off today but you
3418s know for the most part uh we got most of
3420s it here cool all right what do we got
3423s next next up is a knockback ability it's
3428s called get off the stage get offage you
3430s see next on your bar uh after the dances
3434s yeah so this is just like a short range
3437s melee knockback um which applies snared
3440s and also has some uh interaction with uh
3443s staggered it'll disarm your targets if
3445s they're staggered so okay so knock back
3447s enemies in front of you with your
3449s instrument dealing 175% of your um
3452s magical damage as oh is that physical
3454s damage physical D yeah it does 100% of
3456s your magical damage as bludgeon damage
3458s so okay got kind of yeah and applies
3460s three stacks of snared that taper off
3462s over the course of 6 seconds also
3464s applies disarm to the target with
3466s staggered that's a nice combo for the
3469s tank and the
3470s fighter exactly yeah so if you know
3472s melee's up on you and you you're able to
3474s stagger them you can just knock them
3475s back get off the stage snare them and
3477s then they will get disarmed as well if
3478s you have them staggered all right so
3480s Trad let's use this on you you want to
3482s flag on
3484s me I think you guys are still flag I'm
3486s flagged yeah oh okay all
3491s right nice that was cool what did I use
3493s there was that like a fiddle see I'm I'm
3495s pretty snared it was your FL my FL
3497s that's right I a
3499s FL
3501s yeah obviously we'll probably crank up
3504s the knock a little bit like it's pretty
3506s small right now but um we're still
3508s working on some of that stuff I would
3509s definitely Crank That Thing Up i' put
3511s that like what is that set to like a
3513s meter uh yeah I think it's not set too
3516s high but yeah like Tred saying we're
3517s still yeah knockbacks yeah impulse is
3520s kind of what that's called um for pushes
3522s and pull please don't kill me oh wow
3526s you're corrupted now oh no oh
3530s no
3534s youer stepen how'd you die aren't you a
3538s Healer can't you heal thyself he's dead
3542s look what you've done oh now I'm now I'm
3544s not even red this is your character
3546s Bucky oh man whoops my
3550s bad oh
3552s no as I was
3555s saying um so so uh pushes and PS we um
3559s refer to as impuls um impulse Tech and
3562s they use a special kind of stuff that
3564s we're we're still kind of working on
3567s um that will make them a little more
3568s reliable but um yeah there will be some
3571s changes to this kind of stuff like
3573s knockbacks I would set I mean I I would
3575s push them back by at least like four
3577s five years yeah for sure yeah that's
3580s cool that looks great can also show
3582s disarm if you have a stagger Source oh
3585s yeah somebody stagger we could um we
3586s could maybe come back to these once we
3588s get to the abilities that apply those
3589s things this next one applies to mated
3591s too so we can check it out with
3592s maddening Dance all right which one is
3594s that quick so this next one's quick whip
3596s this is actually your starting ability
3597s as a Bard um so it's a it's a dual
3600s function ability that changes depending
3602s on whether your Target's Allied or enemy
3604s so the default if you're targeting a
3606s friend is you'll give them um well
3609s trad's not a friend but if you target
3610s like
3611s me on your guy uh it'll give me a you
3615s mean Target me yeah Target me Target me
3618s other me oh yeah for those of you who
3620s don't know um Bucky and I are going to
3622s be switching obviously bucker bucker
3624s bucker that's like a mi
3627s Buckaroo Buckaroo Bucky being the master
3630s of The Bard uh is going to be playing
3632s The Bard today when we when we move in
3635s uh into the um darala States um okay so
3639s I'm targeting
3640s me yep so if use it on me it's going to
3642s apply uh some some direct healing and
3645s apply this buff called Glee which is a
3646s heal over time that lasts for a while oh
3649s let's see that Glee you are amused by
3651s the wit of a Bard heals for 60% every 2
3654s seconds lasting 15 seconds and can be
3657s extended up to 30 okay interesting and
3660s then it says ridicule Target so for an
3662s enemy it's going to damage them and
3664s apply demoralized which is a multiplier
3667s reduced by 10% damage multiplier reduced
3669s by 10% for 8 seconds duration can be
3672s extended for up to 20 seconds by subse
3674s applications that's cool yeah so it's
3676s kind of like a dual function ability
3678s we've seen this before with like the
3679s cleric having judgment and some some
3682s different abilities here and there so it
3683s kind of swaps depending on the context
3686s oh yeah GLE is just like kind of a very
3688s light healing like if you compare it to
3690s the cleric for example the clerics heal
3692s over time heals very a lot more but this
3694s one's kind of just some more nice light
3696s healing potential for The Bard and
3699s uh okay that's
3702s cool and then now we should try the
3704s other effect yes and as you can see the
3707s icon changed you can guess what it's
3709s going to be oh oh that's cool so as I
3712s Target friendlies you can see your
3715s friendly I con okay so we got some UI
3717s support finally coming in here and then
3720s we also have uh now a tomato it looks
3724s like mhm talk to me a little bit about
3726s the concept for the
3728s Tomato oh man this is something Natalie
3730s was just instantly like oh we got to do
3732s a tomato toss somewhere in this kit you
3733s know it was so good especially when we
3736s were talking about what the effect would
3737s be called like you know what else would
3738s demoralize You by getting some Tomatoes
3740s thrown in your face I want to see like a
3742s trip status interaction so you just like
3745s fall on your butt when you get hit by
3747s this yeah so this uh yeah the status the
3751s one that interacts with the knockback on
3754s the uh get off the stage is actually
3756s from a different ability but this would
3757s uh you can be promoted this through
3759s maddening dance so if you use maddening
3762s dance after you throw a tomato them
3763s it'll promote their demoralized to a
3766s humiliate oh I see I see I see okay okay
3773s yeah yeah
3777s oh yeah that's cool so damage D reduced
3779s by 30% towards targets other than the
3781s applier of this effect so that means as
3785s he as the demoralized target if it
3790s doesn't Focus their abilities or effects
3793s on me that it's reducing outgoing damage
3795s by
3796s 30% that's right yeah so this is a
3798s shared status we're also using some
3800s spots in the tank kit as well um trying
3803s to experiment with making ways for you
3805s know no more class abilities like Taun
3806s and stuff to have a still have a use in
3808s PvP right where you know players don't
3810s have threat ta wouldn't do anything to
3812s players under normal circumstances but
3813s if you know we have the status
3814s interactions and it'll still have a a
3816s great use in PvP as well that's cool
3819s that's I I'm liking these interactions
3820s that's very cool yeah and the exact
3823s interactions where things are like might
3824s change here and there you know like
3826s we're still working on the fear status
3827s as well and I think that could have a
3828s really good place on the maddening dance
3830s because it more thematically fits as
3832s well um but for now we got this and it's
3834s it's a pretty good combo that's very
3836s super cool and by the way guys as you're
3838s kind of watching this uh demonstration
3840s obviously you're going to see some bugs
3841s here or there one of the bugs that we
3843s have currently that we're currently
3844s working on is um some of our name plates
3847s and targeting plates uh respecting uh uh
3850s hit point updates um that's something
3852s that we're actively working on right now
3854s okay um so quick wit super cool love it
3858s what's next next step is on the next bar
3861s so this next group of abilities are
3862s called the songs um and so these are all
3865s single Target abilities that are also
3867s channeled but have a variety of effects
3869s as well um so this first one here is
3872s called lovely serenade and that's kind
3874s of just like a heal over time that also
3875s applies Glee let me let me damage you a
3878s little
3878s bit yeah we can nuke we can nuke or
3881s actually if you want to heal a friendly
3882s we could use somebody else maybe you
3884s could heal
3889s Brian I'll nuke Brian a little bit so
3892s you can heal him up oh okay yeah there
3893s we go thank you all right
3900s oh how cool is that let me add let me
3904s add this and then do
3909s it we're doing
3912s it that's a great combo of course you
3914s know increased healing received yeah
3916s your
3918s target very cool I like I I like The
3921s Duality between the archetype designs
3923s right obviously the cleric being the
3925s bread and butter the healing but having
3928s this augmented you know bar rooll um to
3933s kind of secondary uh regen SL heal
3936s effects um and also empowering the
3938s cleric I think is a is a very healthy
3940s complement in the party comp yeah we
3942s want to give bards a lot of ways to you
3944s know obviously as our Premier support
3946s archetype we want to give them a lot of
3947s ways to support all the other archetypes
3948s so they can spec more for a healing
3951s support way or a damage support way or
3953s you know maybe going more for a cc
3955s oriented play style so there's a lot of
3956s different options on how you can bring
3957s value to the team love it okay I think
3959s the next one is probably one of my
3962s favorite uh visual effects designs yeah
3965s this one turned out great um this is a
3968s this is a single target attack speedcast
3971s speed bonus so can really speed up
3975s someone's power with this
3978s one all right oh yeah so you can give it
3980s to yeah that's
3984s good ooh
3986s oh yeah that was pretty significant so
3988s that's giving you 25% faster casting
3991s speed and attack speed
3995s yeah and it lasts for 10 seconds mhm
4000s that's pretty significant long most of
4002s the songs have a bit of a longer cool
4003s down I think they're about at 30 second
4005s range but um yeah it's a pretty strong
4008s uh DPS bonus to uh your
4013s target love it dread you can have some
4020s too I don't know if I think since you're
4022s uh you're Fly some you're not going to
4023s be able to use friendly abilities on him
4025s my bad
4026s TR I got myself covered I'm a cleric I'm
4030s a
4030s cleric I love that and the sound there
4033s is awesome too I'm I'm loving the uh it
4037s almost reminds me of one of my like
4038s grandparents uh clocks oh yeah that's
4042s what I was going for a lot mechanical
4045s noises yeah really cool yeah
4047s Incorporated a lot of classic clock
4049s sounds so they're pretty sweet uh you'll
4051s also notice that all these songs have uh
4053s some heart backing them that we put that
4055s in there to simulate uh almost like
4058s singing because there songs the ideas
4059s your character would be singing but we
4061s don't actually want singing because that
4062s would be a chaotic mess so you'll hear
4064s each of those harp sounds which convey
4066s The Melody of the uh actual song that
4069s you would be singing love it yeah I
4071s think it turned out
4073s great that's super cool
4076s CA did such a great job with these
4078s effects yeah he killed it okay after the
4084s anthem what do we got next next up so
4087s these are two offensive single Target
4089s songs so you can use it on tread for
4091s Trad um so this next one is called the
4093s chilling lament and this is just a
4096s ticking ice damage and also Stacks up uh
4098s chilled on the Target and has
4101s interaction if they're already Frozen
4102s it'll just deal bonus damage instead
4104s okay so you can kind of you know with
4106s the Mage you know you can kind of combo
4107s some of the stuff with the Mage right
4109s all
4115s right oo that's chilling that's pretty
4119s cool the chill effect looks great too
4122s status condition yeah yeah that one look
4125s that one looks good they're still
4126s iterating a lot of status conditions but
4127s uh the ones they did for the Mage so far
4129s are looking really
4132s good yeah that's awesome what instrument
4134s is that that is a harp really okay I
4138s like it nice yeah yeah I thought it had
4140s a nice haunting tonality to it which
4142s works really well especially with these
4144s attacking
4148s abilities very cool love that all right
4152s what we got oh I think this is my
4155s another one of my favorite visual
4156s effects as
4157s well yeah so this one's called the dark
4160s lullabi and this will deal uh spirit
4162s damage which is kind of a new damage
4164s type we were adding esally once we get
4166s to Summoner to it might do more Spirit
4168s damage type stuff um but this uh is a
4171s scaling damage so it scales up in power
4173s and it also notably won't wake up
4175s incapacitated targets so normally
4178s incapacitated targets will break out
4180s upon damage but this one will uh not
4183s wake them up and if they if the final
4185s hit hits them while they're still
4186s incapacitated they become stunned so
4188s it's kind of like a a Punisher for
4189s things that are already sleeping and you
4191s like you know give them even worse
4193s dreams right that that means this combos
4195s well with MES
4196s correct yeah yeah hit me with that first
4199s Hit Me With Your Best okay
4203s sleep got it and
4208s now oo see now I got the stun off so
4212s normally that would have broken the
4213s effect but because uh that specific
4216s ability has that interaction yeah that's
4219s cool fre damage
4222s death but now I'm immune
4231s that looks
4233s awesome yeah I love how the way the
4236s stars are going around the
4238s sky cool super super cool
4242s okay now we have discordance so now
4246s we're moving on we have a couple more
4248s kind of miscellaneous abilities
4249s throughout of the songs now but this is
4251s just uh a single Target ability that
4253s shoots some discordant notes of your
4255s target that kind of bounce around and
4256s apply
4258s stagger yeah if there was more enemies
4261s these would actually bounce between them
4262s and apply stagger to all of them um yeah
4266s it's kind of just an extra little damage
4267s ability just to give The Bard some more
4269s damaging spells um and obviously the
4272s staggered interactions we saw was with
4275s um uh the get off the stage ability had
4278s an extra disarm if they're staggered so
4281s it would combo well with that and any
4283s other things that one of the things
4285s trying
4287s to I love the little note sounds they're
4290s so good I had a lot of fun with this one
4293s they're responsive yeah so it's a it's
4296s there's an entire octave that it's
4297s choosing between so there's all 12 uh
4299s notes in
4302s there it's really chaotic when
4304s especially if you have like three or
4306s more enemies around you and it all the
4308s notes are bouncing in between them it
4310s becomes a full discordant mess living up
4312s to its name yeah we'll see make sure to
4314s demo that demo that when we get into
4316s this POI that's pretty awesome I I do
4319s love those notes it sounds really good I
4320s like the uh the staggered impact also it
4324s it feels very uh responsive
4327s mhm yeah and this one uh will combo with
4330s to get off the stage so if they're
4331s staggered when you hit them with get off
4332s the stage uh they'll get disarmed the
4334s last uh building on the last row one
4336s back in the last row the weapon hit
4339s one oh okay okay okay so that has that
4342s has interaction with staggered they'll
4344s get disarmed so that's a good combo to
4345s discordance them
4347s then the head oh
4351s yeah nice okay so now I'm trying to
4354s attack you but I can't but as soon as it
4356s wears off you'll see I can start
4357s attacking again very cool very cool kind
4360s of adds to the adds to the anti like
4361s Melee on you right you can disarm them
4364s and knock them back and snare them a
4365s little bit run
4370s away that's awesome yeah eventually a
4373s little extra polish touch we want to
4375s make EV is it actually makes the weapon
4377s kind of go away from your hand but at
4378s the moment it's just mechanical all
4380s right cool um that is discordance next
4385s up Gambit this one is an interesting one
4389s I'm going to Nan you have a Target to
4391s use it on the way this ability works is
4395s you will swap Health with a Target so
4399s since Brian is low Health you'll be
4400s giving him some of your health to try to
4401s heal him back up and you can use a vice
4405s versa and you can only use it on party
4406s members so it's it's a very risky
4408s ability because it'll put somebody at
4409s low Health but it can sometimes mean
4412s difference between life and death if
4413s your Tank's really low you can Gambit
4414s give some of your health to him and save
4416s his life it also applies a uh healing
4419s receive bonus to Target that lost life
4421s so kind of you know if you lose much
4423s life you can you can gain some
4425s back as you can see it took a lot of
4427s your total H percent HP to give it gr
4430s has more Health than you so you're not
4431s you're not actually not gaining Health
4434s in the process so it's not like
4436s yeah so you kind of great punishing for
4439s you but it help grind a little bit or
4441s you know
4443s decently wow that is that is a very
4446s strong ability this one has a longer
4449s cool down I think it's a minute or
4450s something like that use it super
4453s often that's amazing it strength is part
4456s of why we gave it such a bright visual
4458s effect because if a Bard uses this you
4461s know The Bard's low on health so which
4464s targets blow them up yeah
4466s that or you know their targets low on
4468s health right depending on the type of
4470s bar they
4471s are
4472s exactly talk about a troll
4476s ability yeah we party locked at least so
4479s your keeps some bars are going to be
4482s known as the Gambit
4485s bars they're like the risky plays you
4487s know I love the effect there that's
4489s super cool yeah those cards looked great
4493s that's awesome that looks very cool
4497s very
4499s nice okay what do we got next all right
4502s so we're on to the last couple abilities
4504s here so these next two abilities are
4505s what we're calling
4507s stories and so these are simple party
4510s wide Buffs that go out that last for 30
4512s seconds um and they provide you with a
4514s theme that you can use to cast more
4517s powerful ability called a
4519s saga so if you use uh let's see your
4522s cool ons are off right yep mhm yeah so
4525s the first one there is conflict um so
4528s this will give everyone just a physical
4530s power bonus
4531s multiplier um to your whole party for 30
4535s seconds oh okay very cool yep and so
4539s that's a that's a short-term buff that
4540s lasts 30 seconds yep and it also you got
4544s a note of tragedy I think up up in the
4546s top left on your character yeah so
4548s tragedy so this gives you a little
4550s little boost and also you can spend
4552s three of these themes uh to cast this
4555s powerful ability called a saga that has
4557s different effects depending on which
4558s themes you have so once you get to three
4560s you can use a combination of conflict or
4562s chaos chaos does
4565s um chaos does magical crit and these
4568s abilities normally have a 30 second cool
4570s down so you can only have one story
4571s active for now at a time
4575s um I see I see I see okay so I can apply
4579s this every 30 seconds and it keeps a
4582s record on myself of the of the last
4586s used
4588s um uh story story yeah and so um does
4593s that does that story composition change
4596s ever unless I cast another story or I'm
4599s just it'll stay until you cast a new
4601s story okay cool um right now we're only
4603s showing the stories that Grant the
4605s tragedy theme but there's uh four other
4607s stories that uh Grant both the comedy
4609s theme and the Mystery theme which will
4610s change your uh yeah so you can see the
4613s other ones on the to the right those
4614s grant that different themes that have
4616s different
4617s bonuses so mystery will give you I think
4620s increased Mana regen and the comedy
4623s theme gives you increased healing um but
4625s depending on the combo of these three
4627s it'll allow you to cast a specific Saga
4629s ability which is kind of like your
4630s ultimate ability as a Bard oo okay all
4632s right so let me so put up a third
4635s tragedy so now I have three tragedies
4638s which has activated my
4641s Saga yeah so right now we just got one
4644s of these done so far but the three
4646s tragedy one is called the
4648s apocalypse and so this is kind of all
4651s these are kind of just you know very
4652s powerful ultimate abilities you can do
4654s that have a big effect to the
4655s battlefield okay so apocalypse conjures
4658s a scene at your location that depicts
4659s this fabled event enemies in front of
4662s you will be hit for 150% fire damage
4664s burning burning and Afflicted with
4667s shaken and lingering zone of flames will
4670s be left behind dealing 30% fire damage
4672s each second and lasts for 8 seconds
4674s that's significant
4676s yeah so since this has such a long
4677s charge up time and cool down because of
4680s that uh you know we're giving it a
4681s pretty powerful effect as like you know
4683s a big Battlefield okay let me light this
4686s Forest on fire oh yeah make sure trad's
4689s going to be hurt kids don't do this at
4692s home and uh what is that what is that uh
4697s phrase that they use uh for forest fires
4700s I can't remember stop drop and roll only
4703s you can protect Forest only you
4706s can
4708s prevent oh my
4713s God that looks so
4717s awesome oh that is so
4719s cool so it consumed my tragedies that's
4723s correct yeah so you'll have to spend the
4725s next uh you know minute or two to get
4728s them back up for your next
4732s Saga oh wow that that looks great SAA
4737s holy
4740s smokes awesome that is
4744s unbelievable I'm sorry I just I want to
4746s see it from the front
4753s now it's a huge area yeah that is so
4757s great so I mean that I mean that takes a
4759s lot of setup though because as you said
4761s the cool down on these on these um
4765s stories are 30 30 seconds yeah stories
4767s are 30 seconds so at least 90
4770s seconds yeah exactly and they're all
4772s it's also pretty uh Mana intensive as
4774s well that's so you're spam this on cool
4777s down you you go pretty
4780s quick um yeah so you already
4785s went so
4787s good so good and I saw I saw an earlier
4790s iteration that I think CA is still
4792s working on where it actually burns down
4794s like a castle it's like a popup book
4796s yeah exactly that's kind of what we were
4798s going for it's like a story popup book
4799s where you know there's like a whole
4800s scene that kind of plays out but uh yeah
4802s still ler on that but I think it's off
4804s to a great start that's pretty cool all
4807s right is there anything else we should
4809s take a look at skill treewise before we
4812s get this party
4814s started um I think we're doing pretty
4816s good there's some other passive things
4818s with the songs but I think we covered I
4819s think we covered things mostly there's
4820s just some other yeah passive bonuses to
4822s different abilities oh yeah we can go
4824s into resident weapon really quick that's
4825s kind of like the bards uh weapon combo
4828s proc we want to do really quick yeah so
4831s this ability um it's passive you get
4833s pretty early on and it'll give your
4835s weapon combo um a different Pro effect
4837s based on which of your current Melodies
4839s are active so uh with cheerful Melody
4842s active for example it'll give a little
4844s automatic heal to a nearby Ally uh on
4847s your weapon combo finishers well that's
4848s cool okay so so The Bard gets these
4851s passive kind of you know secondary
4853s benefits as they're using their uh
4856s weapon
4857s attacks yeah like we're doing with a lot
4859s of different classes too you know a lot
4860s of our classes have this kind of concept
4861s of weaving back and forth with weapon
4863s combo and your abilities and want making
4864s that you know rewarding back and forth
4866s gameplay there this is kind of The
4868s Bard's version of that
4870s interaction all right let me
4873s um let me find this
4878s myia oh yeah so the there's different
4881s procs with that one based on if you have
4882s I think menacing music or cathartic
4884s music have defensive
4894s proc yeah so got wounded from that
4897s weapon combo finisher with cathartic
4900s produces the healing he
4903s received I love the uh spell
4907s book yeah it looks so
4910s cool spell book's also an AOE it's a
4913s ranged AOE weapon you guys want to talk
4915s about that a little bit Brian yeah I
4918s guess they're talking about the spell
4919s book we're ready for that yeah
4921s absolutely yeah so this is actually the
4925s second iteration of the spell book or
4926s third if you count the APO book um we we
4930s de it started in the hand and you were
4932s flinging stuff out and you were holding
4934s it in the hand and it was a lot smaller
4936s than this but um we decided we wanted to
4938s go in a different direction with it
4939s being self- animating and and much
4941s larger so this is what we came up with
4944s um it's part of the slow weapon group
4946s alongside the great swword so it's
4948s focused on slow chunky attacks that deal
4951s a good amount of damage per hit um it's
4953s also like Bucky mentioned the first
4955s weapon with a splitting projectile um so
4958s it's it's going to be the first ranged
4960s weapon that has a little bit of AOE
4961s capability baked in but the first Target
4964s will get hit for a good amount of damage
4966s and then it'll split for minor damage to
4968s other nearby Targets if if there are any
4972s nearby U more notably than that though
4975s it's the first self animating weapon um
4978s so it's not attached like normal to a
4981s character socket um well is technically
4984s but
4985s that's not really for the normal
4987s purposes of of how you uh attach a
4990s weapon to a character and it's it's
4992s animating by itself instead of based
4995s directly off what the character is doing
4997s um that's a challenge that Matt was able
4999s to figure out and make look super
5001s awesome oh that this I mean this does
5004s look great
5005s I mean oh I love the the large kind of
5008s tome look to it right obviously as you
5011s said in the past we had that that
5013s one-handed kind of book look and and
5015s that's that's relatively standard right
5017s that's a safe route to go when it comes
5019s to animating a weapon that's a book
5020s essentially but this kind of heavier
5023s looking tone that's you know floating
5025s kind of in front of you I think that's
5027s super unique and it's a great look to
5029s it yeah I I definitely love that you
5032s pushed us to do a little bit more with
5035s it take it a little bit further cuz what
5036s we came up with is definitely something
5038s that's unique and and super awesome for
5041s sure um we wanted the book to be the
5043s star of the weapon combo more than the
5045s player so you'll notice that all the
5048s very flashy animations and particle
5050s effects will be around the book itself
5052s and attached to the book itself instead
5054s of playing off of the uh character
5056s that's has the book there's still some
5058s supporting animations and visual effects
5061s on the Caster but it's very minor
5062s compared to what's playing on the book
5073s and some other stuff that we'll get into
5075s whenever the skill tree is in a more
5077s showable state is through the skill tree
5080s you'll have access to Elemental status
5082s effects Mana recovery effects passive
5085s stat effects and combo damage increasing
5088s effects and that's actually all active
5090s and how he spec out now it's just the
5092s front end's a little bit messed up so we
5093s can't show it
5095s that's super
5097s cool that looks
5100s awesome okay well I think we might be
5103s ready to delve into the story side of
5107s this perhaps and Bucky I would love for
5110s you since you are The Bard Master
5113s extraordinaire to swap seats with me I
5116s am literally seated behind Bucky and I'm
5120s going to walk in front of this desk and
5123s sit down on on the Mage and Bucky I'm
5126s going to hand over the Reigns of The
5127s Bard to your very capable hands so give
5131s us one moment and while we do that um
5134s perhaps uh we could talk a little bit
5137s about the types of NPCs we're going to
5139s see here and I I know we saw some Undead
5141s Doug talk to me a little bit about uh
5143s what's the story behind this stuff yeah
5146s so um we saw a skeleton and we're going
5149s to see more skeletons here this is the
5151s first time we're showing them off um and
5154s uh with the skeleton being such a common
5156s you know fantasy Undead NC that we're
5158s going to see throughout the game we
5159s decided to make sure to give them sort
5161s of a variety of different uh Buffs and
5166s um sort of effects that they can spawn
5168s in with so some skeletons will have like
5171s an effect Spirit of the undying on them
5174s and if you see this indicated by sort of
5176s red blowing eyes and a buff icon you
5178s know that they're going to resurrect uh
5180s with some health uh when they die so
5182s have to kind of keep that in mind uh
5184s some of them will spawn with fields in
5185s their hands some of them without fields
5187s in their hands we're going to see a few
5188s that are here that are actually risen
5190s Farmers so they're actually going to
5191s have farm tools um and then we might see
5194s some some other variants later on some
5197s Reapers which are more powerful
5199s skeletons with the sides and wearing
5201s robes and they have a totally different
5203s set of abilities available to them
5206s so very cool that is going to be a lot
5209s of fun and Bucky you were talking to me
5211s a little bit about kind of the story
5213s behind daral uh um obviously this is an
5216s ancient and old uh land so prior to the
5220s apocalypse talked me a little bit about
5222s what deral states was all about and and
5224s why we have these dead
5227s farmers yeah so you know I'm not on the
5229s lower team but this is the lore that's
5232s been uh granted to me the download but
5234s gist of the story is that the daral
5237s family used to live here um way back
5240s before you know uh they left for Vera or
5243s they left Vera um
5245s and they were kind of a rich family that
5247s you know had a big farm here and a bunch
5248s of houses but after the return to Vera
5253s um uh we came back humans kind of
5256s initially populated the area and started
5258s farming again but then more recently uh
5261s goblins have are now in the area and uh
5265s started doing necromancy and raising all
5267s the farm hands and it's causing a lot of
5270s uh evilness in
5272s general um I'm actually going to go grab
5274s the quest really quick I think this guy
5276s right here Rondo has a quest for us
5280s Rondo okay
5282s Rondo I like his name Rondo Horner
5288s sharp yes um so here's his quest uh
5292s let's see called lot ah yes it's called
5295s daral
5296s States historically known as a source of
5299s pure essential water oh okay maybe
5301s that's why the Goblins moved in you got
5302s to read the quest here uh oh yes
5306s okay yep so it's been over with goblins
5309s Vermin everywhere so he wants to just
5311s get in there and uh kill some goblins
5313s and quiet the Lesser Lords of daral that
5315s have been summoned because the Goblins
5317s have been shaking up this land and
5319s Performing evil not even not even
5322s greater Lords or lesser Lords I guess so
5325s oh no so the ultimate goal is to get the
5328s elemental water from dalls
5330s well cool okay so I'll accept this Quest
5334s so
5335s all right so we got to investigate the
5336s mill first dude Brian is already up here
5339s like training
5341s everything uh send me a reinvite oh
5344s that's right we didn't have TRD in the
5346s party TR I'm sorry buddy busy murdering
5349s him I know a test nobody's in danger yet
5353s yet being the key
5355s word they only catch you up to the group
5361s tread I mean these poor skeletons are
5364s just out here farming their life
5367s away and we are
5369s interrupting their job oh wow we just
5372s page we just pulled a bunch of
5381s goblins all right oh nice
5391s marks trivial monsters if only there was
5394s a greater challenge up
5396s ahead I know
5399s right if only if only oh my God they
5402s have a star next to their
5405s name oh what are these
5408s Stars so yeah this was the first live
5411s stream will be showing off our Elite
5412s system um and uh as he would expect the
5415s star rank means that they are stronger
5417s more dangerous there's going to be one
5420s stars out here and there's going to be
5421s some two stars inside as well so
5423s definitely take this encounter a bit
5425s more seriously than the the enemies we
5427s might have found up until
5429s now agreed Brian we should probably have
5432s you
5434s pulling what we need to
5437s pull we got a two star rip in my celion
5440s here watch out for his knock
5442s back going to demoralize him with the
5444s Tomato in the face they hate
5447s that I would they might like the
5450s tomatoes
5451s actually oh give him a buff no
5461s oh that was so pleasant
5463s actually your Little Harp
5468s yes I love the lighting in here yeah
5472s they did a great job looks all like nice
5475s and weathered all the overgrowth on the
5477s mill as
5479s well yeah no wonder these guys moved in
5481s here this place is uh damp
5488s makes
5490s sense going to pull some mobs down after
5494s this are we going upstairs or what are
5496s yeah we're going upstairs I think the
5498s guy we're looking for is upstairs Let
5500s Brian pull down carefully that I think
5503s we can go up until the
5512s left okay we're making good work with
5514s this all right yeah you can move up into
5516s the left we'll use this ledge I'll pull
5520s here safe haven
5526s yes
5529s who's oh I think the party leader has to
5532s Lucky okay oh you
5536s guys key I got a axe axe dude
5549s switch for my bars a little
5556s bit you guys are doing great yeah we're
5559s doing uh pretty good here not too
5562s bad good thing we got a cleric here can
5565s imagine what it would be like with that
5567s one me
5572s neither the bar definitely makes my job
5575s easier oh there he is who is this the
5579s Everlasting sewer so this is one of the
5581s Lords of daral ancient Lords come to
5585s re populate his land come to re yes
5590s populate he's come to he's come to read
5592s what the Goblins have done to his
5594s land reap what the Goblins have swn if
5596s you will very nice well all done oh no
5601s did we like piss off all his friends cuz
5604s he did Back to Life oh no I was trying
5607s to loot him he just jumped back up oh
5609s how'd he come back to
5611s life yeah so the the skeletons have a
5614s chance uh to have the effect that they
5616s will resurrect if they're killed so you
5618s can notice it ahead of time um via the
5621s buff icon or via the red glowing eyes
5624s and actually uh these Reapers can also
5626s steal the uh Resurrection effect from
5628s nearby other simpler skeletons and they
5631s did that because you guys pulled those
5633s other skeletons so this is going to come
5634s back again um you might want to kill off
5637s his uh his friends first he's just going
5639s to get another resurrect from them all
5641s right don't Focus the re SE Tori and
5644s Bucky are getting low on o the sun guy
5647s has a kill this sun
5651s guy killing the sun killing Sun doing
5655s good we
5661s recovered all right I think we managed
5663s it in time before before the the reaper
5665s could steal the
5666s buff
5671s excellent I'm back on the sun
5675s again let me see if I can loot
5678s him a yes I got
5681s the seeds of prosperity yeah so when
5685s you're encountering a Reaper with a
5686s multier skeletons it's good to make sure
5688s that you kill each of the skeletons of
5690s the Resurrection effect at least one so
5692s he the reaper can't steal that
5695s okay let's get out of here so you got
5697s the you got the seats this way I think
5699s it's good Brian okay side side exit us
5702s to the next uh objective I'm just going
5705s to sit and drink for a second yeah let's
5707s get some Mana back this is a safe spot
5709s to recover take a
5712s breather where'd you guys go oh
5716s no little
5719s door I was looting sorry that's
5722s important
5728s ah so
5730s beautiful it's very nice PE look awesome
5733s so we've got the
5735s seed now we have to investigate the
5737s warehouse that's next on the
5739s quest that's East right yeah you can
5742s kind of see it out there in the distance
5744s yeah I guess like Southeast yeah I'm
5746s ready I'm ready here we
5750s go yeah
5752s oh yeah R ahead
5756s got some goblins over
5759s here going disarm
5764s them oh we got a kidnapper back here I'm
5766s going to try and sleep
5768s him oh you got broken
5772s up yeah careful this guy's a three star
5774s I mean a two star excuse me oh where's
5776s the three star sorry two star oh two
5779s star a
5781s kidnapper my God what a monster
5784s you hear him laugh you should run
5788s away I heard him laugh oh my
5791s God
5793s ah Kane red
5796s him you can nice nice
5802s M we did
5806s it man I could really trip you guys up
5808s just by doing that laugh whenever I want
5810s since that's my
5812s voice wait was it really
5818s wow that was so good that was on the
5820s spot
5822s too audio guy be be able to do
5827s that that was awesome
5835s good oh this is cool building what's in
5839s here this is the warehouse more mobs
5843s Goins maybe uh
5845s oh no oh no Steven I got I I had no idea
5850s there is a lot there's an ambush we're
5853s going to need we're going to need marks
5855s we need marks on which ones who's
5858s marking I'm too busy dancing we need
5861s marks okay I got a
5865s Mark it's all right stay calm I'm on the
5868s sun I'm on the
5871s sun don't stand in the green standing in
5874s it just a little
5876s bit or I will not heal you oh go yeah
5881s they can buff their
5887s allas so can I
5891s ha is this battle of the
5894s BS yes I'm the best Bard though oh I got
5896s a dog on
5898s me you guys got this let me just move my
5900s bars around some more yes
5905s looks
5908s better okay that wasn't too bad yeah we
5911s need to fight into in there all the way
5912s up to the second floor though yeah let's
5914s go let's keep this train
5917s moving this guy has a resurrection risen
5919s bone guard keeps getting
5921s Shield he powerful yeah need to do some
5924s burst damage him to break his shield or
5926s or let him get into melee
5930s range nice
5936s oh no ste's getting borked I got another
5938s dog another
5947s bork watch out these guys are going to
5949s resurrect too
5960s noted okay last bone guard
5973s oops very nice head up well done yeah
5976s yeah yeah coming up oh there he is who
5979s is it re Reaper nice our next he has
5982s assault of the
5984s land where is he that's it kill the
5988s shaman first here we
5992s go oh yes
5998s glorious there Shaman back here yeah
6000s kill this guy oh I see him okay I got
6002s him I got warlord silver tooth from
6004s downstairs oh
6009s no and you pul the shaman from the
6011s window oh
6018s no we can do this we can do this we got
6022s it I'll dance see you guys oh he's doing
6025s his move run away run away oh
6033s Brian I'm out of Mana I'm out of Mana
6037s switching to the Mana
6040s song I'm really low
6044s oh oh no I'll sing you a serenade oh
6049s more goblins from below not too bad
6052s though we need a Target
6057s good oh
6059s God I'm so low on Mana right now all
6062s right I'm switching back to the
6066s music um oh the Reaper's going to Res
6072s here ah getting hit by two
6074s many tank is down all right oh I and I
6078s fell through the ground oh no no no no
6080s no okay no no no
6083s reaper now now
6086s now oh he's powerful yeah we need to get
6090s did we get uh Brian back up oh no the
6093s Reaper's back too somebody can we get a
6094s stealth res on
6096s Brian uh no such thing as a stealth res
6099s can we just get a res on
6102s Brian maybe we should uh keep training
6105s no keep training them while we get the
6107s res while we get the res we need a res I
6110s can't stop the res are you kidding me
6112s what yeah stop the res try to Res got
6114s who's still alive oh God everything is
6117s I'm jumping I'm sorry okay jump up jump
6119s up jump up jump up we'll reset we'll
6121s reset Brian we'll come and get you oh
6124s God there's nowhere nowhere is safe I'm
6127s kind of hiding behind oh
6131s nope
6135s okay here we go we're over here let's
6139s let's yeah let's pick up
6140s Brian soon as we can should I run back
6144s what do you think um no hold on wait for
6146s us let's see if we can get
6148s you oh wow just take it
6152s easy but you guys could probably clear
6154s through Revenant I've got the Revenant
6155s Reaper very low all right if we kill
6158s this guy try to kill the Revenant
6162s Reaper yeah try to kill him okay okay we
6167s killed him
6169s okay I got the salt of the land all
6172s right we're going to we're going to get
6174s Brian back up hold on we're doing it
6176s live we're doing it
6183s live just stay around this tree just
6185s stay around this tree Focus fire getting
6187s rid of the shaman okay next up risen
6190s bone
6196s guard okay we're
6201s close I'm the tank I guess
6204s there you go B
6206s tank they're pissed of The Bard there we
6210s go all right all right let's get our
6213s let's get our Mana back and then we'll
6215s go pick up
6216s Brian good plan that was chaotic that
6220s was chaotic but you know what all we
6223s lost was the tank and the tank is
6227s dispenda that's why you're always the
6228s first to go I got an upgrade off that uh
6231s that's why we always get the fattest
6232s loot it's okay that's right part of the
6234s deal
6235s exactly I got some blue leather bracers
6238s off that Shaman equip
6240s those heck
6242s yeah okay three minutes till release by
6245s the way okay St so my opinion let's
6247s mantle up let's mantle up over here oh
6250s yes
6251s parkour parkour parkour parkour is the
6254s here we go I think we can mantle up
6256s right
6257s here oh yeah oh yeah
6262s wait I like this new mantle by the way I
6264s just want to call that out oh yeah oh oh
6267s no oh no did you jump in the side lower
6270s floor yeah it's okay it's okay it's okay
6273s all right we're upstairs oh there's a
6275s lot of oh boy stepen Sten don't it's
6277s okay no no no it's okay it's okay I'm
6278s going to
6280s mantle you have to really spam it tread
6282s there we go I made it up I made it up
6286s okay uh oh my God the mobs made it up
6288s with
6289s me out for that Shaman there's a couple
6291s creep oh there's stuff Roaming In
6294s all right I'm killing the one on
6296s me you get the oh there's a oh my
6301s God I'm coming over to you guys I'm
6303s coming over to you guys
6307s okay let's AOE them
6311s down oh that's that's
6318s huge
6322s okay all right I think I can get a res
6325s working on it go for it heal while doing
6328s this you got it you got it I'm healing
6331s it's happening just uh
6335s steal yes he's up we got
6342s him recovery look at that we did
6347s it we were so ingenious if I had if I
6351s had a nickel for every time I've done
6353s that an MMO I'd have
6356s like couple dollars several
6362s dollars nice all right well we got the
6365s we got the uh salt of the land the
6367s reaper so now we just need to go to the
6368s manor next right all right let's do it
6371s jump off the manor that kind of sounds a
6374s little for
6375s boating yes it's where they some friends
6379s you made some friends Brian hold
6382s on oh
6387s ow that stupid little mushroom
6391s child my least favorite kind of child a
6394s mushroom child make sure you DOD when
6396s they die my second
6403s least Trad you rebound loot from F to G
6407s just it's really messing with me that's
6411s the one that's messing with you
6416s oh I can see the
6419s man but you can definitely see the
6421s difference in the population in terms of
6423s rank like from the interior spaces to
6426s the exterior spaces oh yeah for
6432s sure I love these
6435s uh these Gates what what happened here
6439s what story does this place tell
6444s it's great question you know for players
6446s to find out they Venture through here
6451s themselves oo look at this Manor how
6454s cool back towards an interior so should
6457s expect more Fierce
6459s resistance yes there's a b guard
6462s accordingly
6474s that second risen bone guard has the uh
6476s spirit be dying so prepare for a
6480s res oh I see that this enemy will
6482s resurrect when
6484s defeated yeah it's so you can see his
6486s glowing red eyes as well that's another
6488s indicator
6490s nice oh he's
6502s back well some more from inside and then
6505s work on getting us in the right hand
6507s side
6513s here oh wa theed Seekers there's sided
6516s Seeker on me oh
6520s ow oh I'll get him I'm going to go
6522s interrupt him
6526s ha oh and stepen instantly broke it oh
6529s my bad my bad here here I'll put him to
6531s sleep I'll put him to sleep I'll put him
6532s to sleep I would I would kill them
6534s quickly Prett
6536s squishy oh oh the Gambit saved
6539s him did you save him with Gambit yeah
6543s dude yeah look out for the Green Cloud
6546s oh yeah that's that's not
6548s good yeah he was channeling me with
6551s something all right nice do we have time
6553s for a little break here yeah let's break
6555s in the courtyard let's break MP is a
6557s good idea let's break in the courtyard
6559s and just kind of take in The View M was
6564s quite
6569s nice yes I'd say inside here the
6571s cultists are a priority Target because
6573s they're not Elites but they do a decent
6575s amount of damage and aren't they don't
6576s have too much health look at how
6578s beautiful this is in
6582s here yeah it looks super cool I love the
6585s stained glass windows up there I'm
6587s digging those windows too they look
6590s good I know uh chance
6593s did a great job with this it's looking
6600s good all right I think we're
6603s ready yes we're going through here to
6604s the
6605s left okay yeah think this way's
6621s good kind to soften up the Ro a little
6623s bit by pulling out what I can nice this
6627s place is nasty I think this guy's going
6628s to R but just bring him in if he does he
6632s is indeed we going in yeah yeah come
6638s in
6646s uh-oh
6648s oh oh my little discordant notes started
6651s bouncing
6657s oh yeah the Poison's still here careful
6659s I'm going to sleep this guy the undying
6661s servant over
6663s here he's
6666s asleep he's the one doing the poison
6670s nice over here as
6680s well okay I got this guy over here
6694s I'm on the axe
6698s Target one sec singing to myself a
6701s beautiful
6703s serenade I feel
6705s loved sometimes you got to pep yourself
6707s up you got to pep goes a long way
6713s all right we're doing it all right next
6716s guy's up here the
6717s tiller wait let's deal up the uh let's
6721s deal with the smaller enemies first yeah
6724s this is good clear this room out oh oh
6727s there's a lot in
6729s here I'm going to do the
6732s Saga a
6735s Seeker oh my
6739s God yes well played that was nice
6745s oh Lots from the
6747s back oh I have Arro I'm getting low Mana
6750s now
6755s though put a little ball lightning down
6758s there doing some man regen for
6761s you
6766s perfect Brian I will do the Gambit oh
6770s nice every time I'm casting a he he like
6774s gamp keep casting dude he's low I
6777s am I I'll dance for you dance for me yes
6782s dance for me
6784s clown all right can we bre can we rest
6787s now yes first we got to loot then we can
6790s rest ah super
6794s based I love the lighting this looks
6799s great beautiful so much character in it
6802s I know
6807s no oh let me sit down
6812s here oh well guess
6815s not down over here we go with the
6818s tiller Corner oh the Timeless tiller
6822s there he is oh we need to watch fly he's
6824s a two star the last piece before we can
6828s summon the
6831s Taskmaster the Tas askm that sounds for
6835s boating also watch behind I think mobs
6838s spawn in
6839s there I'm ready when you guys are I'm
6842s ready when you we should I'm going to
6843s pull him into this room oh oh I just
6846s right into
6847s that just slice my neck yeah watch out
6850s that slice isn't for
6852s decoration I will humiliate him now oh
6855s wait where'd he
6858s go right here oh no he's hiding in the
6861s cabinet
6865s oh he the res res
6867s buff yep G is not guaranteed to have one
6871s okay
6877s cool and luckily we cleared out all the
6880s other skeletons so he didn't have a
6881s chance to steal from them nice Pro
6884s Gamer's detected kill Pro Gamer
6888s alert even Corner tank look at that nice
6893s oh wait oh he blew up this is final I
6897s got the uh watch
6903s fly
6905s okay we just need to go to the
6913s well oh you got a lot of damage on you
6916s oh God let me just take
6919s Health you were being you were being
6921s life drained you could break that by uh
6923s breaking distance or line of side yeah
6926s that was happening to me at the entrance
6927s you guys broke him through
6929s death BR with a chain
6933s pole
6935s nice I had to uh Gambit your health to
6938s me you didn't mind I got to say Brian
6942s for a we little dude you're doing a
6944s doing a good job tanking
6946s there what's that supposed to mean
6952s Mighty in spirit that's
6955s right
6957s concentrated
6959s I this is this is home
6963s territory nice and comfy skeletons even
6967s has a nice DF roll it it's
6975s glorious take out the Su servant oh what
6977s do we got down
6980s here a lot of pain
6984s if you get life
6985s drains stun him or or get away so that's
6989s the servant doing that yeah that's that
6992s it's on you right now Bucky just get
6994s away from him oh no Brian's getting
6997s Brian's getting hurt oh oh
7000s God I had to run into some another pole
7004s well listen you told me to run away I
7006s ran oh guys this might be tpw this might
7008s be tpw we should move out we should run
7010s run run I can't even see where to run
7014s good
7015s luck yeah front okay okay okay okay okay
7018s soon as we get out here let's let's oh
7020s no there's a kidnapper there's a
7024s kidnapper I'm going to sleep him I'm
7026s going to try to sleep the kidnapper
7028s didn't agress keep running down the
7030s driveway
7032s here we
7034s should oh I'll run with you guys stand
7038s by o b speed
7040s showcase yes we were showcasing it there
7043s for a moment let's
7047s go it's going so well speed boost was
7050s perfect though you actually I'm to try
7053s to kill this risen bone guard I'm all
7056s out of Mana though they're on the other
7058s side of the POI what's the play here
7060s guys should we just run through yeah
7063s around yeah let's try to go
7065s through well if you guys want to meet us
7067s at the well we should can we res can we
7071s res tor
7073s well we're running over to you guys
7074s we're just going to try and run through
7075s to okay okay okay okay we have
7078s speed come
7082s on we should be able to oh my God oh my
7085s God if I die I'm going to die next to
7087s Tori so it's easier for
7089s you okay corpses up in one spot for
7096s convenience I don't have any pots
7101s though oh my my God look at this thing
7104s look at that
7106s thing that Goblin should be in the
7109s Olympics R almost
7112s there oh you guys are I have I have 30
7116s hit points no no I'm by where are you
7119s just outside the entrance to the left
7120s there he is found him oh my God Gambit
7124s him oh yes yes thank
7128s you I got everything else killed oh good
7132s work oh that was so
7134s close you're running around at like 30
7137s for Good 2 minutes there dude that was
7142s crazy get some Mana back Tory dead
7145s nearby I yeah I'm right I'm right by the
7148s uh therea light
7151s post well we got what we needed out of
7153s the Mana at least we have to just go to
7154s the well now yeah that Mana is no joke
7158s yeah it's Doug told me to run from that
7160s one skel I'm like all right I just ran
7161s into the Next Room there's five ctis and
7163s they're like
7164s hello yeah you could you could have just
7166s stepped out of the door right next to
7167s you the line of sight him listen bro I
7170s panicked right it was
7177s scary all right finally got some
7188s Mana all right where are we off to next
7191s we just have to go to the well and cast
7195s all the sacred skeleton items we got to
7199s summon the
7200s Taskmaster the
7205s Taskmaster let's go where is the well um
7209s it's just straight north of here pretty
7210s much can just cut through this these
7214s lands a little swim this is refreshing
7218s yeah I like that you should uh you
7219s should jump a little more Brian I should
7223s oh that's a nice jump right there look
7226s at him go who knew that the duner was so
7233s acrobatic oh I pulled a flower evil
7236s flower from the swamp what are these
7239s flowers doing
7243s here got a
7246s shaman I'm on the bone Chopper tring
7249s your Mana if you let them live long
7250s enough
7259s I love that that
7263s harp yeah I think that's my favorite one
7265s we got a res bone
7271s chopper get
7277s him yeah I had a blast making all those
7279s different heart melodies for the
7280s different songs I think they came out
7282s really cool convey the emotion that they
7284s need to I think there's a very long
7286s patrol around here so we have to keep an
7289s yeah the big goblins come through here
7291s there's a shaman to the right who's
7293s going to patrol all the way over here I
7295s think that flare off in the distance
7297s that Brian's head towards is this the
7300s well this is the well this is a huge
7304s well
7306s yes Wonder What Lies
7309s Beneath get the shot get the shot first
7312s and then get the flar BR
7317s B oh dog get off
7320s me oh
7326s no all right we got a kidnapp
7339s her think he's going to spin
7343s no Ryan run he's
7350s good
7361s oh we did
7363s it all right ready to summon wait what
7367s are we
7368s summoning the Taskmaster of the land oh
7372s yeah that's right it's like the fourth
7374s time you said
7376s Taskmaster I'm most Taskmaster so just
7378s to be clear we're summoning the
7380s Taskmaster yep the master of tasks let
7383s me see here he's a master of tasks ah it
7385s says a tarnished plaque at the base of
7387s the statue reads Eternal praise to our
7389s Lord Taskmaster keeper of dall's
7392s essential water or well essential are
7396s you guys ready I'm summoning him what
7398s should we
7400s expect uh a three star
7406s roing there's a bunch of them take him
7409s out we need
7410s targets uh kill any of the skeletons
7413s with the buff yeah probably just kill
7414s the ads first then kill the boss okay we
7417s do have an out Houser coming in from the
7419s side too I'll put him to sleep where is
7421s he oh yeah it's a good
7424s idea you can fall up with the Mage sleep
7427s Steven
7428s okay following with the Mage sleep oh
7431s he's already out oh and I'm sleeping him
7433s in 3 two one he slept yeah don't hit him
7437s we got this out
7439s Hower for two more seconds no The
7443s Bouncing thing you're to kill him I
7445s don't know who that could have been
7447s somebody yeah rain of bone he's using
7451s rain of
7453s bone oh don't get hit by those bones
7456s they on the Taskmaster I think if we cut
7458s him out I can try and sleep him again
7460s it's it's not going to last long enough
7462s he's getting too much resistance I think
7463s you're going to have to kill him run
7464s away run away oh
7469s yeah
7470s o whose idea was it to pull a two star
7473s and a three star the task all of ours I
7477s think we should just kill
7479s the
7488s yeah I'm menacing
7490s him oh bro
7492s that's big damage fortify up for a
7496s second this guy's beefy I'm getting low
7498s on Mana Bucky's getting low on Mana I'll
7501s switch to the Mana who's knocking no
7504s Mana is
7507s dread all
7509s right bom binder is De got
7528s all right he's going to Res here after
7530s he goes down the first time he's going
7531s to get he's going to try and uh steal
7535s some souls to get his resurrection buff
7537s back so no keep an eye on
7540s that you ready to interrupt that I'm
7543s going to Mesmerize him with my dance I'm
7545s going to
7548s give weapon
7552s all right I'm ready ready is not
7554s complete there it is he doing it
7557s extraction on I interrupted him nice
7560s interruptions well done he saved me I
7563s bedazzled him with my bedazzling dance I
7566s I interrupted his ice storm oh yes nice
7570s or bone storm trashed oh I'm going to
7572s finish with the
7573s Saga yes a yes nice
7579s burn so clean oh o
7582s two maybe melee cler don't stand in
7585s front of the boss oh he's blowing up I
7588s fell for that last time there we
7590s go nice I have gotten it the essential
7593s water of the daral well you did it yes
7598s let me complete the quest
7600s here ah yes Rondo will be pleased oh
7604s whoops great got some glint some
7608s XP very nice complete we did it
7613s yay yay we actually succeeded well that
7617s was that was actually fun that was that
7619s was crazy I mean the uh The Bard wow you
7623s can really feel the difference in the
7625s party comp with that Bard
7627s present yes I do my best very nice
7631s nicely done well you're coming to the
7633s show Absolutely guys well done thank you
7636s for walking us through this bucky bucky
7638s you've done an amazing job with the bar
7639s everybody who's who participated in
7641s creating this bringing it to life SAA um
7644s amazing job with the with the visual
7646s effects I know you're not here right now
7648s but uh Tori Brian Trad um Doug everybody
7652s congratulations this was a lot of fun um
7655s I know I speak for the community when I
7656s say it is looking good it's playing good
7659s it's feeling good um I know there's a
7661s lot of people very excited to get into
7663s Alpha 2 and test with us um I want to
7667s thank you guys for joining us today and
7670s obviously we do these these developer
7673s updates to get your guys' feedback and
7674s of course as you know everything is work
7676s in progress towards Alpha 2 but tell us
7678s your thoughts what did you like that you
7679s saw today about The Bard what are some
7680s of the things that you would want to see
7682s uh done differently um obviously you
7685s don't really know um you know how how
7688s you're going to enjoy The Bard until you
7689s play it in Alpha 2 um but what you saw
7691s today give us your thoughts do it on
7693s social media do it on our forums uh do
7694s it in Discord um this is why we do these
7697s updates so that you can participate in
7698s providing uh feedback to us um guys once
7701s again thank you for joining me and uh
7704s very very fun really enjoyed this um all
7708s right we'll see you all back on
7711s stream bye bye bye thanks it was fun see
7725s you and we are back we'll play uh the
7729s video a little bit in the background so
7731s you have something to to watch but we do
7733s want to touch on a couple things as well
7735s as answer some questions that were kind
7737s of asked in the community in various
7738s spaces uh so I'll toss it to you Stephen
7741s to first talk about those uh topics that
7742s you went to preemptively ABS absolutely
7745s so you know judging obviously by you
7747s guys's commentary as I'm watching um
7749s with my old man glasses uh chat um loved
7753s the perspective from old man man I don't
7757s know about that like but anyways um
7760s seeing a lot of people are are are
7762s liking the direction of The Bard uh
7763s gameplay in the class um three points uh
7766s want to comment on very quickly um with
7769s regards to lighting lighting is actively
7772s literally being updated and worked on
7775s right now that work probably will not be
7778s in a good representative State until I
7781s would say the end of August roughly but
7783s you're getting a preview of what that
7785s looks like now with regarding with
7787s regards to the daytime light with
7789s regards to interior lighting with
7791s regards to eye adaptation exposure
7793s settings like all of those things can
7796s kind of play nice or not nice with
7799s visual effects as well um so some of
7802s those exposure settings inside of the um
7805s uh inside of buildings inside of Darker
7807s areas are going to feel a little too
7809s bright until we dial that in those are
7811s all that's just tuning right that's
7813s tuning that we do with the lighting guys
7814s we have a fantastic lighting team I
7816s fantastic visual effects artist oh yeah
7817s the stained glass is really cool I saw
7819s some people noting that it looks it was
7822s it's way to bring in light second Point
7826s um with regards to sound effects um
7829s there were a few things I think that
7830s were happening in this video recording
7832s um one was that the different
7834s perspectives had a different scaler
7836s setting on uh iname sound effects uh but
7839s second thing is that um the uh audio
7842s team is still working on um sound
7844s layering and attenuation um so those are
7847s going to get refined better over the
7850s course of the next month as well um and
7852s you will see some significant
7854s improvements there obviously you know we
7856s don't want uh that intensity of sound
7860s even in battle um it is something that
7863s they're very well aware of and is being
7865s addressed um the third thing with
7867s regards to the book I know there's a lot
7868s of questions about well is The Bard a
7870s book class the book is just one of many
7872s weapons any class can use any weapons um
7875s right there's still some outstanding
7877s animation and um uh animation work that
7881s needs to be done with the book uh such
7882s as having it immediately disappear when
7885s you're in an idle State versus um having
7887s it kind of either get equipped to the
7889s back or get equipped to a you know hip
7891s slot or something that's something
7893s that's still being done um so those are
7896s those are just the three big things that
7897s I saw Margaret I know you were taking
7898s some notes and question the wonderful
7901s Community team and social folks have
7903s been adding stuff so thank you thank you
7905s to them um but the other thing that
7908s people wanted to ask questions about
7910s that were not related to the bar hard
7912s stuff was the animations uh like
7915s creatures in the background
7917s animating to touch on that sure
7919s absolutely yeah um so essentially one of
7922s the ways that we address kind of client
7925s side performance right when you're
7926s rendering all these things on your PC uh
7929s one of the ways that we kind of help
7930s with that is we have a significance
7931s manager that um uh essentially will
7935s throttle uh NPC animations depending on
7938s how many NPCs are on screen depending on
7940s where those NPC are in proximity to your
7944s client um and right now we need to tune
7947s that manager a little bit more um so
7950s there's some bugs still with that with
7952s that manager that um that essentially we
7954s need to tune so that's why you saw some
7956s of the NPCs some of the goblins and
7958s whatnot um animating at kind of a a
7961s weird looking uh speed that's a result
7964s of that uh uh manager okay um yeah a lot
7969s of people like the book and some people
7970s don't you could choose which weapon you
7972s have you don't have to have a book if
7973s you don't want to um I saw some people
7976s talking about that quite a bit um so the
7979s first question here is if there are
7980s multiple bars in a party do all their
7983s Buffs stack with each other Buffs of the
7986s same type do not stack but you could
7989s have multiple bars in the party that are
7990s keeping up multiple um uh uh different
7994s different Buffs essentially right so um
7997s if you have if you have two of the songs
7999s going at once you're not going to stack
8001s the same bus
8002s okay um and then do heals
8006s crit heals do crit yes heals heals crit
8009s for any class yeah um yeah uh are all of
8014s these B abilities purely AOE based or do
8017s they require being in a
8020s group um all of the Buffs that are
8024s conferred are group um our group Buffs
8027s mhm okay so you must be partied up uh
8031s can bards use Melodies while mounted and
8034s they basically from that they're also
8035s wondering do bards Buffs such as speed
8038s apply to players when they're
8040s mounted um that is not something we've
8043s implemented with yet it is something
8044s that we have discussed having some
8046s abilities um being uh capable of being
8049s used while mounted uh as it stands
8052s currently uh the player character cannot
8054s utilize abilities while on a mount uh
8056s but it's something we'll be looking to
8058s add potentially in the future and then
8060s the next one here is if players have
8062s other movement speed increases will
8065s those stack with the bars Buffs SL
8068s pet yeah as long as it's not the same
8071s buff name uh the intent is for those
8073s Buffs to stack yeah so you can't have
8075s two bar now there might be right one
8079s there might there might be diminishing
8081s returns on certain waterfall stats that
8083s are getting affected by Buffs right so
8086s for example if you have a set bonus
8088s that's conferring a casting speed bonus
8091s uh for your for your casting speed
8092s waterfall stat and then you have a buff
8095s applied and you have some other effects
8097s that are applied all of those things
8099s combined as you as you reach a certain
8102s you know diminishing return threshold um
8105s you may start to get those Buffs
8113s deprecated muted myself next one here is
8117s if you are outside of the range of the
8119s initial Melody cast and move in do you
8122s receive the melody effects yes so the
8125s the melody is a channeled effect um so
8128s as you move out or back in you'll become
8130s subject to the effect again um uh and
8134s remember you can use the Melodies and
8136s it'll just keep going on in the
8137s background and other abilities uh while
8139s the melody is active and then do the
8142s instruments do anything or are they
8145s purely cosmetic people are
8148s asking um the instruments are at this
8152s moment in time cosmetic but we have
8154s plans for instruments in the future and
8156s can they like take out their instrument
8157s so they are like holding it for yeah we
8160s have we have we have a lot of plans for
8162s instruments to be incorporated in the
8164s future including like custom song
8166s authoring for players to utilize um to
8168s have skills within um and then for you
8170s to be able to to use those also in a
8173s roleplay fashion um there's a lot of a
8176s lot of ideas there okay and then can
8179s players use macros to help bars like
8181s weave Melodies I think macros have come
8183s up before in the past in regards to many
8186s classes but or archetypes yeah that's a
8190s good question um we need to be careful
8193s about macros right
8197s um yeah that's a good question I would
8200s say I don't remember how I answered this
8203s in the past um we'll touch Bas with you
8206s more on Macros in the future exactly
8208s good call there's a balance of it right
8210s like we want to make that people are not
8212s Bing or we're not promoting that type of
8215s behavior because we want people to be
8216s actively playing the game generally I am
8219s opposed to macros just to you know give
8221s my personal stance on it um I don't
8223s think that we should be building classes
8225s around the idea that people need to use
8227s macros in order to to effectively you
8231s know leverage their skill with a
8233s particular class um so in that regard
8235s and given the dispense given the uh the
8238s uh likelihood of macros really to lead
8240s down a path that's not desired from a
8242s gameplay perspective um my disposition
8244s is no to macros um and that's likely
8247s going to be the stance um that we will
8249s use for gameplay in general so um you
8252s know I would say no we are not going to
8255s be friendly to macro usage uh macros
8258s should not be required to play our
8259s classes right this is a skill uh cealing
8262s issue that we want players to be able to
8265s to be able to play the class themselves
8267s right without needing to to have a macro
8269s in order to
8270s play um um and
8272s then the next thing here is in regards
8275s to the humiliate status effect they saw
8278s it on the stream and they're wondering
8279s what it does um and I don't know if you
8281s want to touch base on that I know that's
8282s something that we may not have as the
8285s Alpha 2 feature in the future so it's
8287s like humili which one is this again this
8289s is humiliate as a at a s condition
8291s yeah um humiliate I did we show what
8295s humiliate did I thought we might have
8297s hovered over that um let me ping um
8301s Bucky and I'll have him let me know what
8303s humiliate
8306s does I know because they're con they're
8309s constantly tuning other than the
8310s humiliator oh that's right it was 30 I
8312s think it was 30% um reduction um against
8317s targets that are not the source of the
8319s humiliate for de for uh
8323s damage and we could be here all day if
8325s we answer all the questions so we're
8327s going to kind of move on from here uh
8328s from this point but we do want you to
8330s know that we have a barred archetype
8332s preview feedback thread uh We've pinned
8334s it a couple times it might be pinned
8336s right now actually again um for you if
8338s you're here watching us live on Twitch
8340s uh we really appreciate you guys coming
8341s and watching us live on Twitch um and uh
8345s yeah toss your feedback over there if
8346s you have thoughts I'm sure I saw lots of
8348s thoughts in the in the chat so if you if
8350s you have them be sure to send them our
8352s way we love compiling those and sending
8354s them to the development team they look
8356s through everything uh a lot of the times
8358s we're on the same page as you guys and
8359s the things that we are wanting to
8361s improve and change um so it kind of it
8364s just it's a good touch point for us to
8365s ensure that we're we're on the same page
8367s as what the community is looking for as
8370s well um with that we will switch over to
8374s our studio update to talk a little bit
8377s about what's been going on on the studio
8379s front uh you want to kick us off on that
8381s front Stephen yeah absolutely um a few
8384s things I mean one obviously as we move
8386s towards Alpha 2 things are getting very
8388s hectic here but hectic in a good way
8390s because
8391s you know we are we are getting some
8393s winds um significant wins uh especially
8397s as I talked a little bit about the
8398s beginning of the stream uh with regards
8400s to last week and the uh live player
8402s testing that we did for our alpha 1
8404s testers that was a very big win for the
8406s studio um in addition We are continuing
8409s to hire we still have jobs that are
8411s posted and
8412s open I know that there has been some uh
8415s announcements recently I think it was at
8418s um was it Bungie
8421s we is they announced today that they
8423s just had layoffs yeah and and you know
8425s obviously it continues to be uh pretty
8428s hectic and the only company though right
8430s I was going to say pretty hectic in
8431s turmoil industry right now um you know
8434s Intrepid intends to be a Bastion uh of
8437s light in in that in these dark times um
8441s so you guys in the community have done
8443s an awesome job in helping to spread the
8444s word for the company in the project uh
8446s continue to do so because you know
8449s people are in need of this help and and
8450s we have a a a awesome place and an
8454s awesome project for them to come and
8455s participate and join us um we've hired a
8458s lot of people um for those of you who
8460s are waiting on responses from us we have
8462s a wonderful recruiter but he's doing as
8465s fast as he can he's going through
8466s everything um and of course all of us
8468s who are hiring managers we're powering
8470s through reviewing the resumés and stuff
8472s like that so we're trying to get through
8473s them as quickly as we can um and then of
8475s course there's you know times where we
8478s have to basically interview quite a few
8479s people before we make our final decision
8481s who we moving forward um and for those
8483s of you who have seen scams there's been
8485s quite a few of those that have gone
8487s around as well I just want to touch base
8488s on that we've pinned a post about that
8490s already on our LinkedIn as well we can
8492s we continue to remind people but you
8494s will never ever get a hire an offer from
8496s US unless you have had an interview with
8498s Stephen Steven is your final boss mob to
8501s get into the gate to interre Studios so
8503s if you do not have an interview with him
8505s you are not going to get a cover letter
8507s from us or an offer from us um it'll be
8511s careful be very careful out there guys I
8513s mean anybody who's watching this who
8515s talks to anybody there are some some
8517s unfortunately sketchy sketchy the yeah
8520s the the reality is dark and full of
8523s Terror and there's a lot of people out
8525s there who try to take interviews with
8527s people I know it's crazy we've had
8530s people interview with some random person
8532s who's like not at our company and get
8534s like scammed and send them fake fake
8536s offer letters to try to collect their
8538s personal information you guys need to be
8539s super cautious about that like Margaret
8541s said no one will ever get an offer
8543s letter unless they have directly spoken
8546s with me live um so be very very careful
8549s about that make sure to communicate that
8551s message yeah I just wanted to touch base
8553s on that but we are Trucking towards
8555s Alpha 2 um you know obviously we already
8557s said that we're going to be showcasing
8560s um kind of a road map as well as um I
8565s guess I can just bring that up on screen
8566s here too so you guys can if you if you
8568s missed it before because we did have a
8569s bunch of people thank you for The Raid
8571s we appreciate you guys joining in but we
8573s will be doing an alpha 2 road map AMA
8575s with Stephen um so we'll be covering all
8578s of that stuff um for that as well as uh
8581s people have been asking about you know
8582s Alpha 2 access and how they can get
8584s access that'll be included in that so um
8587s I know we didn't touch on that earlier
8588s in the Stream but we will we will be
8590s announcing we will be announcing on
8591s August 16th when and how and why and
8595s where and what um the alpha the new
8598s Alpha 2 key access will look like um so
8601s if you guys are I know we've gotten a
8602s lot of questions about that I was seeing
8604s it through chat obviously um tune in on
8607s August 16th or or wait for the content
8609s creator coverage of that um afterwards
8612s we will have we will have information
8614s then yeah it'll be another mey stream so
8616s uh definitely come tune in with us on
8617s August 16th we'll try to answer as many
8619s questions and ensure that you walk away
8622s not confused um and of course we'll also
8624s have an article if you want to consume
8625s that in like a more direct path uh that
8628s is like just the highlights as well um
8631s anything else in the studio front you
8633s want to make sure we share
8635s Stephen know we could be here all day if
8637s we go over what everyone's working on
8640s the whole team's working hard um all
8643s right we have a little small art update
8645s um so we're showing off obviously you
8647s saw the amazing rosethorn outfit that
8650s Manny worked on um iname so good so good
8655s look so
8657s great I think there's a concept art here
8660s too where you can kind of to see um like
8662s where he started with it and where it
8664s ended which you know looks
8666s phenomenal look at that
8670s violin oh look at that violin looks so
8674s good okay so that's where the concept
8676s started but looks pretty
8678s spoton the
8680s turntable yeah and I mean as as you guys
8683s can see right we've always talked about
8685s this in the past you guys see these
8686s armor sets coming online these are all
8688s achievable in-game armor sets
8691s um you know compared to Cosmetics that
8695s we have that we have sold in the past uh
8698s this is the level of parity that exists
8701s um between what's achievable in game and
8704s what's purchasable yeah there will be
8705s plenty of cool things that you can uh
8707s get I know that was definitely a concern
8709s was they're like oh the Cosmetics look
8711s so cool I'm like oh the in game stuff is
8713s going to look pretty cool too just just
8715s because we have Cosmetics that are for
8717s sale or will have Cosmetics that are for
8719s sale does not mean that you will look
8720s like a cardboard box if you do not buy
8722s one and reminder that our the way that
8725s our Cosmetics work is you still have to
8726s have the base armor that has a Cosmetics
8729s lot that you put it on so you still have
8730s to earn the armor in game in order to
8732s use the Cosmetics so um we are very much
8735s trying to not have the Pay to Win
8738s available but you know keep us to it you
8740s guys we're we're trying our best um and
8742s then we also have some images of ins um
8746s so this is a Kar Inn that they're
8748s working on um and a lot of you guys have
8750s been about player housing especially as
8753s it as it pertains to Alpha 2 um and
8755s there will be instance housing through
8757s in so um they're starting to ins are ins
8760s are looking good remember the these ins
8763s um they as Margaret said these are
8765s instance essentially introductory
8768s instanced housing right they this is the
8770s cheapest lowest level of housing that
8772s you can acquire grants you some benefits
8775s with regards to like Furnitures that you
8776s can place and utilize that give you know
8779s mechanical bonuses as as well as some
8781s storage um you know the citizenship side
8783s of it obviously um these are spaces I
8787s mean this looks great they did a great
8789s job with this in game I think it I would
8791s love to live at an end like this yeah
8793s and then the last one here is this is
8795s more we're creating some marketing
8798s assets that you're going to see for
8799s Alpha 2 U but we're going to give a
8800s little teaser here I think Stephen has
8802s also shared a teaser of the The Bard one
8805s uh as well but we have a bunch of stuff
8807s going up on our our website that we'll
8810s be launching with Alpha 2 as well um but
8813s this is one of the pieces this is one of
8815s the uh creatures that is going to be
8817s play a big role similar to tumac uh this
8820s is a fire brand who is a pretty badass
8824s dragon who you may be seeing soon you
8827s might be seeing him soon he is a he is a
8830s fire brand indeed also I think he has
8833s another form too doesn't he that yes
8835s that is a boss that's in Alpha 2 uh
8839s entrance of Alpha 2 that it's going to
8841s be he's going to be a doozy yeah so uh
8845s give a little sneak peek of some of the
8847s the marketing work that and this is what
8850s uh Sam has been working on doing an
8852s amazing job with a lot of really cool um
8856s concept pieces that we're going to be
8857s working towards Drake Drake Drake hero
8860s said I soloed that guy you're not gonna
8862s solo this guy Drake hero will need a
8865s raid for this guy there's no he will eat
8868s you he will eat you alive the end we'll
8870s move on to our Forum Q&A and of course
8873s while I'm doing
8875s that um I will have the video playing in
8878s the background something went weird with
8880s it so I'm going to fix that and we will
8885s continue um so we I'm doing that the
8888s first question here is from ace1 12 3 4
8891s and they're wondering about uh skill
8893s ceiling how important will knowledge and
8896s deduction be in the game and will you
8899s avoid tedious data gather in methods for
8901s example will players need to observe
8903s enemy mechanics to progress instead of
8905s grinding to learn skill
8909s effects so the question is how important
8912s will data Gathering be how important
8914s will knowledge and deduction be in the
8916s game and will you avoid tedious data
8918s Gathering methods oh I see um knowledge
8921s and deduction should be pretty important
8924s both from an encounter design
8926s perspective with regards to like enemy
8928s NPC behaviors uh but also certain
8931s puzzles and quest lines um you know the
8934s intent there is to create an interactive
8938s you know style of gameplay that requires
8941s problem solving
8943s deduction um you know across across the
8946s board especially as it relates to like
8949s certain crafting results I mean that's
8951s something that's riddled across you know
8953s General design um uh uh playing field
8957s for a lot of our systems um we don't
8960s want it to be tedious right if it's not
8962s if it's something that you're doing that
8964s doesn't feel fun right then then you
8967s know from a relevant standpoint it's not
8969s what we want to incorporate in the
8971s gameplay Loop um but yeah there's a lot
8973s of different systems that I think
8975s Leverage The Art of you know deduction
8977s and and
8979s um um and Gathering and more information
8983s um rather than just you know smashing
8986s your face into the keyboard repeatedly
8988s of course and then uh we have a question
8991s from neurotoxin who wants to know about
8992s Bard utility will BS have the
8995s opportunity to specialize into tasks
8997s like Caravan or ship buffing uh like
9001s pacifying enemy aggro range speed up
9003s Summoner rituals improving Gathering uh
9006s interactions nearby and other like
9008s specific combat and non-combat skills
9012s test I mean utility overall is something
9014s that is spread across all different
9017s archetypes right so um the idea isn't
9020s that any one particular archetype is
9022s going to excel far beyond its ability to
9025s utilize these more utility oriented
9028s skills um each each archetype should
9031s have a healthy you know semblance of
9033s those utility kind of skills uh that
9035s address different types of Hazards
9037s threats you know um uh again puzzle
9041s related type of gameplay um and The Bard
9044s uh has its own use case there now to be
9047s fair in the archetype designs you
9050s utility skills are a little bit light um
9053s in the archetype designs it's something
9055s that we will be incorporating more of as
9057s we flesh out the kits a little bit
9059s further in like Alpha 2.1 release and
9061s 2.2
9063s releases and speaking of you know
9065s flushing out the the kits a little bit
9067s more alandria would like to know about
9070s Bard as a secondary archetype can you
9073s give us an idea of how The Bard will
9074s augment the other archetypes when
9076s creating secondary classes yeah I mean
9079s this you know to answer that question
9083s um when thinking about how augments work
9086s they represent kind of the core function
9089s of the archetype that you're then
9091s getting augment schools for right so
9094s like what are the core purposes of The
9096s Bard right these are
9098s regenerative effects these are uh buff
9102s effect types um you know when you think
9105s about then the active skill that you
9107s might apply those augments to you are
9109s likely going to be adding certain
9111s effects types that relate then to those
9114s barred primary um effects so if you're
9119s you know a tank and and right now you
9122s know you have an ability to cast ages
9124s that kind of absorbs damage from nearby
9128s party members now you might be
9130s conferring a certain buff to those party
9132s members as a result of that or
9134s inspiration or you might be um you know
9138s applying some type of regenerative
9139s healing effect or Mana restoration as a
9142s result um that's available so we haven't
9144s fully fleshed out what those augments
9146s are going to look like on a per
9147s archetype basis our Focus for Alpha 2
9149s has been establishing the core
9151s archetypes the active ability archetypes
9154s um and then when we get into having the
9157s Rogue and Summoner added into the base
9160s archetypes that's when we're going to
9162s start focusing on
9164s augmentation um and the uh secondary
9166s class
9167s choices exciting exciting um and then re
9171s Rel llamas wants to know about big Bard
9175s gameplay so we showed off party gameplay
9179s um and now they were curious about how
9182s how will BS have Unique Mechanics that
9185s allow them to significantly influence
9187s like large scale battles if so can you
9190s give an example of
9192s that um I think the sagas are probably
9195s where those larger scale effects live
9198s right uh we saw one of those examples
9199s with our get Saga um that was the large
9203s fire breath that was kind of a damage or
9205s AOE uh Focus uh but there's a lot of uh
9208s intentions behind additional Saga
9210s effects I think there's three more that
9212s are planned that are just pending kind
9213s of visual effects updates uh which we
9215s can probably showcase as part of like
9217s Social Media stuff going forward over
9219s the next couple months I know Bucky
9220s already has those designs in place for
9222s the bar but they're like I said yeah but
9224s um buy send to us yeah those are those
9227s are probably where you get the larger
9230s types um and and to answer that question
9233s shortly yes we do have some plans for
9235s that raid fun um and then Storyteller
9239s AOC wants to know about Bard utility
9241s will bards or Rogues have the ability to
9243s mask their appearance such as disguise
9246s or some kind of illusion
9248s spell yeah right now we don't have plans
9250s for that yet um and I don't know if we
9253s will by the time of launch um I know
9256s we've talked a little bit about um stuff
9260s like that in the past like with name
9261s plates potentially um but right now I'm
9264s not sure that's going to make it in um
9267s uh in scope okay um and then folks are
9271s wondering uh this is from Phillips is
9273s and I I think I've seen a few other
9275s people ask about this too um will BS
9278s have like long lasting or even customiz
9281s customizable uh applicable above Buffs
9284s applicable to other players by
9286s performing let's say like they want to
9287s perform in a Tavern and give Buffs to
9289s folks that way or outside of combat um
9293s something that like you know they can
9295s kind of get paid to like give Buffs and
9297s be able to kind of Le people with
9299s long-term Buffs or is it going to be
9301s more like you want to have them actively
9303s with you for Alpha 2 we don't have plans
9305s for that um right now it's strictly you
9308s know linked to your party alignment um
9312s but I know in the past we have talked
9313s about having those types of Buffs
9316s available um um but I'm not sure when
9320s that's going to get developed probably
9322s it's going to be a post level 25 uh
9324s development which would be later in
9326s Alpha 2 so there is still plans to do
9328s that
9330s yes all right and then um blatus was
9334s wondering if you could touch base on
9338s um what the four schools of augmentation
9341s for B the B AR type are well we know
9345s that two of them are regeneration and
9346s Buffs um the other two as I said when we
9350s get into augmentation development
9352s there's there's a number of different
9353s thoughts around augments for each of the
9356s archetypes that design has yet to kind
9358s of settle on um so I would I would pen I
9362s would wait for updates on that as we get
9364s into augmentation development all right
9366s and then joury wants to know about B
9368s Siege summon does the team have a a b
9371s Siege summon or something similar in
9373s mind when it sieges no we don't have a
9376s Siege summon intended for Bard um for
9379s Summoner that's a different story uh but
9380s for Bard there's not a Siege summon
9384s intended uh and then I think this is
9387s however just just to be clear by the way
9389s like on that front the sagas that we
9391s talked about um visually the intent
9394s there is to have kind of a popup book
9396s story look to them um so even though
9399s it's not a summon per se it is something
9402s that on the battlefield will be a pretty
9405s pretty visible Hallmark of massive Bard
9410s ability right like when you see that
9411s popup book looking you know for for for
9414s what you saw here with the dragon
9416s breathing the fire the original of that
9420s um actually which actually I could
9423s probably send that to you Margaret if
9424s you want to kind of show it um let me do
9429s that real
9430s quick um but the original for that that
9433s you guys can kind of see the direction
9435s on um is to have this to to tell the
9439s tale of of that Saga right that that's
9442s kind of that was kind of the thought
9444s process Behind These sagas is that there
9446s is some rooted story within the history
9448s of Vera that you are seeing when this
9451s ability gets cast and for example this
9454s the dragon breath ability is telling the
9456s story of an ancient castle that was laid
9459s Siege against by um um essentially by a
9463s dragon um so what was included in those
9467s visual effects was um here we go was
9472s essentially this popup looking book of a
9475s castle and then the dragon is kind of
9477s breathing down fire um uh on the castle
9481s now we took that out because it wasn't
9483s ready yet per se so we just kind of kept
9484s the bragon the dragon breath in um but I
9488s will find the original one and we can
9490s probably move on the next question while
9491s I look for it and we come back to it
9492s Margaret yeah for sure uh so grilled
9495s cheese U mojito which is an interesting
9498s combination uh once know about Bard line
9500s of sight so are Bard's abilities
9503s generally affected by The Bard's line of
9504s sight to the party or uh different in
9508s difference in elevation or can you know
9510s if they're just within the vicinity
9511s they're going to get that
9513s buff oh here we go thank goodness seea
9516s sent it to me he is Johnny on the spot
9517s okay so the question the question was
9519s for those AOE types of effects are they
9522s obstructed by line of sight yeah um and
9524s I don't believe I don't believe they are
9526s right so this is not this is not a
9528s single targeted ability so it doesn't
9530s require line playing pretty much yeah if
9534s you're like behind a wall and The Bard
9536s is is still within vicinity of you um
9539s you are able to get that
9541s buff okay and then um I think that these
9545s are all answered already in the Stream
9547s So I will move to one of these ones um L
9552s I'm forwarding this over to you by the
9553s way I just sent it to you I have not
9556s seen something come in yet once it does
9558s I shall grab it my bad you should have
9561s it now I do have it now shall okay so
9565s while while Margaret's pulling this up
9566s just to give you some context again we
9568s pulled this out because there's still
9570s some work that CA is doing and and CA is
9572s one of our glorious uh visual effects
9575s artists he did he did a majority I
9577s believe if not all of the ability
9580s effects for The Bard and again these
9584s are these are not complete yet right um
9587s so there's still work to be done on a
9589s lot of these abilities but to give you
9592s kind of an idea of the direction of
9593s these sagas they tell that popup story
9596s and for this castle that you're going to
9598s see this is kind of like a stubb in but
9600s we're going to we're going to uh rotate
9602s some of those a little bit and kind of
9604s um disjoint the parts of the castle a
9606s little bit more to again make it feel
9609s like a popup book story on the
9612s battlefield okay I have it now up all
9616s right
9620s it's kind of like a little castle and
9622s the dragon and right right now that that
9625s castle was very 2D but we're going to be
9627s adjusting that a bit and again these are
9630s apologies no worries these are these
9633s this is a major ability right so so
9635s we're trying to get into that kind of
9637s class fantasy of The Bard not just being
9639s delegated to musical ability but rather
9641s to tell a
9643s story
9646s cool um and we'll grab one more question
9649s here
9650s uh this is from Lulu and they want to
9653s know about castle sieges what will
9655s happen to the siege attacker side if the
9657s castle owning Guild has 250 members and
9660s one of the attacking guilds successfully
9663s cast the seal to move ownership to the
9665s castle to
9667s themselves that was a what what will
9670s happen to the defending Guild what will
9672s happen to the the seege attacker side if
9675s the castle owning Guild and one of the
9679s attacking guilds successfully cast the
9681s seal to move ownership to the castle to
9685s themselves the castle event will end and
9689s the ceiling Guild will now become the
9692s owners an easy one there you go I think
9695s we answered that
9697s question we made it the end of the
9700s stream um so thank you all so much for
9704s joining us we super appreciate you uh
9706s sticking around with us I know it's a
9708s long one um we we adore all the raids
9711s and for all the new folks who have
9712s joined us we hope that you will come in
9714s and tune in and follow our journey we
9716s are developing ashes of creation is a
9718s new mmrpg we're working our butts off um
9721s and obviously like we said before we're
9723s headed towards Alpha 2 that's kind of
9725s our big thing that our next big
9727s milestone for us and with that is um you
9731s know we're going to be doing an alpha
9733s Road uh Alpha 2 road map um showcase and
9736s as well as an AMA and Steph will be
9738s covering all your questions that you
9740s could possibly have about Alpha 2
9742s hopefully answering everything our goal
9744s will be to kind of go over what you know
9747s when what's going to happen the the
9749s length of all of that stuff the details
9751s what you can expect at the beginning of
9753s Alpha 2 and kind of the Cadence of
9754s updates that will be coming throughout
9757s the the time frame of Alpha 2 as well as
9760s how to get access for those of you who
9761s don't have already have access and so on
9764s and so forth so hopefully we'll answer
9766s answer all the things I'm just reading
9769s these comments somebody said damn
9770s Stephen on his picture for the August
9772s 16th announcement had only black hairs
9775s now I have gray hairs we we cleaned them
9779s in so
9781s good of course we are always looking for
9783s feedback so if you uh have thoughts I
9785s see a lot of comments in there regarding
9788s what you saw today um you can head on
9790s over to our forums. ashesofcreation
9794s docomo we'll be reporting that and
9796s consolidating that for the team as
9798s well by the way just just yeah just real
9801s quick um we are going to be taking down
9803s the YouTube video uh shortly after the
9806s stream oh my bad no you're good and the
9809s reason for that is is because we're
9810s gonna we're going to fix the audio there
9811s a little bit we're going to switch over
9813s to um my point of view track which I
9816s think was uh was not exhibiting the same
9819s issues that Bucky's Point of View track
9820s was um so we'll rehost that later in the
9823s day once that gets rendered out and um
9826s uh is available uh we'll be doing the
9827s same with the big Dev update do we will
9830s put that video in there so it's like all
9832s of it will have the new uh the new video
9835s so um apologies if those of you who are
9839s audio files are like what's going on
9841s with the audio in here um we'll get that
9843s resolved um and of course we do want to
9846s say a huge huge thank you to uh Bucky
9849s Tor Doug Brian and Trad for joining us
9852s and helping showcase The Bard as well of
9854s course you Stephen for your time and uh
9857s for all of you thank you for tuning in
9859s thank you for being here We Appreciate
9860s You by the way I do want to I do want to
9862s give one real quick shout out yeah L
9864s Forge right that's lur Forge sent in
9867s this really
9869s cool um chest that you see back there
9873s and I gotta say just a a quick shout out
9876s the quality I know I did this in my ma
9878s last time but lur forged H huge props to
9881s you uh we on the team watch your videos
9884s we love your videos they might they
9886s might not be spot on obviously to the
9888s lore but of course you're looking at it
9890s through a keyhole right now given the
9891s game isn't released yet but you guys do
9894s a phenomenal job we love watching your
9896s videos and thank you very much for that
9897s chest is super cool yeah very very cool
9900s um we we really appreciate it I think we
9902s spotlighted your um your the thing that
9906s you burned down there like a little
9907s board on one of our fan Fridays as well
9910s so um probably saw that at the beginning
9913s um we will be uploading the full video
9916s as well or we'll be uploading the the 4K
9918s video with the new version of that as
9920s well as the full development up video uh
9922s update video probably tomorrow um you're
9925s with us we'll kind of play it by ear
9927s depending on when when YouTube uploads
9929s things for us um but of course they will
9932s be available for you in reminder that if
9934s you comment on our full development
9936s update video um and you are a public
9938s subscriber so you have to make sure that
9939s your subscription is public um your your
9942s comment could be spotlighted in our next
9943s update remember to follow us in all the
9946s places we're ashes of creation super
9948s easy to find us we post all the time we
9950s try to keep you guys up to date on
9951s what's going on so even if you don't
9953s watch these full uh videos you'll get a
9955s good snippet of kind of what's been
9957s going on and what we're up to and maybe
9959s some little sneak peeks here and there
9960s or uh you know some some Alpha 2 codes
9964s might just show up randomly on our our
9967s you know socials so you might want to
9968s just be keeping a little eye on on that
9971s stuff as we head towards Alpha 2 but we
9973s will see you all on August 16th so uh
9976s thank you so much for tuning in and we
9978s shall see you then as well as on our
9979s next development update bye everybody
9983s bye

Head over to our YouTube video to learn the in-depth intricacies of the Bard archetype!

Are you planning on playing as a Bard during Alpha Two?

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