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It's a very interesting Title which we currently don't know a lot about yet, other than:

You can become a Enemy of the State by getting Excessive negative reputation on a node or be declared one by a Mayor of a node if you're a foreign citizen of other node.

The only way we currently know to gain negative reputation is "Bad actions taken, such as failing certain quests."

The only currently known penalty for being an Enemy of the State is that it "might result in higher prices (for goods or services sold at that node)"

Quite a limited amount of info as you can see, but i believe this has a lot of potential to become a pretty awesome system that can create interesting interactions.

For example, some things i would like to see in it and believe would make it more interesting:

Enemy of the State title to put the player and the citizens of the node that designated the player as such in a mutual flag against each other(like in the node war system).

Enemy of the State title to be received even if you're nodeless, to not let nodeless players avoid said system while terrorizing nodes.

Players who acquire Excessive Negative reputation on their own nodes to be able to become a Enemy of their own State.

Negative reputation of nodes to be acquired by players Excessively exausting said nodes natural resources.

Negative reputation of nodes to be acquired by players Excessively PKing players of said nodes.

Negative reputation of nodes to be acquired by players Excessively attacking Caravans of players of said nodes.

In this thread, i would like people to discuss what they think about this title/system and what they expect/want from it.

Edit: Extra possibility: What do you think of the idea of the citizens of a node being able to vote their Terrible Mayor that ravages their own node into becoming a Public Enemy?
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
It's fun reading through threads that generate ideas, especially threads around systems that we don't know much about! ^_^