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So i had a thought that there could be room for a pirate nation/node that functions slightly different than the current nodes we are getting the idea of pirate nodes (Could even have the occasional bandit one) is to add pvp hotspots where the kill penalty is either non existent or you gain much less corruption as a citizen im not sure how deferential the current corruption system is with punishing effects however i feel this system would provide pvp area's and hotspot where player can avoid if they dont want increased chance of being PK aswell as adding a hot spot for bounty hunting aswell.

Ok the idea of these nodes
There be say a handful of pirate modes around the spot i would say 7-9 of them going by the map we currently have there be 3 on each main continent and then a couple on islands, these nodes will acts a little independent of the nnormal node system where they are not influenced/blocked by normal node zone of influence from ranking up however the difference is they compete with themselfs so there only be 1 pirate metropolis node 2 city nodes 2 town nodes and the rest cap out at village node level (Reason for 2 city nodes is to give option on what one might hit the final stage when the metropolis is destroyed)
Note: you could cap pirate node at city and not allow for pirate metropolis it depends how important this node type is realy if you give the pirates one or not

Effect on the world
- Pirate nodes zone of influence will grow as it levels up (It wont block progression of towns around it since it independent of normal node system) however this zone would do something else instead which will be to flag everyone in it as combatants to everyone who is corrupted

- Corrupted p[layers wont receive normal death penalty within the area of influence or significantly less this is to promote these players staying within these areas so there be heavy pvp around these area but not as much outside

- You could also play around with death penalty in this zone as making players drop a small amount if items from inventory such as animal bonds and things however could make loot worth more from mobs within this influence aswell as a trade off

[b]Citizenship [/b]
- being a citizen of a pirate node will flag you as corrupted and will be KOS to all other nodes

- Citizens will also not receive penalty for dealths/corruption penalty from kills/deaths in the ocean

How the nodes work with seiges
- Pirate nodes will progress at a quicker rate than normal nodes however when they get seige/destroyed they get bumped back down to level 0 so players in local region may be more incentivised to keep the node at bay and preventing it from getting to high

- high enough level nodes will get a pirate shipyard which allow very slightly stronger shipbuilder recipes/results

Pirate citizens gain infamy from pvp actions which is a form of currency used to purchased unique items in the pirate from pirate style armor recipes to boats and so on.

I think the nodes would be a cool idea when it comes to adding pvp hotspots in certain area's of the map aswell as incentivising non corrupt players in the area a goal to seige pirate outposts before they get to built up where they become stronger and have more sway in the area they can raid (pvp without as much penalty).
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
In theory, some of what you're looking for in your pirate node concept can be done with Military nodes!

There will also be some forms of PvP that are lower risk and opt-in, such as arenas!

It is interesting to theorycraft other node types besides the four (Divine, Economic, Military, Scientific)

I encourage creative thinking like this and would love to hear what others could think up in terms of different node types!