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ok So I made a post about this before and did a very bad job of looking into the info that's out there and describing my opinion on that so I'm hoping I might do better.. and see if its discussion worthy, also for the TLDR read the last paragraph lol so what's the point of caravans why does ashes of creation need or use them?, in ashes the main Drop when killing content in the open world is going to be a resource called glint it is bound to the character and can not be traded between players. its what the old monster certs have now been rebranded as. This is not money but a resources to be used in nodes to exchange for other services or goods that they them selfs can the be turned into gold. It seems there are many ways of doing this but one of the most profitable ways that has been shown so far is to use glint to by commodity with in a node that produces/sales that commodity at a low rate of glint and to transport that glint to another node that wants the commodity and so is willing to pay a good gold price for it. Caravan are also from what we can tell, to be used by mayors to setup trade routes between nodes. And also as quests/System caravans with a certain commodity between nodes for players to defend. Ok so thats the why caravans, it best way to make gold. Now how about, how do I do that and what are the risks of that with in ashes world?. Caravans are bought with gold from a node building and can be upgraded with gold with extras that allow extra storage amour and so on. So there will be a expense to profit ratio with caravans as to what the best setup will be for the transfer of what goods and to how far. Now this is where some of the mechanic start to become unclear. We know that to start your caravan that you just bought you need to launch it from your inventory while with an area outside the node. And wait a time for the caravan to be built and ready to depart. Once the caravan has been launched it seems to starts the caravan event system. Is this used by the caravan system to check its proximity around it to see if there are any potential attackers or PvE events that the caravan may have entered into. And if so does it then bring up system alert to ask if you want to participate in the event? In some of the info out there it seems you can accept to defend it or attack it or ignore it. Does this mean as a caravan you can opt-out of PVP/PVE? What we do know if players did want to attack a caravan, that there will be a Defenders side that would consist of players that joined the party of the caravan and would denoted them as so, and we know if players choosing to join the attack of the caravan would also be partied and be denoted as so. The the event would play out we do not know what the parameters of the event will be to reach an end but we were shown an ending that resulted in the defending side all being wiped and the caravan destroyed. This seemed to end the event with the caravan contents spilling to the floor in boxes to be looted the attacker had choices to open loot there and not get much or to call a pre planed caravan out from the closet node to them and take the loot box whole in a new caravan event. When getting to a node the caravan would de-spawn and you speak to the commodity vender to unload your caravan witch would take a certain amount of time before you would be able to have your goods to then sell or do with as you wish. And that concludes the caravan system as we know it.. but it does throw up a few question that were not answered or are vague enough that people are not sure how they would work or feel in game to play.. like could I be in range of the caravan but not see it and still get notification to attack? If so is that fair to the caravan? Does it take away the ability to slip though places unseen by the caravan?. If unable to opt-out of PvP/PvE will it be possible to do any type of caravan events as small guilds/player groups (under 10 players) with out being zerg'ed on by larger groups of players or PvE content?. Ok so the big one we understand that in open world with PVP there is always a risk to reward aspect of the game. The reward of a caravan is the larger amount of gold that comes from them or the completion of a mayoral caravan/ quest caravan. And the risk comes from losing it all by being attacked. So as a person wanting to take a caravan, their must be a significant desire to gain the reward using the caravan system vs the risk of losing it all. I see this being a problem for a few reasons. Using caravan to transport commodity though the open world might seem to be like it would be as if you were just walking between nodes but with a caravan but it is not. The player will have to understand that it has entered into an event. This will be confusing to players. The difference in open world pvp and caravan event pvp are very different. If attacked as a player in the world there are consequences to the aggressor and if the aggressor kills will end up corrupted, a big consequence with a lot of ramifications. If attacked as a caravan event the only consequence to the aggressor is item degradation. This will confuse players so much that it will have a big effect on weather they would use a caravan system again. The two systems are so out of alignment that players will feel a Hugh disparity for what feels like open PvP in an open world with the only difference being the caravan. But the PvP difference is hugh, and with out bring these two system closer into alignment I beleave the player base will have a hard time using these systems. Zerging guilds who can have 60 + players on at any time will close a area down to anyone trying to transport a caravan though if there are no consequence the larger group wins in MMOs we know this. I do however think that a solution is viable and both helps out another system, and allows conflict to happen on servers though player interaction.. if when attacking caravans the attacking side in the event where as a consequence of joining the attacking side were to gain corruption and more importantly to lose reputation in the node the caravan came from and the one the caravan is in when the attack began it would make the attacker think is this worth it?. And most of the time it will be. A small bit of corruption say enough to be worked off over a few days, but still bring people into the bounty hunter system, reputation loss of nodes no problem as long as your far enough away from the nodes you like or use, but it does mean you might not be able to res there if your reputation is to low... and this is the point you can attack a caravan get the loot make the profit but you can't zerg 5 caravan in one night like this or you would ruin your reputation with nodes for a long time and build a lot of corruption to have to work off.... much like the open world PVP system. It pulls two systems a lot closer together in feeling and would not stop caravan pvp but would stop the griefing of caravan pvp.
7 months ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Edit : strange. now it works ... ... ... hold on a Moment ... ... ... edit 2 : should i be curious of why exactly this Forums is trying to struggle against the Quotes i want to, well, quote here ? This Topic is not closed, now is it ? So why this Attempt to suppress further talk ?
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