over 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
9s | thank you |
17s | hello everyone and Welcome to our |
20s | glorious July development update we hope |
23s | that our wonderful Community has been |
24s | doing well we have quite a bit to go |
28s | over today so buckle in as per usual if |
32s | you are new here you can probably see |
34s | the Run of show below us but just so |
36s | that I can go over it quickly we do have |
38s | our reminders we'll be going over our |
40s | cleric update which some of you have |
43s | seen some of our cleric updates in the |
45s | past there's a whole new slew of |
47s | abilities yes a whole new A Whole New |
52s | World some might say of cleric abilities |
56s | yes exactly I think Stephen and I sang |
59s | that at one of these actually I'm ready |
61s | we could do an encore presentation this |
63s | year oh no okay I didn't practice |
66s | because I was really bad |
68s | guys sorry for the brief delay in the uh |
71s | in the |
72s | um in the Stream but we have a |
74s | jam-packed fun presentation for you |
77s | today you guys are gonna see as Margaret |
78s | said an update to the cleric you're |
80s | going to get a really rounded look at |
81s | these abilities and what the clerican |
84s | Alpha 2 is going to play like it's going |
86s | to be an awesome opportunity for you to |
87s | give us feedback really excited for you |
89s | guys to see it the world is looking |
90s | beautiful the effects are coming along |
93s | um and the gameplay uh I feel for this |
96s | clear kit is pretty good so I've been |
98s | having fun with it I've been doing like |
100s | the basically the combat team has a few |
104s | experts that they're trying to have it |
105s | within the teams to be experts for the |
108s | classes and our internal Focus testers |
110s | yes focus testers so it's been pretty |
113s | fun getting to do all the combat stuff |
116s | yeah yeah and actually we had we had uh |
119s | at the beginning of this month we had a |
120s | lot of internal testing um for combat |
123s | team across all of our different |
126s | internal departments |
128s | um and they were able to fill out |
129s | surveys and feedback uh and you know |
130s | we're all MMO Gamers so uh it's great |
132s | for them to give this feedback and |
134s | cleric was one of those that was |
135s | showcased during that testing period so |
136s | yeah we're super excited that to get |
138s | your guys's thoughts General feedback on |
141s | the encounters that they had built out |
142s | and then there was feedback prayer class |
144s | that you were playing which was yes and |
146s | on top of that you're also going to see |
148s | a really cool new area it's at the what |
151s | we call The Highwayman Hills you may |
153s | have seen this location |
155s | um it is in the riverlands but it is uh |
159s | a bit hilly but it is a beautiful |
161s | location that the environment team has |
163s | done a great job uh in in specking out |
165s | so a lot of fun there's a little bit of |
167s | a story arc there too yeah well look at |
169s | that we kind of gave the preface for the |
170s | cleric update I know a little bit and |
173s | then we have a small art update just a |
175s | couple things so will focus really on |
177s | answering a lot of your guys's questions |
179s | and then of course we have a little |
180s | Studio update and then q a from the |
184s | forums that we've gathered as well so a |
187s | lot of answering all y'all's questions |
189s | but before we get into that we're going |
190s | to do our quick reminders and of course |
192s | the first part of this is checking out |
194s | the YouTube comment |
196s | um from last time and if you would like |
198s | your comment |
199s | um selected all you have to do is on our |
201s | next development update when this one is |
203s | up on our YouTube channel leave a |
206s | comment make sure that you're subscribed |
207s | and that we can see that you're |
208s | subscribed and then we will maybe select |
211s | your comment it's all random so by the |
214s | way I just would like to comment that I |
217s | saw a few a few comments about the |
219s | little dude in the background there that |
221s | is like a 7 500 piece Lego puzzle that |
226s | John almost single-handedly put together |
228s | I just wanna just to answer some of the |
230s | questions of what is that that's what |
232s | that is that thing is crazy but it was |
235s | super cool to see it get put together |
236s | nice |
239s | all right so the question that we have |
240s | is what is the intended gameplay |
242s | mechanic if you are attacked during the |
244s | middle of a craft or harvest what |
247s | happens to the materials used in the |
249s | craft or the items being harvested and |
251s | this is from Marcus thank you Marcus so |
254s | much for leaving a comment over on our |
255s | YouTube channel |
257s | yeah |
258s | um so this is a pretty uh easy one |
261s | essentially anytime you're in the middle |
263s | of a process such as crafting an item if |
267s | it's a fast crafts uh Fast Craft |
268s | situation or harvesting a particular |
271s | resource gatherable or any type of |
273s | interaction point the the |
277s | um the completion of that interaction is |
280s | when the items are removed either for |
284s | the crafting process or the item is |
286s | received for the harvesting or |
288s | gatherable uh interaction so if you were |
292s | interrupted during that time you're not |
294s | going to experience any type of like |
296s | loss of items or failure in the |
299s | Gathering |
301s | the player will have the opportunity in |
304s | certain situations where combat does not |
306s | automatically remove you from because we |
307s | don't want people to be able to grief in |
309s | that way |
310s | um usually the player will have to make |
312s | that own their own choice to step away |
314s | from that interaction and to engage if |
316s | they there is PVP there or if there is |
319s | combat even with PVE scenarios because |
321s | some some craftables or interactables |
323s | are going to be out in the wild right so |
325s | if you want to continue you know your |
327s | progress there and complete that action |
328s | then gain the resources and then start |
330s | interacting with the combat that's |
332s | acceptable but everything occurs at |
334s | completion of the interaction |
337s | all right |
338s | and um Stephen did do a interview with |
342s | the action Forge if you haven't gotten |
343s | to check that out definitely go check it |
344s | out |
345s | um yeah there's a lot of goodness that |
347s | went into them like a lot that was a lot |
351s | of fun I always enjoy any type of like q |
353s | a or interaction or interview that's |
355s | very conversational right and and I I |
359s | had a great opportunity with um |
361s | with both the Ash and Forge as well as |
365s | tangents of creation which was I believe |
367s | that next weekend |
369s | um and I had a lot of fun in both of |
370s | those so if you guys didn't have an |
371s | opportunity check that out feel free to |
373s | take a look at that Ashen Forge and |
375s | tangents of creation it was a lot of fun |
377s | yeah and Stephen will be doing more |
378s | things like that in the future so |
380s | keep your eyes peeled next up we of |
383s | course we talked about this last month |
385s | but we also still have it up and |
386s | available so if you have thoughts on |
389s | role play definitely go head on over to |
391s | our forums we will be wrapping that up |
393s | soon so it is what is what systems and |
395s | features make role play fun what |
397s | features help remove hurdles and |
399s | barriers so if you are somebody who's a |
401s | big fan of role play highly recommend |
403s | heading on over to our forums and of |
405s | course we will have a forum feedback |
407s | thread today of for cleric as well I'll |
409s | remind you about that a little later but |
411s | just an FYI and with that we'll head on |
415s | to the the main event yes and I will |
419s | just give a very brief uh uh um uh |
422s | disclaimer as usual since we already |
424s | kind of discussed what's in here as |
426s | always everything is work in progress |
428s | the visual effects the UI we have not |
432s | really entered into a Polish phase for |
434s | Alpha two so what you are seeing is |
437s | active development keep that in mind as |
439s | you're watching things will improve |
440s | don't look at it as a final product but |
442s | look at it as a directional preview |
444s | which is what we want you guys to give |
446s | feedback on and that's why we do these |
448s | presentations on a monthly basis is so |
450s | that you can take a look at the |
451s | directionality that we are going with |
453s | the class kit design the world design |
455s | the combat design and you guys can give |
458s | us feedback on that directionality so |
461s | with that being said please enjoy |
464s | see on the flip side |
467s | [Music] |
471s | [Applause] |
472s | [Music] |
487s | hello everyone and welcome to yet |
490s | another day in Vera happy to be with you |
493s | guys again I can't believe that it is |
496s | the end of July but we have a fun |
499s | presentation to show you guys today an |
501s | update on the cleric kit and also a |
505s | little bit of a showcase for the high |
506s | women Hills area which is a very cool |
508s | point of Interest I am joined by two of |
511s | our glorious designers whom you have |
514s | spoken with before in the past they are |
517s | our resident Dr bucky bucky how you |
519s | doing buddy good I'm doing great |
521s | welcome sir and then we also have our |
524s | glorious combat designer Mr tradd how |
527s | you doing Trad doing great happy to be |
528s | here again |
529s | yeah happy to have you guys both so |
531s | obviously clerics are near and dear to a |
534s | lot of people's hearts we had a little |
536s | bit of a showcase for the cleric uh gosh |
538s | when was that was that that was like was |
540s | it that was last year yeah yeah I think |
542s | so few live streams ago yeah yeah it was |
545s | quite a few and we were in uh I think we |
547s | were in that Cemetery area and we were |
549s | kind of showcasing some things some |
551s | things and the computer gave us a lot of |
552s | great feedback and your guys's team on |
555s | the combat Strike Team have now had an |
557s | opportunity to kind of go through |
559s | analyze and collect that feedback |
561s | incorporate it as part of our |
563s | development process and we have a little |
565s | bit more extensive of a kit today to |
567s | show I think we have eight roughly 18 |
568s | abilities or how many abilities are we |
570s | showing off today uh yeah somewhere |
572s | between 16 to 18 on there |
575s | very excited very big yeah big increase |
579s | gives a much more comprehensive look at |
581s | the at the core kit for the archetype |
583s | which is super exciting so before we |
586s | begin why don't we perhaps talk a little |
589s | bit about the area that we are in and by |
593s | the way uh yes this is a noble war horn |
596s | he is a he's a big fella |
599s | um he's excited to get in there he's |
600s | heard that there is some uh some |
603s | minotaurs that have taken up residence |
605s | in what used to be I think uh a bandit |
608s | Camp look at how uh we don't have sounds |
610s | associated with him yet sorry guys sound |
612s | effects |
613s | okay perfect thank you all the way down |
616s | we've got to time that we gotta time |
618s | that right hold on three two |
622s | thank you Bucky that's perfect and that |
624s | is why you're a doctor no but uh tell us |
627s | a little bit about a little bit about |
628s | this place the uh The Highwayman Hills |
631s | yeah so we're venturing Into The |
632s | Highwaymen Hills a place notorious for |
634s | you know banded activity you know always |
636s | dangerous to run a caravan through here |
638s | even just looking at these like walls |
640s | here you can see we could get you know |
641s | jumped at any moment |
643s | but um yeah so used to be uh presided by |
647s | Bandits but now there's a story arc |
649s | that's been triggered so the uh shatter |
651s | Cloud tribe of Minotaur I've recently |
653s | seized control the area so we'll be |
654s | seeing a lot of miniature activity now |
656s | instead |
657s | ah and that's part of the whole you know |
659s | how story arcs are intended to kind of |
661s | change the environment the world |
664s | um you know obviously we saw this a |
665s | little bit with the Tower of Carfin |
667s | presentation |
668s | um but the spawners are adaptive based |
671s | on the state of the world and that state |
673s | is inclusive of these story arc |
676s | conditions yeah yeah exactly and if |
678s | we're able to you know complete our |
679s | Quest here we might might further change |
681s | as well |
683s | this is absolutely beautiful I can't |
685s | believe environment has done a |
686s | tremendously glorious job |
690s | um in creating I love the canopy through |
692s | the approach Into The Highwayman Hill |
694s | Zone it is super cool yeah it looks |
698s | great with the god race coming in oh |
700s | yeah you can't have enough God |
702s | as Tristan knows uh so do we have a |
705s | quest for this area or or what are we |
708s | seeing here |
709s | oh location entered okay so we actually |
713s | now are in The Highwayman Hills perhaps |
715s | I should let my uh |
716s | my Noble war horn |
718s | yeah off here like a dangerous |
721s | you've been a trusty Steed my friend but |
723s | this area is just far too dangerous for |
725s | your kind |
726s | so just hang out here and we'll be back |
729s | um okay so I think you know what's been |
731s | relatively successful in the past or the |
733s | community has enjoyed is when we kind of |
735s | spend a little bit of time up front uh |
737s | going through each of these abilities |
738s | describing what they do and then we can |
741s | do some gameplay and kind of show off |
742s | the kid in action |
744s | um we might want to take a volunteer |
746s | because I know this is all healing |
748s | Centric for the most part which means |
750s | we'll actually act have to have a Target |
752s | Bucky would you like to be that sure yes |
755s | I'll do it right here in the shade is |
757s | this good oh my God this is hopefully |
759s | not a sign of things to come but there's |
760s | a corpse next to you I think it might be |
762s | like dangerous |
765s | what happened to this guy happened |
770s | oh my God that's that looks |
774s | okay so let's let's start off with this |
777s | with this kit what is our first ability |
780s | that we have |
781s | uh which one are you are you looking at |
783s | mint here it looks like yeah I'm looking |
784s | at men okay it says that it instantly |
787s | launches a healing projectile toward |
790s | Target Ally each charge of the ability |
792s | consumed after the first has no Mana |
795s | cost okay that's nice and it restores an |
797s | increasing amount of Mana to the Caster |
799s | based on the number of missing charges |
801s | consecutive uses of the ability will |
803s | gain bonus healing yeah so talk to me a |
805s | little bit about the intent here this is |
806s | kind of the efficient maintenance seal |
808s | that you can fall back on if things |
810s | aren't you know hitting the fan too hard |
813s | um so if you're you know if you if your |
815s | Target's not going to like not in |
817s | immediate danger of dying |
819s | um this is a lighter weight heel that is |
821s | much more efficient on your Mana |
822s | resource |
824s | I'll just keep damaging myself so you |
826s | can heal me yeah nice it's pretty nice |
828s | and comfortable to use and see the |
830s | little loading projectiles it's not |
832s | great for like a super reactive |
835s | situation because they have had travel |
837s | time |
838s | um but you know but you still have the |
840s | opportunity to use them it's more like a |
842s | predictive feel right like when you |
844s | don't need to immediately respond to a |
846s | bad situation and just to keep in mind |
849s | guys as of course as always this is very |
851s | necessary for us to say this is still a |
854s | work in progress we are working towards |
855s | our Alpha too you're going to see the |
857s | state of the UI is not in its final form |
860s | uh same is true for the visual effects |
863s | uh and everything else right everything |
865s | is always in the in the state of Polish |
867s | and kind of |
868s | um refinement or excuse me when we get |
870s | to that state |
872s | um but that's what you're kind of seeing |
873s | now so this this is a pretty useful |
874s | ability you're intended to kind of like |
876s | weave this in between your normal |
878s | rotation yeah yeah so so like one of the |
882s | reasons this came to be for the kid is |
885s | um in the last version of the kit we |
887s | felt like you know you were kind of |
889s | swapping between cooldowns because you |
891s | just used whatever was up but you didn't |
893s | really have a comfortable like fall back |
894s | and so this one serves as more of a |
896s | filler activity that's a little more a |
898s | little more freely usable and more |
899s | spammable a lot of healers we played in |
902s | past games you know they have that heel |
904s | like that core heel that you can just |
905s | kind of use back to back and that one is |
908s | like filling that role to a degree cool |
910s | super cool |
912s | sorry about your oh yeah between this |
914s | one and then the next one Deliverance |
915s | um they're both kind of like your core |
917s | filler heels that you're constantly like |
919s | your bread and butter is really yeah |
920s | awesome so Deliverance let's talk a |
922s | little bit about that this is it says a |
924s | held ability which means that it's a |
926s | variable charge value yeah yeah |
929s | um I I really like this one I I'm sure |
933s | it's there's something out there but |
934s | I've never actually played a Healer that |
936s | had a um like a casted heel that you |
939s | could release at variable points of time |
940s | and it just to me it seems like it fits |
943s | uh heal really well because of its |
945s | reactive nature so you can like release |
946s | it you can kind of like hold it in you |
949s | know if your targets you're almost like |
950s | playing kind of Russian roulette with |
952s | your target like you're pushing it to |
953s | the last second to get the most value |
955s | yeah it's a really nice like tool to |
956s | have to be able to like cook the heel |
958s | basically if you think the target's |
959s | gonna take some more damage you get more |
960s | value out of it the other cool thing |
962s | about this one is that um it scales |
964s | based on the missing health of the |
965s | target so if you cast it on me now when |
967s | I'm at full health it'll heal for a lot |
968s | less than when I'm when I'm pretty low |
971s | that's super cool |
974s | whoops okay let's try you it's super low |
978s | so holding it full length you go from |
982s | about 780 |
984s | foreign |
986s | and that would have been even more of |
988s | his health were even lower so like he |
990s | said if you were at like I'll get super |
992s | low here yeah so you'll you'll see an |
994s | even bigger so it scales on two axes |
996s | basically it's scaling on both missing |
998s | nine yeah scaling on both missing health |
1000s | and the amount of time |
1003s | wow that's cool yeah |
1007s | I like the Russian Roulette aspect of it |
1009s | I can just imagine the amount of |
1011s | friction that's going to cause in |
1013s | parties when the cleric player wants to |
1016s | maximize the efficacy of the heel versus |
1019s | the player recipient that's like Whoa |
1021s | man a drama between tanks and healers is |
1023s | What MMOs are all about |
1025s | absolutely that's like standard staple |
1029s | interaction Okay cool so that's that's a |
1031s | super cool ability talk to me a little |
1033s | bit about soothing glow |
1035s | this is a bread and butter region spell |
1038s | um you know it's got you have three |
1039s | charges of it |
1041s | um you can either stack them all on one |
1042s | Target and they don't stack in healing |
1045s | but they will stack in duration so if |
1047s | you just want like a really long |
1048s | duration heel on your tank or region on |
1050s | your tank then you could do that or you |
1052s | can spread it out for more effective |
1054s | healing per second by having them all |
1055s | tick simultaneously on three different |
1057s | targets so there's a couple different |
1058s | ways to use this |
1060s | super cool I love obviously hot Sarah |
1064s | something you try to keep up often so |
1066s | this also has charges |
1070s | nice very cool all right I see we have a |
1073s | flash cure talk to me about the flash |
1075s | cure another charge based thing this is |
1078s | actually the last one so it's not like |
1079s | all the ability everything is charges |
1082s | charges they just happen to be very |
1084s | front loaded here but um this is your |
1086s | last charge based ability |
1088s | um this is an instant heal uh the the |
1091s | neat like gimmick about this one is you |
1093s | can use it during other abilities it's |
1095s | kind of like our version of what it |
1097s | would refer to as an ogcd or an off |
1099s | Global cooldown |
1100s | um we'd only actually like have a global |
1103s | cooldown in the game right now but um it |
1105s | serves as that kind of thing where for |
1108s | example one way I like to use this is if |
1110s | you're charging Deliverance |
1111s | um you could even push it a little |
1113s | further by hitting that |
1116s | um flash cure as you're charging up |
1118s | Deliverance if you want it now |
1119s | presumably though you wouldn't want to |
1121s | flash cure while you're using |
1125s | Deliverance unless you're afraid that |
1127s | they're gonna die exactly or you could |
1130s | also let go of Deliverance haven't just |
1132s | go off right then and there so you kind |
1133s | of have choices there and whether you |
1134s | want to try to get maximum Deliverance |
1136s | value by throwing a flash gear or just |
1138s | making sure your target doesn't die |
1140s | cool that's super cool I like I like |
1142s | that kind of oh button so to speak |
1145s | right where essentially you know for me |
1149s | as a as a person whose main healer often |
1152s | um |
1153s | it's always a very tense situation when |
1156s | you're waiting for that massive group |
1157s | heel cast time to go off or you know |
1159s | whatever massive burst heal that you're |
1161s | trying to do and you know you're |
1163s | puckering up because who knows if |
1165s | they're going to live during that cast |
1167s | time but if you need to you can always |
1169s | pop a little bit of flash cures minute |
1173s | yeah |
1174s | who you're going to say Chad yeah I was |
1176s | just like it's fun to use it's like a |
1178s | nice little emergency tool because you |
1180s | know a lot of the time you're as a |
1181s | Healer you're like waiting for that |
1183s | yield to go up you're like come on come |
1184s | on come on and sometimes you miss it it |
1186s | feels a little bad and this is a way to |
1188s | it this is an answer to that |
1189s | yeah super cool okay next one we have |
1191s | here the resplendent beam talk to me |
1195s | about that one we've seen that and we've |
1196s | seen an iteration of that in the past |
1197s | yeah this is a returning one um but it's |
1200s | it's seen a little bit of change |
1202s | um before it was just uh you popped it |
1205s | and it would do a chain heal now you can |
1207s | use it like use it on Bucky uh just hit |
1209s | it like tap the button just a tap tap |
1211s | tap tap around exactly there you go and |
1214s | it's so you can use it as a quick single |
1216s | Target kill that way uh but you can also |
1218s | charge it so this is another held |
1220s | ability and the longer you charge it the |
1222s | more targets it will bounce between |
1224s | if you do it again |
1226s | um and you hold it you'll see that I |
1228s | should probably set my cooldowns to zero |
1230s | for this portion of feature yeah that'd |
1233s | be good |
1235s | yeah it kind of has the uh you can use |
1236s | it just instant cast to get a quick heal |
1238s | up on someone or you can decide to |
1239s | charge it up basically and have it |
1240s | bounce to a bunch of people if you |
1241s | charge it all the way it should bounce |
1243s | between all of us little triangles let |
1245s | me try the the quick cast again real |
1247s | quick |
1248s | all right so that's the quick cast and |
1250s | then I'll charge it up |
1253s | nice nice ah super cool okay |
1258s | I like how I'm just like with the |
1260s | animation it's just like everyone step |
1262s | back |
1263s | yeah animators do some pretty cool work |
1266s | that's cool very nice okay I like that I |
1269s | like the Dual Purpose nature of that and |
1271s | obviously this is a great point of |
1272s | feedback for those of you in the |
1273s | audience who are kind of watching and |
1275s | and taking a look at this class kit you |
1277s | know do you like the versatilities on a |
1279s | bespoke basis per ability where you kind |
1282s | of have alternate types of functionality |
1284s | that's up to the user to determine based |
1286s | on the situation or do you like more |
1289s | static use cases right uh something that |
1292s | is very specific and and you have to |
1294s | kind of use it for that situation |
1297s | um that's a great question to get |
1298s | feedback on personally myself I think |
1300s | that providing the user a bit more |
1301s | flexibility and versatility in the use |
1303s | of these abilities uh makes for |
1305s | interesting gameplay a lot of agency for |
1308s | the player to kind of move between okay |
1310s | let's move to the next one bless weapon |
1312s | talk to me about this one this is one of |
1313s | my favorites uh this is like basically a |
1317s | utility a Mana utility that you can use |
1319s | on either yourself or an ally so it's |
1323s | kind of a decision point of do I want to |
1325s | you know sacrifice some of my own Mana |
1328s | Resource Management in exchange for |
1330s | helping out an ally and I one way I like |
1332s | to use this is I'll just kind of look at |
1334s | my own manner or someone else's and it's |
1335s | like oh the Tank's like really low I'll |
1337s | throw this on them for now and then I'll |
1338s | put it on myself later the eventual idea |
1341s | it's not set up this way currently but |
1343s | the idea is you can like freely kind of |
1345s | switch it around between yourself and |
1347s | different party members right now it's |
1348s | just on a cooldown |
1350s | okay so I'm going to use this on myself |
1353s | and what effect are we going to see |
1355s | right now so it'll bless your weapon as |
1358s | it is appropriately named and |
1360s | um while that is oh |
1362s | yes shoot so that means if Bucky were to |
1365s | attack an enemy you think he would |
1367s | return Mana per hit |
1370s | okay so we'll show that off when we get |
1371s | into cement but it's only weapon combos |
1374s | okay got it cool cool cool all right um |
1377s | I see also we have here uh let's go to |
1380s | judgment we have judgment we saw a |
1381s | version of this in the past yeah so |
1383s | judgments we've since changed judgments |
1385s | now it's a lot longer of a cast |
1387s | um but effectively it's similar where |
1389s | you can either cast it on an enemy to do |
1391s | a huge portion of damage or you can cast |
1393s | an ally to a huge heal so it's kind of a |
1395s | Charged nuke yeah |
1398s | nice you want to do some dance oh yeah |
1400s | Show Yourself here let me show that off |
1402s | yeah we've choose this one up a bit |
1404s | and it has received the juicing |
1407s | or I'm sorry apologies uh the juice the |
1409s | juice box the juice box thank you oh |
1412s | whoops that's the wrong one |
1415s | oh yeah okay super cool so not as big as |
1419s | Deliverance when they're fully charged |
1420s | delivered to low Health but it's still |
1422s | pretty big and it even if they're high |
1424s | it'll heal for the same amount so it's |
1425s | kind of |
1426s | nice okay cool uh what's this one what's |
1429s | communal restoration |
1433s | um another one that's a returning uh |
1435s | another familiar turning familiar cleric |
1438s | spell is uh this one's been changed a |
1440s | little bit too but it's mostly the same |
1441s | it's still a party-based heel |
1444s | um it's really your only party-based |
1445s | heel that doesn't have any proximity |
1447s | unless like they're really far but it |
1449s | extends pretty far to all party members |
1451s | it does a direct heal but it also has a |
1453s | hot component so it's like or again not |
1457s | super responsive but it's very good |
1459s | value |
1460s | um especially in like an eight-person |
1461s | group yeah it's also giving some |
1463s | temporary hit points you can see I think |
1465s | in the UI yep a little bit of temp HP |
1468s | oh let's see where that is where's that |
1470s | at it should be a little uh blue bar |
1472s | overlay on the health bars see that |
1474s | little this little portion of temp out |
1476s | there yeah yeah Okay cool so this can |
1478s | overcast exactly yeah once the effect |
1481s | expires to the temp health will go away |
1482s | so if it wasn't um you know you weren't |
1485s | damaged in the time then it's not |
1486s | effective healing |
1488s | it feels like |
1489s | perhaps the the instant Health received |
1493s | from this might be a little low is that |
1496s | the intent or is a little low and I mean |
1499s | this obviously all these things are kind |
1501s | of been early iterations nothing super |
1504s | balanced things are kind of balanced but |
1506s | like for this one it's like okay the |
1508s | value is one you don't have to worry |
1510s | about positioning of your team it just |
1512s | hits everybody and if in in an |
1514s | eight-person group that kind of adds up |
1516s | a lot plus the hot effect and all the |
1518s | other stuff going on |
1519s | cool super cool all right what's this |
1522s | next one we have consecrating wave this |
1524s | one's pretty sweet so this one's a |
1526s | frontal cone heel so you don't have you |
1529s | don't need a target for this one you can |
1530s | just cast it it'll shoot it Forward |
1531s | based on the clear looking and it'll |
1533s | heal everyone it hits all allies and |
1534s | then they'll also damage enemies it hits |
1536s | too so it has a uh dual purpose as well |
1538s | it's AOE damaging wow that's cool that |
1542s | looks great in contrast to uh communal |
1546s | restoration this one's a bit more |
1547s | powerful |
1548s | um also does damage so that's kind of |
1551s | the trade-offs is you have to position |
1552s | you know it costs you in your |
1554s | positioning but then it's in exchange |
1556s | for a bit more power something we talked |
1558s | about doing well think if done yet was |
1560s | making it uh split between all the |
1562s | targets hit so if you hit a lot of |
1563s | targets it'll do less and like if you |
1566s | hit half enemies half allies it'll split |
1568s | the total throughput but we haven't I |
1571s | don't think we've done that part yet |
1572s | very cool very cool all right talk to me |
1575s | a little bit about Divine Flair |
1577s | yeah this one is another |
1580s | um |
1581s | kind of what I refer to as like action |
1583s | heels consecrating wave and divine |
1585s | player they're they're heals that you |
1587s | have to aim in World |
1589s | um so this is this one if you put it on |
1591s | the ground it's like a delayed AOE |
1594s | um if you want to try that on Bucky or |
1596s | something and after Bucky look like you |
1598s | need some health I'm dying all right |
1601s | here let me help you |
1607s | oh that's so good what's interesting |
1610s | about that one is um it's all it would |
1612s | also split amongst targets so I got a |
1614s | bigger heel there because Bucky didn't |
1615s | make it in time |
1617s | um it is kind of a funny little like |
1619s | mind game going there of oh I'm gonna |
1621s | jump in there but it's at the expense of |
1622s | his health because I'm stealing it uh |
1624s | tanks only please in this uh get these |
1627s | trash a more social |
1629s | um conflict Dynamics going on |
1632s | name it again |
1634s | it's the uh |
1638s | excuse me |
1639s | um had to call for a second um I like |
1641s | the uh delayed functionality in that |
1643s | ability I think that's super cool |
1645s | especially for an AOE skill |
1647s | um and telegraphing the location |
1648s | obviously with the ground-based decal uh |
1651s | for the party definitely yeah |
1654s | yeah exactly yeah super cool |
1657s | um all right awesome uh let's talk a |
1660s | little bit about barrier |
1662s | and so barrier is the classic kind of |
1664s | Shield spell you'd expect to see from a |
1666s | Healer kit so but the with the added |
1668s | twists that um you have to sacrifice a |
1670s | bit of your own health as a Healer to |
1671s | cast it so it doesn't actually use Mana |
1674s | I don't think it just you sacrifice a |
1675s | portion of your health to directly give |
1676s | to another player over time |
1680s | okay I like that that's cool |
1683s | yeah that looks pretty good and it's a |
1685s | clear delineation obviously in this in |
1687s | the uh style of The Shield bubble so |
1690s | that you can |
1692s | distinguish between you know other |
1695s | bubble types right |
1697s | like the Mages bubble yeah we can make |
1699s | new comparison yeah oh there you go oh |
1703s | your bubble Brothers |
1705s | do you guys bounce off of each other |
1709s | bubble physics in yeah |
1712s | here have some help Okay |
1715s | um let's talk a little bit about the |
1718s | chains of restraint |
1720s | yeah this one's pretty similar to what |
1722s | it was before |
1723s | um |
1724s | it does damage over time so it's a |
1726s | really good it's it's pretty much the |
1727s | primary AOE damage tool to cleric um |
1730s | which isn't really the primary role of |
1732s | the cleric |
1733s | um but you know they get some and it |
1736s | also applies stagger so it kind of |
1738s | provides some offensive support |
1740s | um stagger for example synergizes very |
1742s | well with some tank abilities which um |
1744s | what it effectively does is extends the |
1747s | duration of a trip which is which is a |
1749s | knock down |
1750s | um so if you've like stacked up a bunch |
1752s | of stagger on an enemy and then trip |
1753s | them they spend more time hard to |
1755s | succeed than if they hadn't been |
1757s | staggered at all |
1758s | very cool and obviously as we said guys |
1761s | just so you're aware when it comes to |
1764s | the development of the abilities |
1766s | um you know there is a specific pipeline |
1767s | that includes ideation into uh the Bare |
1772s | Bones kind of standing up with the |
1774s | functionality with design and then it |
1776s | moves to animation to provide final |
1779s | animation sets and then it moves to |
1781s | visual effects and then it moves to |
1783s | audio effects and visual effects and |
1785s | audio effects that tend to be at the end |
1787s | of that pipeline are usually the things |
1789s | that get uh that still need works that |
1792s | are still heavily Works in progress so |
1795s | um you're seeing the visual effects now |
1796s | but obviously that will change in the |
1798s | future okay let's talk a little bit |
1799s | about about defiant light yeah so this |
1802s | one's a really good tool for saving |
1805s | someone who's in danger of dying it's |
1806s | very powerful I'm in danger yeah which |
1808s | one uh okay so uh it applies first of |
1811s | all it applies a huge heal over time to |
1813s | the Target but if they die while the |
1815s | seal over time is in effect |
1817s | um it'll prevent their death and heal |
1819s | them for a flat amount and dispel itself |
1821s | so it's kind of like a oh |
1824s | oh wow I don't think it works with nuke |
1826s | oh no |
1831s | he's planted |
1834s | um |
1835s | you said that it would keep you alive |
1838s | we'll see if it actually works we'll use |
1841s | it in action yeah yeah okay |
1843s | I just wanted to uh you said it'll keep |
1846s | you alive so the first thing that came |
1847s | to mind is let me kill you |
1851s | yes it is if if that happened and that |
1854s | was real damage |
1856s | um it would he would have prevented the |
1858s | death the effect would be removed and |
1860s | then he would receive a heal up to like |
1862s | 25 of his HP tread |
1868s | okay so that's uh defiant light not as |
1871s | defiant as we thought it would be but |
1873s | hopefully it will be uh when we get into |
1875s | combat okay Healing Touch talk to me a |
1878s | little bit about this |
1879s | oh that's a that's a melee heel |
1881s | basically you have to be up next to your |
1883s | target um but it is an instacast and |
1885s | it's a pretty fat Hill uh so it again |
1888s | it's kind of like consecrating wave |
1890s | um it's being costed more on its |
1892s | positioning but rewards uh you know |
1894s | maybe if some of our more melee built |
1897s | clerics would really want to lean into |
1899s | this |
1900s | um because they they have that |
1901s | positioning Advantage for it |
1903s | oh there you go okay see look at that |
1905s | what I taketh I giveth |
1909s | there you are have health this one |
1911s | combos really nicely too with the uh the |
1913s | next ability the um wings of Salvation |
1915s | because it'll let you get into melee and |
1917s | then you can follow it up with a healing |
1919s | touch I don't know if they're low yeah |
1921s | this is essentially an ally Gap closer |
1923s | um so this is you must have an ally |
1926s | targeted and and definition of an ally |
1929s | is going to be any |
1930s | non-combatant player uh and non-mob NPC |
1936s | correct |
1937s | okay |
1939s | that's kind of cool oh it's missing I |
1941s | think it's missing audio effects let's |
1943s | see |
1945s | other girls yeah |
1947s | okay Phoenix the full Phoenix sound hold |
1950s | on signature Phoenix ability oh the |
1954s | audio might be a little bit bugged but |
1955s | that's okay as we said all things are |
1957s | worked in progress |
1959s | nice there it is one two with the |
1962s | healing touch follow-up yeah okay so I'm |
1964s | gonna T into shift T got it |
1967s | yeah that's pretty cool there you go |
1970s | combo what if I T while flashing and |
1973s | then shift t hold on oh I haven't even |
1976s | tried that oh my God okay |
1979s | wait hold on |
1981s | oh that work it all happened so fast I |
1984s | can't even super healing that sort of |
1987s | works it needs your two hands |
1990s | so we got we got wings of Salvation and |
1994s | then I'm looking here uh we have Smite |
1997s | condemn |
1999s | and divine infusion talk to we can't |
2001s | show Smite or condemn we'll use those on |
2002s | enemies here in a second but let's talk |
2004s | about Divine infusion and this one is a |
2006s | bigger topic |
2008s | yeah so um |
2010s | we'll talk about the class resource and |
2012s | then how this plays into it you'll |
2015s | notice if you look at the top left there |
2017s | are now three resource bars for the |
2019s | cleric and that third one you might have |
2021s | seen going up and down as he's up and he |
2023s | has Steven's been healing |
2026s | um but this resource regenerates based |
2028s | on how much healing and damage you've |
2030s | been doing over the last 10 seconds so |
2033s | the more radiant damage and the more |
2034s | you're healing and it's only effective |
2036s | healing so you can't overheal for this |
2038s | but the more you're doing it the faster |
2040s | this resource will build up and the way |
2042s | you spin this resource is on an ability |
2045s | called Divine infusion and what this is |
2048s | is uh |
2049s | if you have enough resource to complete |
2052s | the cast of a spell you can use this |
2054s | during the cast of The spell and it will |
2056s | auto complete that spell I've never |
2058s | actually seen a mechanic like this in a |
2060s | game before it was a pretty cool idea |
2061s | that came up across the design title |
2063s | yeah very cool |
2065s | um okay so essentially I am gonna build |
2069s | up some of the |
2070s | um unique energy |
2072s | I'm gonna do that by healing Bucky and |
2075s | then I am going to use a long cast |
2077s | ability and I'm going to attempt to use |
2079s | Divine infusion to complete that cast |
2081s | sooner than normally would be possible |
2084s | and just to be clear if I were not to |
2087s | let's say use that ability then I would |
2090s | have a passive benefit for my character |
2093s | while that energy is maintained that |
2096s | amplifies some spell efficacy as a |
2098s | Healer |
2100s | yep |
2101s | cool okay so let me try to get some of |
2107s | this stuff oops |
2110s | oh I got one off of that okay so it's |
2113s | gradually earning it over time yeah like |
2116s | when when you heal it kind of gives you |
2118s | some generation of this resource then it |
2120s | kind of rewards you the actual resource |
2122s | over time so you can see it kind of |
2124s | filling in your bar yeah we've been |
2127s | referring to this as like a heat |
2128s | mechanic right so it's not like a direct |
2130s | instant translation of you heal this |
2133s | much and you get this resource |
2135s | immediately it's it's it's like ramping |
2137s | up your region and build up right |
2140s | okay |
2143s | all right now |
2145s | I'm going to use judgment and then I'm |
2148s | going to pop my Divine infusion |
2152s | that's bad |
2154s | I don't think |
2158s | oh look at that yeah and it consumes |
2160s | some of that of it are you okay very |
2163s | cool yeah I was able to do it too |
2165s | I like that another oh button |
2171s | very cool yeah cleric this version of |
2174s | the cleric has a lot of tools in its kit |
2175s | uh just to set expectations you know |
2178s | that not any given cleric build would |
2180s | probably have all of these things um you |
2183s | would spec into certain ones uh most |
2186s | likely we're still working that out |
2189s | awesome okay so let's take a look then |
2192s | at some of those more offensive |
2193s | abilities |
2195s | let us perhaps find |
2198s | a potential Target here got a group of |
2201s | minotaurs right up here use Smite and |
2203s | condemn you think we can peel just one |
2205s | of them off uh we could I could wrap |
2207s | them and actually heal you |
2209s | tread could sleep the other two actually |
2210s | too |
2212s | oh and let me set my cooldowns |
2215s | so that I'm not cheating too much back |
2218s | to standard you want to sleep the back |
2220s | too tread and I'll grapple the front one |
2222s | sure |
2225s | all right and then I'm gonna use |
2227s | what is Smite first before we do that |
2229s | what is smite |
2231s | um smite's just a |
2233s | well you can use in two different ways |
2236s | as is a running theme with a lot of our |
2238s | abilities but uh you can use it from a |
2239s | range and it'll have a cast time and |
2241s | just do damage to the Target |
2244s | um and if you use it in melee it's an |
2246s | instant cast so again one of those |
2248s | things that you get a little more |
2249s | benefit for if you're up front |
2251s | okay so |
2253s | um it's going to apply a stack of |
2255s | burning and deal instant damage |
2258s | to the Target okay and then just real |
2261s | quick condemn is a straight up just done |
2263s | correct yep cast it's done |
2266s | all right very cool okay so in that case |
2269s | let me start by casting judgment on it |
2273s | perhaps okay while you prepare to sleep |
2276s | those two rain collars okay |
2280s | okay ready casting judgment |
2287s | all right okay now you're good tank if |
2291s | you want to grab it |
2292s | good luck |
2294s | all right |
2297s | oh Smite that's kind of cool |
2305s | oh that's very cool |
2311s | how you doing over there oh Jim that's |
2314s | taking some health |
2316s | foreign |
2325s | okay |
2328s | look at this |
2332s | I noticed that on this wand I'm getting |
2335s | some health back a little bit |
2340s | this has some minimal lifesteal or |
2342s | something |
2346s | nice very cool little passive life leech |
2350s | very cool |
2352s | all right so I noticed that we have a |
2354s | quest in this area |
2356s | or what is this this is not a quest this |
2357s | is a story arc yep yeah so we're going |
2360s | to try and go through this area and |
2362s | we're looking for I think the first part |
2364s | of the quest is a bag you're on the |
2365s | quest right Stephen looking for a |
2367s | backpacks I am on the quest so let me |
2369s | just here why don't we just stand here |
2371s | real quick |
2372s | up near the |
2375s | bridge I just want to get a look at this |
2377s | it looks great |
2379s | yeah that does look really cool it's an |
2381s | old abandoned ruin |
2384s | yeah this is just a beautiful area I |
2386s | mean it's |
2387s | you know I love what the environment |
2389s | team has done the ruins the the |
2393s | God Rays everything great job here so |
2396s | what what are we doing next what is uh |
2398s | this Quest obviously some Bandits have |
2401s | been |
2402s | expelled from the area and there's some |
2404s | minotaurs and whatnot what are we doing |
2406s | here yeah so we're kind of coordinating |
2407s | with one of the Bandit leaders so I |
2409s | think we're gonna have to find his bag |
2410s | to uh and go meet meet up with him I |
2412s | think that's the plan we gotta fight |
2413s | through some minotaurs first |
2415s | okay all right cool I got your back you |
2419s | just you do your thing chicken wing and |
2421s | I got you I got a war grids too |
2429s | all right |
2431s | I brought some friends because uh you're |
2436s | good you're good you're good you're good |
2439s | I got you the bears looking at me oh |
2441s | he's charging |
2443s | oh he mauled you he knocked did he knock |
2446s | you down yeah I got knocked over a |
2447s | little bit I can knock him down too |
2450s | get him |
2455s | nice very nice ball lightning |
2458s | okay Trad doing some deeps |
2462s | I can help you out |
2465s | the colors on you |
2468s | wow it knows who the real threat in the |
2470s | party is guess he's like I'm the |
2473s | only healer |
2478s | this Chris has so much health oh |
2480s | no oh nice flash gear |
2484s | secure |
2486s | look at that maximum efficacy on the uh |
2490s | Deliverance on the Deliverance oh my God |
2492s | there's a bear oh no |
2495s | sleeping it |
2499s | nice don't don't hit that bear |
2505s | we're good |
2507s | experience up so much health |
2512s | okay Mana consumption's not too bad so |
2514s | far with the kid of course as you guys |
2516s | all know oh God it's standing it's |
2519s | sensing you it can smell the chocolate |
2521s | in your pockets like what's that |
2528s | is not too bad now obviously I know we |
2530s | haven't gone through really a balanced |
2532s | pass between Mana consumption and |
2534s | cooldowns and health returns so if you |
2537s | as you guys are watching just keep that |
2538s | in mind you know this is work in |
2539s | progress we're really trying to stand up |
2541s | the core functionality of the kit |
2544s | um and and getting its play style to |
2546s | represent the role right especially |
2547s | within Synergy of the Holy Trinity |
2554s | hey that wasn't too bad |
2557s | yeah you've handled that uh the grouping |
2560s | pretty well thank you |
2562s | get some good coordination there we |
2563s | almost got him all right there we go |
2566s | oh yeah there's two more in here |
2570s | it's bringing them over to you you know |
2572s | I don't want my tank to have to run so |
2574s | much right thank you yes I appreciate it |
2576s | yeah no worries or should I be like one |
2578s | of those other tanks like you touch the |
2580s | mobs you take it |
2582s | how dare you ever get out of my party |
2586s | thank you |
2590s | you know those types of uh those types |
2593s | of tanks and I know they're out there |
2595s | but if you are forcing someone else in |
2601s | the party to heal |
2604s | it's because you're not keeping a face |
2605s | oh |
2607s | true facts very true this is a nice |
2611s | little area okay we're just taking a |
2612s | seat here yeah you know just resting up |
2614s | getting my Mana back taking in the views |
2616s | very nice so okay |
2619s | talk |
2629s | so talk to me a little bit about UI |
2631s | versus action healing right obviously uh |
2635s | I have made healers in the past one of |
2637s | the things I enjoy between the |
2639s | predictive nature of healing and the |
2640s | reactive nature of it is it you know |
2642s | it's very two different tempos and I |
2644s | like both of them right if I if I have |
2646s | to |
2647s | um you know kind of wait hold on before |
2649s | I get into this what is this is a |
2651s | backpack is that a splints bag I don't I |
2653s | don't touch bags that I don't own just |
2655s | one of you one of you guys wanna okay |
2657s | should I do it will it update it'll |
2660s | update my the story are for everyone in |
2661s | the area right I think so somebody can |
2663s | find it okay go ahead yeah got it |
2666s | must be nearby |
2669s | does it update for me |
2672s | I don't know can you try clicking it |
2674s | okay I will say oh it did it just |
2677s | updated for me okay gotcha cool all |
2679s | right there we go and as you guys know |
2680s | obviously UI is very work in progress |
2682s | we're still working on this |
2684s | um okay so predictive versus kind of |
2686s | reactive healing um |
2688s | I like both right if I love the |
2692s | excuse me I like the ability for me to |
2694s | kind of have control over the engagement |
2696s | and you know predict where I'm gonna |
2698s | need to this is a beautiful view where |
2700s | I'm gonna need to um to heal but I also |
2703s | like the kind of whack-a-mole gameplay |
2704s | where I'm you know interfacing with my |
2707s | oh and let me see if I can move this |
2708s | actually I wanna as a Healer |
2711s | I tend to have my |
2715s | my bar a little bit closer and move |
2718s | anything else hold on I'll just move my |
2721s | health plate I feel like when I start a |
2723s | new fight I tend to be a lot more like |
2726s | reactive because I'm not used to the |
2727s | damage patterns as much as a Healer but |
2729s | then as you kind of get more familiar |
2731s | and you kind of know what to expect you |
2732s | can start be a lot more predictive which |
2734s | can certainly uh improve your |
2736s | performance and it's good to have tools |
2738s | for both in any kit oh yeah for sure |
2741s | totally agree |
2743s | um I see splint across the way oh is he |
2745s | up there up on that Tower yeah see this |
2748s | rope he climbed up with maybe |
2750s | am I supposed to be kill are we killing |
2752s | him are we talking no I think oh we're |
2754s | getting a chest key yeah we're gonna |
2755s | coordinate with him he wants to get |
2757s | these minotaurs out of the uh |
2759s | Bandit camps we have to work work with |
2761s | the Enemy a little bit here |
2762s | okay so we're going down on those like |
2764s | driving over bed yeah I don't want to go |
2766s | through the front entrance there's like |
2767s | a ton of minotaurs there so I think we |
2768s | should try and fight through this way |
2769s | maybe |
2771s | we got a wolf all right |
2775s | you have it what about you Chad what do |
2777s | you like about predictive or reactive I |
2780s | mean I definitely like the more tools |
2782s | you give me the better right |
2784s | um I think we'll uh we'll have different |
2787s | specs that mean one way or the other |
2789s | um or all kinds of different clerics you |
2791s | know obviously as everyone knows |
2793s | um our class system will you know you'll |
2795s | be able to like |
2798s | class based on uh primary and |
2801s | sub-archetype |
2802s | um in different classes we'll lean into |
2805s | different directions some will be more |
2807s | predictive and when we say predictive |
2809s | like we're usually talking like |
2812s | um like Hots and stuff are gonna be a |
2814s | lot more uh predictive healers or like |
2816s | pre-shielding you know yeah and that |
2819s | kind of thing whereas like reactive is |
2820s | going to be a lot more like instant eels |
2823s | that might |
2824s | um |
2826s | be less efficient but more adaptable to |
2828s | certain situation |
2831s | it'll be up Steven |
2833s | I got you you can you're getting that |
2835s | full Deliverance value there I I think |
2837s | there's a bug on my targeting I think |
2840s | I'm I'm like the target switches off of |
2842s | you for some reason oh okay |
2844s | my bad I see you're doing you're |
2847s | throwing in some condemns there weren't |
2848s | you you're stunning the uh |
2850s | yeah I was doing a little bit of you |
2852s | know yeah I was trying to help out it's |
2853s | good I like what healer's gonna help |
2855s | with the DPS and the healing do we want |
2857s | to grab these guys I was not gonna go |
2859s | this way but okay oh |
2862s | sleep |
2875s | I was gonna sneak around but yeah we |
2877s | could just fly to the front door why not |
2880s | we need to show off our ability yes uh |
2883s | maybe sleep again oh nope nope has a uh |
2886s | decent cool down yeah are you doing some |
2888s | good good kiting I am totally kiting |
2891s | these guys sorry I got I got a couple I |
2893s | got three of them I think |
2895s | all right sleeping yeah healer healers |
2898s | will be generating threat right like I |
2901s | see they're noticing your healing so |
2902s | they're going after you it's taking me a |
2903s | bit of effort to uh |
2905s | get them off you I believe in you |
2912s | let's see if I can sleep or stun that |
2915s | guy |
2922s | drink my last health potion |
2924s | all right I got you |
2927s | two seconds for the next CC |
2937s | oh nice |
2939s | yeah I was running left with that |
2944s | all right |
2946s | easy peasy lemon juice |
2948s | winner winner chicken dinner any other |
2951s | types of sayings we want to add to that |
2953s | uh not even close baby yes thank you |
2959s | job great job yeah well done |
2962s | I didn't even get to do my like wings of |
2964s | Salvation jump to and oh very good look |
2968s | at that such a good combo it's clean so |
2971s | clean clean kill yeah we can just go you |
2973s | know we were gonna sneak around actually |
2974s | yeah |
2976s | I think no no no stop stop wait there's |
2979s | more there's more wolves |
2982s | one more time what's up a time here |
2984s | don't don't do anything after I get all |
2986s | crazy here |
2988s | no we're good we're good |
2990s | let me just sleep this wolf over here or |
2992s | not sleep but uh just put him down |
2994s | oops that was an accident that's a f I |
2998s | think I just got another one too |
3007s | bad all right come down this way |
3011s | okay let's go this way yeah the side |
3013s | entrance we didn't have to do any of |
3015s | that |
3023s | oh this is cool okay it's like a little |
3026s | back entrance all right yeah this gets |
3028s | around the main gate |
3029s | I think we can sneak around |
3032s | this area though because we like the |
3034s | aggro |
3036s | yeah yeah you know this I I feel like we |
3038s | can uh |
3039s | probably pull a little bit extra and see |
3042s | just how much we can tax this healer |
3045s | what do you guys think all right well |
3047s | I'll pull these three up here and move |
3048s | that fourth one |
3059s | I'm gonna |
3062s | I'm taking some heels |
3069s | all right I've got are we doing next I'm |
3072s | gonna get these fires fire yeah yeah try |
3075s | to AOE if you can oh |
3077s | wait all down big AOE I'm gonna do a |
3080s | trip |
3082s | I'm doing a delayed heel |
3087s | yes maximum AOE power what's your time |
3091s | are you doing the uh |
3093s | the wave attack too yeah yes that one's |
3097s | so good oh we got the delayed heel |
3101s | nice getting back all the value out of |
3103s | it try to get out some judgment |
3108s | okay |
3112s | going to sleep out |
3114s | nice we got it easy that was super easy |
3120s | either that or I'm just a literal God of |
3123s | a Healer okay probably isn't |
3126s | it oh you're using the full kit |
3128s | thank you here have a barrier for that |
3131s | compliment |
3135s | okay all right all right so I think |
3139s | we're just gonna go up the three shot |
3140s | team here yeah great great job one more |
3143s | we need to have a discussion with uh |
3145s | World design for this population I mean |
3146s | it's just it's not challenging enough |
3148s | yeah 100 minotaurs in here double alert |
3151s | respawn rate 10 seconds here I'll do |
3153s | another another group here |
3155s | oh yeah let's do that don't break if I |
3159s | can grab that okay sorry sorry |
3164s | I just trust I trust now |
3167s | oh no yeah just trust you're good |
3171s | I have full faith in my healer |
3174s | I bought some additional mobs okay oh |
3177s | God oh my God we're getting a little |
3180s | cocky here |
3181s | no we're good he flew too close to the |
3184s | Sun two seconds on sleep okay all right |
3188s | sleep coming out now all right all right |
3190s | I think uh |
3196s | okay helping myself oh yeah they're on |
3199s | you trying to get them off to you |
3203s | oh my God |
3205s | I'm dying where are you |
3207s | I'm running a little bit I think I think |
3210s | they're off you |
3211s | okay I'm now healing you again I need |
3214s | some huge heels oh I'm using my uh can't |
3217s | cooldown I'm using the Divine infusion |
3219s | oh yes perfect |
3228s | I'm healing myself my Mana is definitely |
3230s | going down |
3232s | we got this we're almost gonna kill some |
3234s | come on uh let me put down these chains |
3239s | healing myself again |
3243s | stay on the rainbow or a left rainbow I |
3246s | guess okay I'll Stand a rain collar |
3248s | I'm gonna stun this other ring collar |
3251s | we got it we got it now |
3253s | I am completely um |
3257s | all right we made it we did it we did it |
3261s | I'm running I'll do the killing blow on |
3264s | this guy |
3265s | wait what are you ready for okay I was |
3267s | at 60 health and they were still okay we |
3270s | got it we got it you're good you're good |
3274s | oh |
3274s | here have this hot that was epic that |
3279s | was pretty epic got some good pulse |
3281s | that's pretty fun that's actually pretty |
3283s | fun I enjoyed that as a hero that was a |
3285s | Oh moment and there were many oh |
3287s | buttons for me to press we were |
3288s | talking about this man and not being |
3289s | balanced but I think that was pretty |
3290s | good like you ran out of man just right |
3291s | at the end of that fight like pretty |
3293s | good good first pass sure did not sound |
3296s | too bad now we're gonna talk to splinter |
3298s | Pro Gamers oh my gosh dude |
3301s | see and everybody says I am |
3304s | a crazy player there's just not you know |
3307s | oh okay Clay on top of this and here |
3310s | we're good this guy's kind of cool what |
3312s | is he doing |
3313s | hello |
3315s | splint talk to me |
3317s | nobody mentioned locking horns with |
3319s | minotaurs oh okay I need we need to |
3322s | unlock a chest |
3324s | he's not budging here take the key all |
3327s | right I've gotten the key okay nice I |
3329s | think the chest is in the main building |
3331s | somewhere so yeah let's go down here do |
3333s | you want to uh should we uh |
3336s | just even rest a little bit you're still |
3338s | uh look pretty low on Mana |
3340s | um I would be down to rest |
3342s | well we should probably go this way I |
3344s | actually I guess I think we'll probably |
3345s | run through here for a little bit yeah |
3346s | let's get inside the building where |
3347s | we're going inside the building here |
3348s | follow me |
3350s | oh that's right we don't really even |
3352s | need to let's see if we can just |
3354s | since we cleared this whole area I |
3356s | wonder if we can yeah I don't think |
3357s | there's anyone yeah in here |
3359s | I think we gotta go down this little |
3362s | area oh down here it's dark and The |
3364s | Cribs secret basement all right |
3368s | let me give us some light hold on I got |
3370s | us |
3372s | very nice okay trad's got some good |
3376s | follow the lights |
3378s | follow the light |
3381s | here it is |
3381s | [Music] |
3385s | we're working together with splint the |
3387s | Bandit leader |
3389s | wait hold on I wonder what happens if I |
3391s | put this shield on you while you have |
3392s | your shield on |
3394s | uh |
3397s | double |
3399s | shield that's what you guys that's cool |
3402s | it let it let loose this massive |
3405s | um explosion what did that do |
3407s | I think we're working together with |
3409s | splint to |
3411s | activate this ancient chest to |
3414s | I think we're Awakening some old Spirits |
3416s | this place to try to drive out the |
3418s | minotaurs I think that's the plan here |
3420s | this is a Stairway over here wait yeah |
3423s | what's the next part of the quest with |
3425s | the light the light the signal fire like |
3427s | the brazier |
3428s | I'm running up |
3430s | oh wait this area uh-oh where'd you go |
3434s | Steven other your look to your left |
3436s | where over here hey how do I get over |
3440s | there oh actually yeah there you go okay |
3442s | all right there we go I'm gonna go |
3443s | upstairs even more over here oh nice |
3445s | this is beautiful environment did a |
3448s | great job with this Zachary and |
3452s | um Tristan and yeah it looks really |
3454s | great looks cool to explore good great |
3457s | job |
3458s | beautiful |
3460s | oh look at that oh there it is nice |
3463s | well this was a cool uh little incursion |
3467s | into oh look at this all the zombies |
3471s | we've let the beacon and the zombies |
3473s | have overtaken the minotaurs they're |
3475s | still Minotaur corpses god dude we |
3478s | missed the Bloodshed I think we did |
3480s | yeah see zombies shouldn't get any |
3483s | credit |
3484s | that's super cool very cool well guys I |
3487s | hope you all enjoyed this uh brief look |
3489s | at the update well not brief but look at |
3491s | the update of the cleric archetype and |
3494s | what you'll be expecting in Alpha 2. |
3496s | obviously your feedback is incredibly |
3497s | important to us please keep in mind |
3498s | everything is a work in progress |
3501s | um and we use your feedback as part of |
3503s | our iteration process so if you can give |
3505s | us your thoughts and what you enjoyed |
3508s | what you thought could be done better |
3510s | um in the YouTube video or in twitch or |
3514s | everywhere else we will go through that |
3516s | and we will take a look but we have |
3518s | enjoyed showing this Bucky and Chad |
3520s | thank you guys for joining me very cool |
3522s | very fun and uh I thought you guys did a |
3525s | great job yeah thanks for having us all |
3527s | right we'll see you guys back on stream |
3529s | I'm going ahead no wait let me jump to |
3533s | you let me jump to you come here come |
3535s | here wait wait wait there it is |
3542s | out of control |
3547s | [Music] |
3555s | seems like y'all very much enjoyed that |
3558s | from looking at the chat screen |
3561s | um I am going to play it in the |
3562s | background while will sweet chat and |
3564s | answer some questions from uh that we |
3567s | noticed that we want to make sure that |
3569s | you guys get to |
3571s | um get answered and the first one here |
3572s | is well AOE and action heals also heal |
3576s | raid and alliance members |
3580s | uh AOE AOE action heals depending on the |
3584s | type |
3585s | um that's a broad description but |
3587s | depending on the type if it's like if |
3588s | it's like a templated uh uh AOE yes it |
3591s | would heal any |
3592s | um non non-combatants essentially yes |
3596s | all right and then the next question is |
3598s | can you walk through |
3600s | all the ways that clerics can Target and |
3603s | heal like f keys and things like that |
3604s | because we noticed that you were |
3605s | clicking on targets and stuff like that |
3606s | so like people just want to know if what |
3608s | are the ways that I can heal as a cleric |
3610s | a lot of people like hover casting and |
3612s | things like that yeah there's going to |
3615s | be pretty expansive uh functionality |
3617s | when it comes to the different types of |
3618s | targeting methods uh that's something |
3620s | that's still being kind of worked on and |
3623s | um will be included kind of later in the |
3624s | iteration phases from the combat team |
3627s | um the idea is that we are expansive as |
3630s | possible in that type of control schema |
3632s | and that we leave it to the player to |
3634s | decide option wise which ones they want |
3636s | to use |
3638s | perfect perfect uh I knew that that was |
3641s | going to be it |
3642s | um people have also been asking about |
3644s | smart casting specifically that was a |
3646s | very one that people are interested in |
3648s | but it yes with a few options |
3651s | revive spell if so one other thing one |
3655s | other thing by the way real quick yeah |
3656s | go ahead um on those additional options |
3658s | uh we're also playing with a secondary |
3660s | targeting type where you can have a |
3662s | friendly Target active as well as an |
3664s | enemy or main target active so if you |
3667s | have Duality and skills like some that |
3669s | are offensive and some that are |
3670s | defensive we're going to be testing that |
3672s | I think as part of alpha two |
3674s | um uh most likely as part of Alpha 2 |
3676s | where you get to use that defensive |
3678s | targeting mechanism yeah people wanted |
3680s | like to be able to talk do Target of |
3682s | Target uh things I mean oh yeah so I did |
3685s | already respond about that in the chat I |
3687s | was like we're gonna add more features |
3689s | like that don't worry |
3691s | um revive spell obviously that's like a |
3693s | big thing everyone keeps bringing up you |
3695s | know if someone dies for instance you |
3697s | accidentally nuked |
3702s | that he would be prevented from dying |
3706s | and would get 25 of his health GM |
3709s | command everything he didn't specify |
3712s | that so you know it is what it is uh no |
3715s | we we there are Resurrection abilities |
3716s | we didn't showcase them here |
3719s | um because we haven't yet stood those up |
3720s | they're relatively direct we're not |
3722s | going to do anything too fancy there we |
3723s | have the ideas of including certain |
3724s | types of like Mass resurrections uh |
3727s | individual resurrections that have |
3728s | recuperation for uh debt experience that |
3731s | gets accrued that is going to be a part |
3732s | of the Resurrection aspect |
3734s | um of things there is one ability here |
3736s | that prevents death and that was that |
3737s | one that we showed where Bucky died |
3739s | because I nuked him |
3740s | um but uh yes there are Resurrection |
3742s | abilities yes uh and then can you move |
3745s | while casting every ability are there |
3748s | some you cannot move while casting they |
3749s | saw you moving a lot while casting and |
3751s | obviously that's something that's a big |
3752s | proponent for us is we want you to be |
3754s | able to move while casting yeah |
3756s | absolutely so so the a lot of abilities |
3759s | you have |
3761s | um the capability of moving while |
3763s | casting it's going to decrease your |
3764s | movement speed significantly or |
3766s | depending on the type of ability |
3768s | um we do reserve the uh cost and that's |
3772s | really what it is when you type you know |
3773s | tie ability usage to Mobility we do |
3776s | reserve the cost of requiring the |
3779s | character to remain stationary on some |
3782s | ability some big you know effect type |
3784s | abilities |
3786s | um so it's kind of it's just spread out |
3787s | amongst the kits some are going to be |
3789s | mobile some are going to be completely |
3790s | mobile where there's no restriction and |
3792s | no slowdown some are going to be |
3793s | completely restrictive where you can't |
3795s | move uh it's just it's a it's a |
3797s | balancing act between what cost versus |
3799s | benefit we want to have conferred |
3801s | through the effect of the ability yeah |
3802s | if they're rooting you for a spell that |
3805s | Spell's gonna do something good do |
3807s | something yeah |
3809s | um how are skills acquired during |
3811s | leveling can you walk through like how |
3814s | that functionality will work yeah |
3816s | absolutely |
3817s | um so a lot of games in the past we've |
3819s | kind of you or excuse me a lot of games |
3820s | in the past that we've played |
3822s | um have this kind of skill point |
3823s | allocation system that you acquire |
3825s | through experience gain and you take |
3827s | those skill points and you spec them |
3828s | into your skill tree we're going to |
3830s | follow a relatively similar path when it |
3832s | comes to Skilled progression however |
3834s | that's likely not going to be tied |
3836s | directly to experience game because we |
3838s | do have this concept of experience debt |
3840s | that does accrue and we don't want to |
3842s | create an imbalance between skill points |
3844s | acquired versus experience so we're |
3845s | going to predicate your skill |
3847s | acquisition the skill points acquisition |
3849s | based on benchmarks you reach when |
3852s | leveling through a level right so these |
3854s | going to be at specific points in the |
3856s | level like you know one quarter progress |
3858s | to half progress to three quarters |
3860s | progress you're going to get an influx |
3862s | of skill points and then you'll be able |
3863s | to allocate them into your skill tree |
3868s | all right and then can I change the |
3870s | theme of my cleric like if I wanted to |
3872s | be more dark spells or nature themed is |
3875s | that an option so that's really where |
3880s | um the secondary class option which |
3883s | creates your class right your primary |
3884s | archetype not so much that's that's |
3887s | relatively uh going to be more based |
3890s | around the player's decisions in which |
3892s | skills they spec into in the skill tree |
3894s | not being able to change the skills |
3895s | themselves but when you reach the class |
3897s | phase which is around level 25 and you |
3900s | introduce that secondary archetype |
3902s | selection to create your one of 64 |
3904s | classes then you'll have a number of |
3906s | augments that you'll be able to apply on |
3908s | a per ability basis and your core |
3910s | ability kit comes from your primary |
3912s | archive selection and those augments |
3914s | will change the look and feel of those |
3916s | abilities and some will have the effect |
3918s | to create more darker thematic aspects |
3921s | to it uh or you know just generally |
3923s | different |
3925s | Aesthetics to the abilities that |
3927s | represent the secondary class selection |
3931s | archetype |
3933s | archive sorry yes |
3936s | I know |
3939s | um and then does the cleric resource |
3942s | make offensive spells instant cast and |
3944s | yes they do but I don't know if you want |
3946s | to talk a little bit about that yeah |
3947s | it's any any any cast effect that you |
3949s | have |
3950s | um and that's you know one of the |
3951s | concerns about that particular uh energy |
3954s | mechanic that I had in that you know |
3957s | expressed to the team is like how we |
3958s | balance whether or not that gets applied |
3960s | to pretty much any ability because it is |
3962s | a bit of a subversion in The Balancing |
3964s | Act you know you want to kind of have |
3966s | minimum thresholds that players must |
3968s | meet must meet uh in order to confer an |
3971s | effect on a Target |
3972s | um and so there's some concern there but |
3974s | that's something we're going to play |
3975s | test and balance out throughout altitude |
3977s | but yeah we're having a lot of fun we |
3979s | did some PVP fun earlier in the week and |
3983s | uh Steven and Bucky and Trad were |
3987s | battling me Adam and Nat and it was |
3989s | super fun it was a lot of fun and later |
3992s | with Keenan |
3994s | um yeah it is it wasn't fair because you |
3998s | guys were see seeing me and we haven't |
4000s | yet introduced CeCe breaks into the kits |
4002s | and I was just like wait a minute so |
4004s | what we did so giving Strat right like |
4006s | our Mage slept Stephen and then I |
4009s | stunned Chad and then we just blew Trad |
4012s | up and I was I saved up my healing |
4015s | instant to spell for my judgment so I |
4017s | could just do like this massive nuke it |
4020s | was pretty pretty awesome place but yeah |
4024s | CC cringe yeah I mean I would call it |
4028s | straps but you know if I I needed the CC |
4031s | brake abilities we didn't yet to have |
4033s | those right that's true being able to |
4035s | break cc's is awesome to him |
4037s | um but I'm just letting folks know there |
4038s | is some strategy there's fun and even |
4040s | with the ability kits that we currently |
4041s | have we're having a lot of fun with it |
4044s | um then the next question I think the |
4046s | last one we have here and we can move |
4047s | forward on to the next step it's been a |
4049s | long stream already |
4051s | um is how much of the clear kit will be |
4053s | damage focused rather than healing |
4055s | because they saw you mostly casting |
4057s | healing spells whilst |
4059s | yeah um they're they're absolutely going |
4062s | to be and we talked a little bit about |
4063s | those um there's going to be |
4066s | a significant amount of offensive |
4068s | capability for the clerk because we |
4070s | don't want to create that Dynamic where |
4073s | cleric as a support class is is |
4076s | inoperable without a companion or a |
4079s | party to go with right |
4080s | we want that cleric to still be able to |
4083s | survive on their own to be able to level |
4084s | and progress as a solo player |
4086s | and so because of that there's going to |
4088s | be healthy combinations of offensive |
4090s | abilities but when we talk about the |
4092s | current you know class excuse me current |
4095s | archetype development we focus right now |
4097s | on this phase around core role right so |
4100s | we're talking about what is the core |
4102s | role for this particular archetype |
4104s | within the Trinity system then that |
4106s | really focuses around support oriented |
4108s | gameplay so you saw some offensive |
4109s | abilities some support abilities have |
4111s | dual purpose dual functionality |
4113s | depending on the target recipient that |
4115s | could be offensive or defensive you |
4117s | might see that |
4118s | excuse me you might see that expressed |
4120s | more as we develop out the archetype |
4122s | further but the idea is to create a uh a |
4126s | Healer archetype that is not entirely |
4128s | dependent on companion or party which |
4130s | means they'll have offensive |
4131s | capabilities |
4133s | yeah and like I said |
4135s | we were able to do some big damage like |
4137s | you can still do decent damage as a |
4139s | cleric you just have to know which |
4141s | skills to use and utilize them in |
4144s | coordination with other folks and also |
4145s | there's Synergy right like I can put a |
4148s | buff like a debuff on the mob that then |
4150s | the Mage can also uh exploit which is |
4154s | really handy so there's a lot of like |
4155s | things like that that are really handy |
4157s | yeah and not only that but remember that |
4159s | a big component which is probably one of |
4161s | the uh more significant distinguishments |
4164s | between ashes of Creations combat |
4166s | systems and what we were experiencing in |
4168s | other MMOs is that the weapon gameplay |
4171s | is a big component of synergy between |
4174s | your rotational archetype abilities and |
4177s | um the weapon uh combo attacks so you'll |
4181s | often find that a lot of your offensive |
4183s | power from perhaps a more uh support |
4186s | oriented class roles is going to be |
4189s | found with interactions with their |
4191s | weapon combo as well |
4192s | all right cool cool and that's it for |
4195s | the questions that we saw in the chat |
4197s | that like I feel like we Community side |
4199s | we can answer all the other ones |
4202s | um but uh you know so keep sending us |
4204s | our thoughts Beckner and uh Roshan are |
4206s | great about responding to folks and |
4208s | Peter over on social we we do our best |
4211s | we're a small But Mighty team but we |
4213s | interact with as many people as possible |
4215s | there is a thread over on the forums |
4217s | head on over give us some feedback on |
4219s | the cleric we would love to know your |
4221s | thoughts I don't know Steven if you want |
4222s | to add any additional I know you talked |
4224s | about it in the other yeah just sit |
4226s | there just like what you're looking for |
4227s | for feedback absolutely just just real |
4229s | quick |
4230s | um this video will be uploaded on |
4232s | YouTube within the next hour or two uh |
4234s | tops I would say um and it's full 4K |
4236s | Glory |
4237s | um and when you guys are thinking about |
4238s | the types of um feedback that you can |
4241s | provide us uh tempo of gameplay uh the |
4245s | distribution and types of effects |
4246s | conferred from the abilities |
4249s | um in addition to |
4251s | um the mechanics the combat and the |
4253s | encounter itself and the synergies with |
4255s | other classes obviously you don't need |
4258s | to give me feedback on my gameplay I |
4260s | know that it really couldn't have been |
4261s | better than it was uh and that that was |
4263s | probably the best cleric gameplay you've |
4265s | ever seen did you want to give them some |
4267s | practice too eye surgery like he can't |
4271s | even see them give the man a break |
4275s | [Music] |
4276s | I think when it mattered and we got into |
4279s | the Oh Ship moments I pulled off that |
4281s | just fine yeah right you know and yeah |
4284s | and I hover over the abilities because I |
4286s | forget what the icons are so it's in |
4288s | with the with the class so anyways you |
4290s | don't need to comment on my glorious |
4291s | gameplay I already know you all love it |
4293s | that's fine keep that out of the |
4295s | commentary that's why I was to give them |
4297s | like I was trying to tell them there is |
4298s | strategy to abilities you know you know |
4300s | you just gotta use them in a certain way |
4302s | I love it I love it yeah he doesn't need |
4305s | feedback on his gameplay just want to |
4306s | know about the combat and the abilities |
4309s | any feedback you want is all good we we |
4312s | have a great Community team that always |
4313s | runs through the comments we make sure |
4317s | it's used the reports that we're putting |
4318s | forward to our team are really useful |
4320s | they seem to like them they love your |
4321s | guys's feedback and your your |
4323s | suggestions so please send them our way |
4326s | um they're a lot of fun to read through |
4327s | as well |
4328s | um one other real quick point just last |
4331s | point is I want to make a point of that |
4333s | um you know we have not gone through our |
4335s | optimization pass and just to be clear |
4337s | when you look at things like frame rate |
4339s | or you see |
4341s | um you know dips in that frame rate or |
4344s | you see |
4345s | um you know anything that has to do with |
4346s | kind of performance or optimization |
4348s | efforts that pass hasn't come yet so |
4351s | we're doing something a bit unique in |
4353s | the sense that we're showing active |
4355s | development at the time that things are |
4357s | being developed and because of that |
4359s | you're not going to see the the parts |
4360s | that have yet to be worked on which is |
4362s | Polish pass optimization passed you know |
4365s | all of those things come at the end of |
4367s | the development cycle because things may |
4369s | change more heavily during development |
4372s | than they might when it's ready for a |
4374s | Polish phase right and so we try to get |
4376s | everything kind of nailed down and all |
4378s | the iteration stuff done as much as we |
4379s | can possibly during that development |
4381s | phase before we go in and actually |
4383s | polish it now because we're a |
4385s | transparent development process |
4386s | obviously the things that we want to |
4388s | show we do dial up a little bit further |
4390s | than normal perhaps across the rest of |
4392s | our systems and core pillars and designs |
4394s | in the world and that's acceptable |
4396s | there's a little bit of risk there when |
4397s | it comes to like the loss of work |
4398s | potential if things do need to change |
4400s | animations might change because you have |
4402s | to think about it from a pipeline |
4403s | perspective if animations change VFX has |
4405s | to adapt audio effects has to adapt |
4407s | right those things the timing has to |
4409s | kind of get changed especially when it |
4410s | comes to Ability production so just keep |
4412s | that in mind as you're giving this |
4414s | feedback yeah all the all the teams that |
4416s | have to work after the pipeline of |
4418s | something being like that are like this |
4420s | support like sound effects VFX like it's |
4423s | a it's a lot but our teams are awesome |
4425s | they're badasses as you can see we have |
4429s | a very small character art update so I |
4431s | will just be showing off a couple things |
4433s | here |
4434s | um and so you can see the tarnished uh |
4439s | skyraiders set here beautiful beautiful |
4442s | and I do have a turntable for this as |
4445s | well |
4446s | I'll play that |
4454s | oh very nice who worked on this this one |
4458s | was Danny always have that prepared now |
4462s | yeah I love the the chain links there if |
4465s | I can see that quite well uh and the the |
4469s | golds and the trim around the cloth and |
4472s | that's very cool yeah it looks great |
4474s | and then we've got the um ambitious |
4478s | academic set and we're showing it off on |
4480s | the VEC which we know everyone always is |
4482s | asking about the back so I'm getting a |
4485s | little look at this one |
4491s | you know don't look at the vet can think |
4494s | that they're devious or that no they're |
4497s | star they're up to no good this is just |
4500s | this is just how they are as a society |
4503s | right |
4504s | they're they're inspective they're |
4506s | looking at you and they're just sizing |
4508s | you up right |
4510s | and they're determining what they should |
4512s | think of you they're very suspicious |
4514s | suspicious culture the division between |
4517s | um the renkai and the VEC was not a very |
4520s | happy and peaceful one so something to |
4523s | keep in mind it'll be interesting to see |
4525s | now you're going to have VEC and renkai |
4527s | people battling at our peeing Stephen |
4530s | look when you started in other words |
4533s | it's the best |
4536s | um but yeah the lore is pretty exciting |
4538s | stuff so I know people will love hearing |
4540s | a little tidbit about that and we've |
4542s | we've gotten a lot of feedback in |
4544s | regards to some people not liking the |
4546s | hunched stance but honestly it's kind of |
4548s | yeah and there's some people who like it |
4550s | so it's like oh you got to think you |
4551s | gotta think when you when you start |
4553s | playing with poses right um why do you |
4555s | do that |
4556s | um from from a art perspective when you |
4560s | want to give players a distance preview |
4562s | threat assessment of the opponents they |
4565s | might be facing especially in a PVP game |
4567s | Silhouettes matter and the shape |
4569s | language of that silhouette is a little |
4570s | bit difficult sometimes to distinguish |
4572s | between races that share similar head |
4574s | height |
4575s | um and so one of the ways you can break |
4576s | that shape language or silhouette |
4578s | up is by incorporating different stances |
4582s | and different uh different animations |
4584s | that can confer the threat assessment or |
4587s | the idea of what that race is at a |
4589s | distance amongst races of similar head |
4591s | height and so I think this this plays |
4593s | well to the VEC to their to their |
4595s | creature model |
4596s | um uh and it gives them a bit of |
4599s | character right yeah I think that all of |
4601s | our races have a lot of characteristics |
4603s | to them and I hopefully people enjoy |
4605s | them so far it seems like people do |
4607s | there's little bits of feedback here and |
4609s | there from folks and with that we're |
4611s | going to head on over okay to q a and |
4613s | I'll play the video a little bit more as |
4616s | well so you guys have something to look |
4618s | at whilst |
4619s | um we are chatting here and answering |
4622s | some wonderful questions from the forums |
4626s | actually do you want to do Studio update |
4628s | first do you have like a few things that |
4630s | you want to talk about on that front |
4631s | Summer's been in full swing um studio is |
4634s | continuing to grow we're having a |
4636s | plethora of of wonderful candidates that |
4639s | are that are joining we did finish our |
4642s | um our milestone |
4645s | our Milestone last at the beginning of |
4647s | this month where we had a lot of |
4649s | internal play testing |
4650s | um all of that play testing was was |
4652s | phenomenal to see within the studio |
4655s | um um and you know as you can see combat |
4658s | is is making a significant strides for |
4660s | it across these different archives which |
4661s | we'll be getting additional play testing |
4663s | around and you guys will see more uh uh |
4665s | updates too in the future nodes was |
4668s | previously planned as the um as the |
4671s | showcase for this month but those of you |
4673s | who have been uh following Along on um |
4677s | Discord and socialism forums you'll know |
4679s | that that got pushed to next month the |
4681s | team required a little bit more time to |
4682s | bake that presentation so that we're |
4684s | able to cover all the topics we want to |
4686s | cover |
4687s | um and uh yeah otherwise things are |
4689s | going great |
4690s | that's awesome to hear that's what we |
4692s | like to hear now we'll move on to the Q |
4694s | a I was just trying to make sure you |
4696s | guys got your bingo card |
4698s | cheating I know |
4700s | um all right moving on to our q a here |
4705s | I will get you something to watch while |
4707s | we do it so the first one here is from |
4710s | norcor who wants to know about data |
4713s | mining well some kind of Technology be |
4716s | utilized to delay data mining example |
4719s | holding assets slash data on the servers |
4721s | instead of clients and only streaming it |
4723s | to the clients on demand yeah |
4726s | yeah |
4727s | um within our architectures there are |
4729s | some plans for us to kind of mitigate as |
4732s | much as as possible |
4734s | um the data mining uh to a degree but |
4736s | ultimately there's just going to be some |
4738s | amount of information that's not |
4740s | possible to be kept uh from data mining |
4743s | um however we do have uh some plans in |
4745s | place uh to help mitigate that |
4747s | also for people who don't know about the |
4749s | bingo card you need to join our Discord |
4751s | if you haven't joined it yet they have |
4753s | lots of great conversations over there a |
4755s | little trolley sometimes but you know |
4756s | that's do you win anything for the bingo |
4759s | card |
4761s | [Music] |
4764s | stream |
4766s | now it's they should keep tabs of each |
4768s | month of the winners of the Bingo or |
4770s | something yeah like a whole list I told |
4773s | them when I'm 80 I still want them to be |
4774s | doing the bingo card because I think |
4776s | they're quite nice I want to be like 80 |
4778s | on like the 30 100 ashes of creation |
4782s | virtual game where we're like locked in |
4784s | no I'm just kidding |
4786s | um at that time by that time we're |
4787s | launched so don't worry about it yeah |
4789s | we're launched and we're also making |
4791s | like a whole nother game and now it's |
4793s | like you are in a suit and in the world |
4796s | no uh Ace one two three four wants to |
4799s | know about NPC interactions can you |
4802s | influence NPCs or mobs when interacting |
4804s | with them by using your knowledge of |
4807s | their unique personalities slash |
4809s | routines lore or general knowledge of |
4811s | the world state |
4813s | hmm we haven't planned for any type of |
4816s | like |
4817s | branching dialogue personalities that |
4820s | give insight to those types of things |
4822s | and I don't believe that's planned for |
4825s | our narrative design no there is however |
4828s | some potential faction-based reputations |
4831s | that can be had and those reputations |
4833s | might send the NPCs down different |
4836s | Behavior trees |
4838s | and that is something |
4841s | that is incorporated but if I understand |
4843s | the question correctly it's more along |
4845s | the lines of like |
4846s | catering specific dialogue responses |
4849s | that will send down different dialogue |
4852s | branches and that's not planned |
4854s | okay and then uh Roni skipone I always |
4859s | love your name I want to know about |
4861s | weapons will there be any weapons that |
4863s | heal or buff allies rather than dealing |
4865s | damage |
4867s | uh yeah actually we were one of the |
4870s | weapons that was as part of the clerics |
4872s | uh |
4873s | development process here for this latest |
4876s | iteration on the archetype was a weapon |
4879s | that had an alternate heal functionality |
4881s | to it so I'll leave |
4884s | um I will leave that until that gets |
4887s | further developed and I can give you |
4888s | more definitive answers along those path |
4890s | but it is something that the design team |
4892s | has been looking at yes |
4895s | equal and then rocket farmer wants to |
4897s | know about Claire glor what can you |
4900s | share about the organizations and lore |
4902s | that surrounds and supports the cleric |
4904s | archetype |
4906s | one of the probably biggest delineations |
4909s | from your standard Trope in MMORPGs is |
4913s | that the cleric does not receive their |
4915s | powers from a Divine Source at least not |
4919s | in the sense that is standard it is |
4922s | still something that is tied |
4924s | intrinsically to the use of manipulation |
4926s | of the essence as a as a source of magic |
4928s | now the source of that Essence is up to |
4931s | question there are some claims about it |
4933s | that might apply a Divine interaction |
4938s | but generally it's not as though you're |
4941s | being imbued by these powers from the |
4943s | gods and that the gods can take them |
4945s | away should you step out of line in your |
4946s | alignment you know like that's the more |
4948s | tropy D and D type uh-esque approach |
4952s | Paladin oath correct I got you yes |
4955s | exactly |
4956s | um so yeah that's an element I think of |
4958s | the cleric that's probably been |
4959s | misunderstood or hasn't been uh |
4962s | expressed and there will be more lore |
4963s | that you will explore throughout the |
4965s | world but I want to give you a all you |
4967s | know yes very true our next one here is |
4970s | from cast I who wants to know about |
4971s | armor pieces how often will armor be |
4974s | part of an entire armor set with other |
4976s | cosmetically matching pieces versus |
4978s | unique armor pieces that don't match or |
4981s | go along with anything else in the game |
4983s | so for instance there's a lot of games |
4985s | where you go collect all the pieces and |
4987s | now they match will there be exactly you |
4989s | know a balance of both there is a |
4992s | balance of both set pieces and non-set |
4994s | pieces |
4995s | and usually you're going to see at |
4998s | higher grades within a tier |
5002s | are going to be more predominantly set |
5004s | driven and the lower interstitial power |
5008s | levels of the gear for that tier are are |
5010s | the uh potentially bespoke pieces |
5013s | um and you know obviously those pieces |
5015s | are catered around a number of different |
5017s | um interactions such as ones you get |
5019s | from quests ones that you get from drops |
5021s | ones that you can craft ones that you |
5022s | get from legendary bosses ones that you |
5024s | get from |
5025s | um guild-oriented tasks or or in-game |
5029s | favor and unique currencies uh so |
5032s | there's like there's there's different |
5033s | types of acquisition models and each of |
5035s | them has a spattering of of either |
5037s | bespoke pieces or set oriented pieces |
5039s | and there are even varying |
5041s | um levels of set pieces as well so you |
5045s | might have a full you know eight piece |
5047s | set or a three-piece set or a five piece |
5049s | set depending on where it lives within |
5051s | the tier all right and then bernie7 and |
5055s | Dev Mage we have two people who are kind |
5057s | of asking this question it's about |
5058s | cleric gameplay how are you trying to |
5061s | balance the cleric in regards to group |
5063s | play versus solo content while still |
5066s | keeping the archetype fun |
5068s | yeah so we touched a little bit a little |
5070s | bit on this earlier um which is that you |
5073s | know we don't want to create an |
5074s | archetype that's when it comes to |
5076s | soloing which means that it needs to |
5078s | have a well-rounded uh um kit that's |
5081s | capable of sufficing uh from a solo |
5083s | gameplay perspective but also is fun |
5086s | Dynamic and fill fulfills its role |
5089s | within a party setting |
5091s | um and so what that means is really it's |
5093s | left to the agency of the player to kind |
5095s | of spec into the skill trees uh that is |
5098s | most relevant to their type of gameplay |
5100s | so if you want to go harder into the |
5102s | more support oriented group focused |
5104s | skills you're going to allocate skill |
5106s | points into that aspect of the tree if |
5109s | you're tending to be more of a |
5110s | solo-esque player not necessarily |
5113s | fulfilling Your Role within a party |
5114s | setting you can focus in more on the |
5116s | ability kit that gives you access to |
5118s | those uh single single Target dps's and |
5121s | solo gameplay oriented skills so |
5124s | especially as you're moving into your |
5126s | secondary art archetypes within those uh |
5129s | well in the secondary archetype really |
5131s | just opens the lid on the types of |
5134s | customization options that the player |
5136s | has access to further allowing them to |
5139s | spec towards either solo gameplay or |
5141s | group oriented gameplay now |
5143s | incorporating aspects and elements of |
5145s | the other archetypes as part of that |
5147s | design but we haven't gotten into that |
5148s | yet because Alpha 2 really is focused |
5151s | around the base archetypes and how they |
5152s | fulfill their roles or their you know |
5155s | what we expect players want to have from |
5157s | a class fantasy perspective and then |
5159s | once we've kind of mastered that element |
5161s | we take that into the augment section |
5163s | and we start allocating effects that |
5166s | resemble the schools of those base |
5168s | archetypes across the class structure |
5171s | gonna be exciting |
5174s | that's going to be when the fun really |
5175s | really starts |
5177s | um and dilliam wants to know about |
5178s | Freehold sieges following a successful |
5181s | Siege of a node will there be any |
5183s | players that are not allowed to attack |
5185s | slash defend freeholds of that note such |
5188s | as players who didn't participate in The |
5190s | Siege and kind of to give you context |
5192s | here Stephen uh there has been |
5194s | discussion in regards to like |
5195s | freeloaders basically people who aren't |
5197s | part of The Siege but now can go in and |
5199s | like steal things from the freeholds |
5200s | people don't feel like that that's |
5202s | necessarily yeah we've we've talked a |
5205s | little bit about in the past and this is |
5208s | something that gets iterated on but I |
5211s | will give you guys insight to the |
5213s | thought process that will help inform |
5216s | the decisions we choose when we go |
5219s | through iteration and testing so |
5221s | essentially you know I've thought about |
5222s | this in the past as well and I agree |
5225s | with you that it's not necessarily fair |
5226s | or desirable I guess to have certain |
5230s | players who would refuse to participate |
5232s | in an event in in instead wait to see |
5235s | the outcome and then choose decide which |
5237s | they want to participate especially when |
5238s | you think about |
5240s | especially when you think about node |
5242s | sieges creating an aftermath of |
5246s | um of an open open world Battlegrounds |
5248s | essentially in the ruins where there are |
5251s | a number of resources and or Loot and |
5255s | spoils that can be acquired or salvaged |
5257s | depending on if you're the attacker or |
5259s | defending side one of the ideas we've |
5261s | thought about is it's potentially |
5262s | possible that for that event either |
5264s | Castle Siege or node sieges you would |
5267s | have a ladder of participation kpi right |
5270s | like excuse me participation stats and |
5273s | in those participation stats |
5276s | um you would say that the top 100 or the |
5279s | top 200 players have access to the open |
5283s | world Battlegrounds in order to recover |
5285s | the spoiled uh the spoils the loot or |
5288s | recovery that's a potential thing that |
5291s | we can incorporate as well if we feel |
5294s | that the objective of the system which |
5297s | is player participation you know the |
5299s | outcome and reward phases and the |
5301s | gameplay Loops that are Incorporated |
5302s | with that are not necessarily being done |
5305s | in a manner that is intended right in |
5309s | addition to that you could you could be |
5311s | less selective in the latter and more |
5313s | geared towards just those who were |
5315s | online and or participating within the |
5317s | event on the attacker or Defender side |
5319s | and made a choice there too so there's a |
5322s | lot of different dials and levers that |
5323s | we can kind of play with to to adjust |
5326s | the system so that we're getting the |
5328s | outcome we want which is essentially |
5329s | player participation and that includes |
5331s | both incentives uh as well as detriments |
5335s | and so to kind of recap that like that's |
5337s | something you guys are going to play |
5338s | with and test and see what the final |
5340s | decision will be so if you have thoughts |
5341s | on this as we put these things into |
5343s | place and we request feedback definitely |
5345s | send us your feedback on that friend the |
5347s | next one here is from thumbs and they |
5349s | want to know about Freehold taxes what |
5352s | will happen if a freehold owner doesn't |
5354s | log in for a while but has the money in |
5357s | their account to play to pay for the |
5359s | debt and taxes associated with their |
5361s | Freehold will money be automatically |
5363s | withdrawn to pay debts or will they |
5365s | foreclose their place |
5367s | yeah we've talked about this also in the |
5369s | past in the design side of whether or |
5370s | not we want to allow people to kind of |
5372s | either pre-pay taxes or if we want to |
5374s | allow them to deduct |
5376s | the tax payment from a warehouse |
5379s | facility or storage facility or off the |
5381s | character itself |
5382s | we have a few different thoughts on this |
5384s | we're going to be playing with this a |
5385s | little bit in |
5386s | Alpha 2 as well |
5388s | I will say that the desire of the system |
5390s | is not that people would lose or default |
5393s | on the taxes owed due to |
5397s | due to just kind of missing the payment |
5399s | time if they're gone for a week or |
5400s | something so there will be a mechanism |
5402s | either |
5403s | by which they can prepay or by which the |
5406s | system will deduct from a location uh |
5408s | designated by the player either |
5409s | inventory or Warehouse |
5411s | okay |
5413s | and then Davey Wavey wants to know about |
5415s | family systems are you open to the idea |
5418s | of removing the family system if Alpha 2 |
5420s | feedback suggest it or is it something |
5423s | that is in the game for good regardless |
5425s | of feedback |
5427s | um there are okay so let me answer this |
5430s | more broadly |
5432s | um there are elements of the game design |
5435s | that are core to the game itself those |
5438s | core designs will never change |
5441s | aspects of the core functionality that's |
5445s | intended may be tweaked and changed the |
5448s | family system is not a core pillar of |
5450s | ashes and so like many systems and Ashes |
5453s | the purpose of these alphas and testing |
5455s | periods and us even having these monthly |
5458s | demonstrations where we're showcasing |
5459s | current directionality and development |
5461s | is so that when players give feedback we |
5465s | parse through that we identify how it |
5468s | might conflict with our core pillars and |
5469s | philosophies to iterate and make changes |
5472s | based on the player feedback and what |
5474s | systems it might ripple effect through |
5476s | before making iterative changes right |
5479s | and so to ask a question such as |
5483s | will you be open to feedback on a |
5486s | particular system should the community |
5487s | give it the answer is always going to be |
5490s | yes so we don't have to ask that |
5493s | question the ques the question that |
5495s | should be asked is if feedback from the |
5498s | community |
5499s | is ants is contrary to the game's |
5502s | philosophy and core pillars will you |
5505s | change the identity of the game to match |
5507s | what a either loud minority or majority |
5510s | of players are looking for and that is |
5512s | where ashes of creation will never yield |
5515s | its intent to develop a game that |
5517s | answers the call of what our core |
5519s | philosophies and systems are attend |
5521s | attempting to accomplish and there are |
5523s | lots of different games out there for |
5525s | different people and that's acceptable |
5527s | so I don't want us to use the excuse of |
5530s | well I've provided this feedback about |
5532s | you know a pvx game I don't think Pete I |
5535s | don't think PVE and PVP can live |
5537s | together in a game therefore they should |
5539s | change that aspect of the game that'll |
5541s | never be a thing that changes because |
5546s | correct there's we're a PBX game and I |
5549s | just want to make sure I'm delineating |
5550s | between the two because this often comes |
5552s | up it comes up especially when we |
5555s | showcase PVP of any sort correct and and |
5558s | so we need to make sure look we're doing |
5560s | our due diligence as a company who |
5563s | provides a service to Consumers to tell |
5565s | them up front what we're making and to |
5568s | show them along the way what's being |
5570s | made how it's being made the progress |
5571s | towards that making right those are |
5573s | things that we should all as consumers |
5575s | expect of any company that's out there |
5578s | in the market trying to make a |
5579s | consumer-driven product and so because |
5581s | of that we're doing our part there your |
5584s | part needs to understand or as a viewer |
5586s | as a consumer also that some things just |
5589s | might not be for me and that's okay and |
5591s | there are other products out there that |
5593s | offer the things that I want and I will |
5595s | go there |
5596s | um you know that is that is an |
5597s | acceptable thing to think about but |
5599s | regardless maybe some data on the line |
5600s | we'll create a product for those people |
5602s | absolutely yeah we got to do this one |
5605s | first let us give us let us do One |
5606s | gaming the gaming industry is a huge |
5609s | industry and there's a lot of cool |
5612s | opportunities to tell a story in a very |
5614s | different way right and Ashes of |
5616s | creation is intending to be a very rich |
5618s | IP in a very Rich story that has the |
5621s | potential to be told across many |
5623s | different mediums and media and right |
5625s | now our Flagship product is this MMORPG |
5627s | and we believe that we've identified a |
5629s | particular space within the consumer |
5631s | Market that wants this type of IP and |
5633s | this type of product that we're |
5634s | developing and we're going to stick to |
5635s | our guns when we create it our guns all |
5639s | right and our final question here is |
5640s | from Diggs and they want to know about |
5642s | purchasing freeholds when it comes to |
5645s | buying a freehold it was said a player |
5648s | would need to be level 50 is that |
5650s | Adventurer level 50 or Artisan level 50. |
5654s | that's that |
5656s | is Adventure level 50. um and I talked a |
5659s | little bit about this in the interview |
5660s | slash conversation that I had on |
5662s | tangents of creation and you know with |
5664s | it I'll talk a little bit about it here |
5665s | within the design team we obviously had |
5667s | a very Lively discussion about whether |
5669s | or not there should be a adventuring |
5671s | level limit on an a um |
5673s | on a system like the Freehold right and |
5677s | um again when you compare the minute |
5679s | detail or the iterative detail that is |
5681s | what level gets accessed versus the |
5683s | overarching game philosophy or core |
5686s | tenet that we're trying to provide which |
5687s | is the idea of exclusivity of um of risk |
5691s | versus reward of unique accomplishments |
5694s | and not everybody gets a trophy we can |
5696s | accomplish this system still and make an |
5698s | iterative change to the level |
5700s | requirement on the Freehold like that's |
5702s | a great example of the last point of |
5703s | discussion we were just having so |
5705s | ultimately when we talk about that |
5706s | adventuring level design when we get |
5708s | into testing and we've taken to the into |
5710s | account the feedback and we get to see |
5712s | that system play with the design intent |
5714s | then we'll make iterative changes based |
5717s | off of those feedbacks and it could |
5718s | include something like changing the |
5720s | adventuring level requirement down to |
5721s | level 30 or non-existent at all it just |
5723s | comes down to how it goes from paper and |
5727s | thought into actual gameplay Hands-On |
5730s | live audience and getting real feedback |
5732s | in real time well like those are two |
5734s | different things when it comes to game |
5736s | design you can have the best idea on |
5737s | paper that falls completely on its face |
5739s | in in implementation versus in play |
5743s | testing right so so there's there's a |
5745s | there's a spectrum there and we're doing |
5747s | our part in making sure that from paper |
5750s | to implementation these systems are |
5753s | accomplishing what we want them to next |
5755s | step is testing |
5757s | all right and that is it for our |
5760s | development update in July we will have |
5764s | another one in August so stay tuned for |
5766s | August development update |
5768s | um Steven any final things that you want |
5770s | to leave people with before I go into |
5772s | the outro |
5774s | ah |
5779s | was there any soap boxes I wanted to get |
5781s | on today |
5782s | I'm just kidding uh no aliens because I |
5786s | have thoughts oh my god did you see the |
5789s | aliens I'm telling you that was crazy if |
5792s | you guys haven't seen the aliens thing |
5794s | go look at the aliens John and I have |
5795s | been having interesting conversations |
5797s | about the alien my friend runs the |
5798s | Illuminati podcast podcast and oh my |
5801s | gosh I'm like are you loving this he's |
5802s | like yes I'll tell you the biggest |
5805s | concern and threat I have to ashes is |
5807s | that aliens come down and they bring |
5809s | their Advanced like virtual reality |
5811s | technology with them and now everything |
5813s | we've been working on for that last |
5815s | number of years is invalidated because |
5817s | we have the alien Tech which is just |
5819s | literally an MMO that you're seamless in |
5820s | and don't know and that could be what |
5822s | we're in now but regardless like we're |
5825s | all AI That's what's jimin saying |
5832s | I have no other points I hope you guys |
5834s | enjoyed the uh the presentation today it |
5836s | is going to be up on YouTube go take a |
5838s | look at it over there the the streaming |
5839s | quality that uh twitch provides us |
5841s | doesn't do the world justice but you get |
5843s | to see it on YouTube |
5844s | um no we had a fun time team's doing a |
5846s | great job uh and hope you guys are |
5848s | enjoying it yeah yeah thank you all so |
5850s | much for joining us and of course it |
5852s | just says reminders uh don't forget to |
5854s | check out Steven's uh q and A's that |
5857s | he's been doing with the action Forge |
5859s | and the tangents of creation and as well |
5861s | as head on over to our forums |
5863s | forums.ashesofcreation.com send us your |
5865s | feedback we we would love to hear it our |
5868s | community team Wagner and Roshan are |
5870s | amazing and put together wonderful |
5871s | reports for our teams uh we also have |
5874s | our monthly cosmetic swap over charms |
5875s | and good fortune that will be ending on |
5877s | August 9th so if you want to grab those |
5879s | snag them up and of course thank you so |
5882s | much to our viewers to all of you for |
5884s | joining us live here and for those of |
5885s | you on YouTube who are watching later we |
5887s | appreciate you so much we hope that you |
5889s | enjoy following our development process |
5891s | and you know it's not for everybody but |
5893s | it is what we are doing so that we can |
5895s | showcase along the way the Journey of |
5897s | creating ashes of creation and of course |
5899s | thank you to Dr Bucky and Trad for |
5902s | joining uh Stephen as well and we hope |
5907s | that you all have a safe and healthy |
5909s | rest of your month and we'll see you |
5912s | next time |
5913s | make sure to follow everyone thanks bye |
5919s | [Music] |