Original Post — Direct link
so i seen in the new dev discussion letter offering alpha one again (possibly). I was gonna suggest the players who have purchased the alpha 2 test or say spent a total of so much(whatever the price is for the alpha one). Because i honestly can not wait to play !!!!!!! This last video posted has me hooked now more than ever thank u all who are working on this its amazing
about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Big thanks to Atama for the detailed and helpful answer on testing above!

To the OP, we plan to give you an update on Alpha One sales in February as noted in the most recent Creative Director's Letter, and if we were moving forward with it we would likely provide you all the relevant details then on how to gain access accordingly :smiley:

The team has definitely been putting in a lot of hard work for our recent and upcoming milestones, so we're excited you're excited! <3