Join @Roshen and @Vaknar over in the Ashes of Creation Discord for a voice chat during our next Community Office Hours on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 4PM PT (Convert to your local time). This event should last about one hour.
For this session, we will be using Discord Stage. Every 8 minutes, we’ll be bringing up small groups of players.
The main topic of discussion for this office hours will be Dev Discussion #50 - Dungeon Delving, as well as Carphin, based on what we shared during the March 2023 Development Update Livestream.
In this session, we’ll break each of the 8 minute segments up to focus on one of these conversations:
Favorite Dungeons - What are your favorite dungeons? What are the elements of these dungeons that are interesting to you?
Favorite Boss Encounters (Single-Group Dungeons) - What are your favorite boss encounters in single group dungeons? What made these interesting and compelling to you?
Dynamic Dungeons - Have you experienced areas in MMOs that adaptively change and are dynamic? What do you like or dislike about this? How would you like to see dungeons change?
Why Do Dungeons? - What are your favorite game systems that encourage you to complete dungeons?
Bonus Question! - We will revisit one of the topics above for a fresh round with a group of players that haven’t had the chance to speak. Based on participation, we might ask the discussion prompt from the Dev Discussion thread, which can be found here: https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/discussion/55421/dev-discussion-50-dungeon-delving/p1.
[*] Dungeon Delving: On average, how long do you prefer a dungeon playthrough to take?
If you’d like to contribute to this discussion, we recommend you read through the Dev Discussion #49 - Dungeon Delving, and watch the Carphin preview video before this Community Office Hours session.
Thanks again! We look forward to chatting with you all soon!