Original Post — Direct link
have they mentioned anything about being able to toggle off/hide the appearance of your chest armour so it shows only bare chest whilst maintaining the stats for those of us that want to play something along the lines of a slayer dawi/ barbarian?
about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link

@Vhaeyne Heh - after I saw this kind of stuff in clips of Lineage 2, I started asking in the monthly Q&A's whether we'll see skimpy outfits. Steven was a big L2 player, but we still don't know his feelings about thongs and bikini bottoms in in AoC. I'm personally hoping it won't be in, as it subtracts from immersion, for yours truly.

We do indeed know his feelings on that front, and I believe I shared a helpful wiki link that mentions it at the top in a previous month's Q&A wrap-up for you!

To OP's question, while we've previously addressed that your helmet would be able to be toggled, I don't believe we've specifically mentioned whether you'd be able to toggle the other slots, either regularly or through the use of cosmetics to "hide" your existing gear. I might recommend sharing this in an upcoming Q&A thread so we can dive in further!