Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

24 Apr


Originally posted by LeugimXXV

This is still happening every game.

Thanks. We are continuing our investigations.

23 Apr


Originally posted by Tityfan808

u/FoxhoundFPS you guys are probably aware of this by now but tagging you just in case

We released some movement updates today concerning crouching. Can you share if you are still encountering this after today's update? Patchnotes for context here.


Thanks for tagging everyone. If you can, please share some videos of this with us.


Hey there! Where are you seeing this image?


Hello! We made more adjustments to the movement today, which you can find in our notes, and I'm curious if you are still experiencing this today. Today being after the time of this post.

Edit: We are continuing our investigations regarding this.

22 Apr