Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

07 Sep

06 Sep

04 Sep


Thanks for tagging!

  1. Beta Concerns: Studio doesn't have control over how they are rolled out but our Support pages normally have details on how to access/use beta codes. Yes, most, if not all, of our titles now give you access to the early portion of the beta for your platform if you have a digital pre-order. The last few days of the beta are also almost always open now.
  2. Reporting: I understand that you're sharing that you couldn't report, and I'll forward that portion along to our team at a minimum, but we can't operate on hearsay when it comes to enforcement. I understand you have your suspicions, which is where in-game reporting would come, but we have to err on the side of caution when enforcing.

03 Sep

02 Sep