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Join @Roshen and @Vaknar over in the Ashes of Creation Discord for a voice chat during our next Community Office Hours on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 11:00AM PDT ([/b]"]Convert to your local time). This event should last about one hour.
Community Office Hours is a pilot program where you get to join members of the Community Team over voice chat to discuss a variety of topics.
For this session, we will be using Discord Stage. Every 8 minutes, we’ll be bringing up small groups of players.
On Wednesday, Oct 19 at 11AM PDT, our main discussion topic is regarding the Ranger archetype.
In this session, we’ll break each of the 8 minute segments up to focus on one of these conversations:
[*] Rangers in group content - In party (8-person) content, what responsibilities should Ranger players have?
[*] Ranger in PvP situations - What feels good and what doesn’t feel good about Rangers in player vs player situations?
[*] Ranger class fantasy - ‘Class fantasy’ could be defined as your expectations and perception for what a class should look, feel, and play like. With that said, what makes a Ranger feel like a Ranger to you? In what ways have you experienced good class fantasy in other games that you’d like to see in Ashes of Creation?
[*] Discussion of Ranger abilities - From your experiences in other games, what feels good and doesn’t, regarding a Ranger’s class kit?
[*] Discussion of Ranger abilities x2 - From your experiences in other games, what feels good and doesn’t, regarding a Ranger’s class kit?
Thanks again! We look forward to chatting with you all soon!
Community Office Hours is a pilot program where you get to join members of the Community Team over voice chat to discuss a variety of topics.
For this session, we will be using Discord Stage. Every 8 minutes, we’ll be bringing up small groups of players.
On Wednesday, Oct 19 at 11AM PDT, our main discussion topic is regarding the Ranger archetype.
In this session, we’ll break each of the 8 minute segments up to focus on one of these conversations:
[*] Rangers in group content - In party (8-person) content, what responsibilities should Ranger players have?
[*] Ranger in PvP situations - What feels good and what doesn’t feel good about Rangers in player vs player situations?
[*] Ranger class fantasy - ‘Class fantasy’ could be defined as your expectations and perception for what a class should look, feel, and play like. With that said, what makes a Ranger feel like a Ranger to you? In what ways have you experienced good class fantasy in other games that you’d like to see in Ashes of Creation?
[*] Discussion of Ranger abilities - From your experiences in other games, what feels good and doesn’t, regarding a Ranger’s class kit?
[*] Discussion of Ranger abilities x2 - From your experiences in other games, what feels good and doesn’t, regarding a Ranger’s class kit?
Thanks again! We look forward to chatting with you all soon!