almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

The magic that flows within the land has seeped through and permeated both the sunny shallows and darkest depths of the sea. For ages, an entire ecosystem of danger and opportunity has lain untapped beneath the waves. The power of the ocean lies ready to be taken by those who can successfully master its potential.

The Brine and Bounties cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from May 5, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until June 9, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that the From the Undergrowth addons will be removed on May 5, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.

For more information, check out our news post:
almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

Maelstrom's Crown: Is it a gliding mount? Is it a water mount that moves fast in water/slow on land?
Coral Courser: Is this for a crew of 1-3 or 8 or 40?
Boundless Basin: Does this get placed on a fishing pond or a "patio spot" ? What structure does this cosmetic get placed on?

I'll let Mags grab the answer to the first one for you when she's back in the office! For the naval and freehold skins, we're currently working with the design team to get you more insight on the specifics of what these each would cover (in addition to clarifying ones that were previously available as well).


I'll be honest. The skins are confusing me at this point. An oasis potentially put in a snowy region freehold makes me scratch my head. Will there be restrictions? And why so many? Maybe a new set every quarter or something. Save most for in-game achievements or even the cash shop.

As of this time we haven't announced any restrictions on what kinds of cosmetics you could use in certain areas/biomes, though that may be something we look for your additional feedback on during testing! We've also shared our philosophy previously on there being equitable cosmetics available in-game, both from a quantity and quality standpoint.


Does this sea horse boat really swim circles around other boats? There are other member calling the description of these items flavor text, I don't know what the definition of it is wikipedia says this:

"Flavor text is often the last text on a card or on the rear of a toy card or package, and is usually printed in italics or written between quotes to distinguish it from it from game-affecting text."

We include the following note in each cosmetic article to help clear that up: "All skin cosmetic items are cosmetic items only and do not grant the user any other benefit. The lore text is flavor text, and background of the creatures and items in the world of Verra. Costume cosmetic items do not include the weapons pictured."

This means that these are just cosmetic skins that would go on top of your existing items, and wouldn't lead to any change of stats/power/speed - hence the lore text being just "flavor" rather than "game-affecting".


I love them! I will be purchasing the Adventurer Pack tomorrow!

So glad to hear you're loving the newest looks! <3
almost 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

A change of that magnitude would have to be applied only to cosmetics sold from that point in time onwards, and not applied retroactively.


This has to be a joke or a meme...

It seems like some folks may have read into my reply here quite a bit further than intended :sweat_smile: as I noted, we have no plans to restrict what kinds of cosmetics you could use in certain areas/biomes at this time. In general though, as we are still very early in Alpha testing, I always remind folks that there will be many things that we look for our community's feedback on during upcoming testing!

Please don't take this to mean that changes are planned - just that we will continue to test and gather feedback on many aspects of the game as we move forward <3