Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by angeredduck

Yo OP of top post here and f**k these nerds, cold war look sick i loved mw yet BO2 is still my fav cod ever mp looks balanced and fun keep up the good work

Thanks homie. I liked MW too. Just gotta have fun. :)


Originally posted by ThrowawayAcct27295

FOXHOUND!!!! Dude ive missed you.

Hi Hi :)




People are allowed to change their opinions when knowledge is obtained. :)

09 Sep


My fun is better than your fun!

-Internet since like forever.


Originally posted by BigBooce

Will there be prestiges? This is important imo, as IW’s take on the season reset was done really poorly. Prestiging feels more rewarding.

Will there be prestiges?

Please See:

More progression system details to come


Originally posted by buymymeth

Will we also be able to disable the compass at the top? It seems like unnecessary clutter now that the minimap is back.

Game looks great overall!

No promises, but feedback I will share. I’ve had so many clutch comms when calling out positioning in our playtests. I want you to love the compass. :(


Originally posted by Ceresinc

Treyarch should give us earlier access which is where you just get every game like half a year before it releases.

and then earliest access which is just being on the dev team.

and then earliest access which is just being on the dev team.

😂 - Applications:


We outlined a few other things:

  • In-depth Gunsmith stats
  • Traditional mini-map returns
  • Faster TTK than BO4
  • Ninja Perk is back
  • Health bar UI can be toggled
  • Edit loadouts mid-match
  • Unlimited sprint
  • Auto health regen
  • More progression system details to come

Make sure you read our blog!

08 Sep


I remember when you posted this in /r/CallofDuty.

Your Hendrix art is dope too!


Originally posted by RipperGG

Got it, thanks Foxhound.

While I have your eyes, I sent you a DM with a tiny tiny suggestion that I'd love to have communicated with the team.

Thanks again

You may have not hit send OR you're still drafting it.


Originally posted by RipperGG

I have a question about your approach to communication. Can we expect any type of communication from you when it comes to game design decisions that are unpopular to reddit/twitter but seemingly popular with millions of other more casual players?

Main thing that comes to mind is MW2019 never acknowledging the existence of SBMM (unless I missed it). Obviously the online communities are small potatoes compared to the greater CoD playerbase but I still think at the very least devs should acknowledge the existence of features? On the other hand, "Yes there is SBMM, and no we are not changing it" wouldn't be that important to communicate I suppose.

I have a question about your approach to communication. Can we expect any type of communication from you when it comes to game design decisions that are unpopular to reddit/twitter but seemingly popular with millions of other more casual players?

You can expect me to be as candid as possible about things that I can speak about. I don't make any decisions when it comes to game design, however. I do relay community discussion points to various parties and if I receive a response we land on then I'll share it.

The takeaway I want you to have here is that just because I/we don't say something doesn't mean I/we don't hear/read/see it.


Originally posted by DAN1637IEL

Thank you, but can you send a link to the discord channel?

Let's take that conversation to DMs.

Edit: The short answer, for now, is to not misrepresent your art as Official Treyarch content.

Edit: Looks like the Reddit app kept the response to this question within the original Discord Link request.


Originally posted by KingKull71

I think everyone can understand that, as long as "not worth it" doesn't extend to all the topics that players want to talk about (spawning, connectivity, matchmaking, lobbies, visibility, etc) that the devs would prefer to avoid. The first step to managing outrage is to recognize the issues that are making people unhappy... unfortunately, that hasn't been the common practice in the past.

I outlined what that meant. There may be times where I don't have responses to some topics or the response to give is not what some players want. The decision to not engage with those players in that scenario begins when they decide to become uncivil or intellectually dishonest.


Originally posted by DAN1637IEL

Thank you, but can you send a link to the discord channel?

Sure thing, you can find it here. We're using Discord a little differently than most servers because we're an information and content creation hub first. We might explore text and voice channels at a later date, but the goal is to keep the information flow running for those who live on Discord. (I live on Discord.)


Great job and thank you for sending the links! Liked it on Twitter and Instagram from Treyarch. Also added it to our Discord's UGC channel. :)


Originally posted by raisensareterrible

I think it's because it gets over whelming at a point. It's hard trying to fix issues when the angry mobs don't know what they want and say "FIX THIS. YOU LAZY SHITHEADS". Fix what? They're more specific with negative words that they're calling Treyarch , than the complaint itself.

MW, she got death threats and probably even sexual abuse threats, I'd stay tf away too. It's a lot to take in, they're human. We need to realize this. They can get doxxed if someone was pissed enough.

Keep in mind, they're only reporting back what Treyarch/IW has told them. There's no guarantee. We're not in their shoes. We simply play the game and post about it on reddit.

Treyarchs communicator even said /r/Blackops4 was just too toxic.

Treyarchs communicator even said r/Blackops4 was just too toxic.

What I said was:

I intend to remain present but will definitely elect to not engage with those who are intentionally uncivil or intellectually dishonest as in r/BlackOps4. We outlined this in our ...

Read more

07 Sep


Originally posted by JedGamesTV

it must be hard for you especially, trying to find actual feedback.

Frequency of conversation plays a part in the feedback process. Some things are tough and some are not.


Originally posted by JedGamesTV

Anyone else sick of seeing this question 10 times a day? please just search the sub ffs, not hard

I moderated the COD forums from ~2009 to ~2015. Nobody really ever searches. Trust.


Tag me when you're done. :)