Original Post — Direct link
This game appears to have a great deal of agriculture, trade, and being a productive civilian of a node. What better addition than wine for the region. Like wine, the longer your fields are established, the better the quality. Plus, wine could easily fit in with the existing lore of this game because it has such ancestral roots in our own history.

Would provide a whole additional way to play the game with quests specific to the art of growing vines as well as machinery to improve the quality and quantity of concentrated goodness!

An additional benefit of having a vineyard is it gives a money sink! MMOs struggle after a prolong period of time because of gold generation without adequate gold dumps. This would give players the ability to spend their hard earned in game gold to cultivate consumables.

I'd definitely be interested in chatting about how to create the lore/mechanics for this in game!
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

I could be down with this. Wine from grapes for elves, mead from honey for humans, beer from barley for dwarves, and spirits from corn for orcs - something like that.

What are the Tulnar? Chopped liver???

Maybe this is where our friend Damokles can help...


I only know fermented mushrooms, yes-yes!

Mmm, delicious fermented mushrooms.