Original Post — Direct link
He said it like 30 seconds ago on that nifty twitch stream he's on. Can't clip it though.

Suck it Pigeons.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
GG on the info catch, this is one I definitely remember folks asking in our Q&A threads before! The VOD is up now on YouTube, so perhaps if you remember about when it was we can find a handy timestamp:

And BIG GG to Ashes Pathfinders on their 100th episode!!!

In terms of the "dials available" to customize your Tulnar, from what I've seen previously it's always been listed as "humanoid, mammalian, reptilian, and other characteristics", perhaps with room in that "other" portion for whatever other mysterious traits Tulnar may have...but good to know birds are a no-go ;)