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I'm a bit confused about the combat system and i'm looking for a bit of clarification. In past videos i've seen mentioned that in AoC there is both a tab-targeting combat system and an action combat system and you can choose which one to use. In more recent video although it seems the developers are going for a mix of the 2 and thus we’ll not be able to choose which one to use. So, what the actual situation right now? Which direction are they taking?
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Hybrid_combat TLDR: "A toggle button (default Z, but can be re-bound to another key) allows the player to switch between action and tab combat modes.[7][8][9][10]" "The action mode camera is tied to the to the player's reticle.[11][12]" "If you're in a massive brawl, the ability to pick and choose targets that are far in the back line that might might be more advantageous towards tab target users because they're able to click, but the reaction time to acquire a target for a cursor versus acquiring a target for a reticle is much faster and less cumbersome because it doesn't require as many actions on behalf of the user.[17] – Steven Sharif" "Templated and targeted versions of skills will have different characteristics.[2][7][18][19][20]" I believe the current plan is for there to be a max of 75% of your skill-bar that can be one particular type.
🙌✊ Nice use of the wiki and thank you for providing a helpful answer!