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I have been formulating over the past few days on the idea of Freehold owners being able to hire / lease / purchase (yes slavery is bad, but for fantasy sake) NPCs to help manage the players freeholds. So my idea is that a player at freehold lvl 1 can obtain 1 x NPC and a lvl 2 free hold can have 2 NPCs etc.. The idea would be that the NPC essentially have a work roster and you assign the NPC to the task you want carried out. Hiring an NPC means paying them a wage (for realism), but also that the NPC has some skills that make them best suited to the given task, such as herding, farming or blacksmithing. Hiring could be done through a building such as workstation or maybe even just walking around the city and asking NPCs if they need a job. Basically adding more realism and connection to the world and building it bit by bit.
I've always found the idea of immersion and realisme inside an MMO to be the main draw factor for me and i feel that AoC could implement this idea in a way that adds to the world and servers history. While i am aware that slavery and the like may be frowned upon, it still has the impact of driving a story forward in a direction. Cities could enact anti-slavery policy or the legalisation of slavery thereby influencing an image of a city and creating tension among slave holders and non-slave holders and slave holder and non-slaveholder cities.

I wonder what AoCs thoughts are on a system such as NPCs within the freeholds?
almost 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Looks like the wiki link to farmhand NPCs that can be hired was posted.

The idea of choosing specific NPCs with different stats and then assigning them to roles that you feel best befit them is an interesting conversation topic and might be worth forming as a question for the Q&A section of the next livestream! ;)