Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Originally posted by LetTheFloorHitTheBod

People are literally selling cold war wallhacks for $10/month on discord but apparently some guy shouting nonsense is your top priority..

Edit: oof the cheaters are downvoting hard when they are called out

People are literally selling cold war wallhacks for $10/month on discord but apparently some guy shouting nonsense is your top priority..

Edit: oof the cheaters are downvoting hard when they are called out

I debated on responding to you, but I feel like there's some due diligence on my side to provide some insight here.

My priorities as a Community Manager vary day-by-day, but our dedicated teams' priorities for various systems that comprise Call of Duty often do not. The people in charge of and responsible for anti-cheat and policy enforcement are actively performing their jobs. The same can be said of our engineers, designers, producers, artists, and many more.

Cheating is a proverbial cat-and-mouse game. It, unfortunately, has been and will be a part of the collective gaming history. The same can be said of racism, sexism, xenophobia, and much more. This reality, however, doesn't mean that we can't strive to be better ...

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Originally posted by Red_Ryderr

I just know his name is "NoName"

I'll shoot you a DM.


Please DM me any additional information about this player. A full ID would be appreciated if you have it.

20 Aug

19 Aug