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Sometimes, this is the dumbest thing people can say, and we hear it a lot when games are in development.

Any criticisms receive a quick comeback of "It's in Alpha" or "It's in development"..."polish comes later"....

While I don't deny this, certain aspects of the game won't be changing, and that should be obvious. Heck, we commonly heard "this game isn't for you" when people requested action combat.

When combat was criticized as bland, months ago, there was a reason for that. You pretty much know, already, what combat will feel like in the future. The same comparative reasoning is being used that allows someone to distinguish between tab action and hybrid combat.

Telling people that "polish comes later" is trickery. Imagine swinging a sword, and the animation looks clunky, and after some "polish" it will look smooth...swinging a sword, however, is still swinging a sword, and what happens when you swing it will remain the same... nothing about that changes.

In this sense, the style of interactions between PCs and NPCs are already established, otherwise you'd have no clue how to even design the game. We will not be getting BDO combat, or Everquest or WoW combat. No amount of "polish" will change this because "polish" has nothing to do with it.

So when combat is criticized as bland, I personally feel it is because of the choices that were made when determining the interactions between PC and NPC. Not polish.
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Wandering Mist


So when combat is criticized as bland, I personally feel it is because of the choices that were made when determining the interactions between PC and NPC. Not polish.

What part of the combat do you believe is "bland"?

Good question!

If you feel that combat is, in your opinion, "bland" - feel free to express that on the forums, as long as you do it in a constructive and helpful manner, so that we can understand why you feel the way you feel :)