Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

22 Sep


Originally posted by b4rn5ey

Well I mean Bless Unleashed only has 15k followers on twitter, and their average tweet gets less than 100 interactions.

Their algorithm clearly sucks either way lol.

They watch all social media, from activity in facebook groups and reddit to games journalism sites for announcement/hype activity


Originally posted by b4rn5ey

That link for the mmo population is bollocks, its been saying 46k and rank 52 for months now. Its nowhere near that.

I mean rank 53 with an apparent 9k daily players is Bless Online which doesn't even exist lol

But other than that I share the same sentiment.

The statistics on that site are estimates based on how much attention a game is getting on social media. The bigger the hype on twitter, the higher the numbers


I like the half-pizza analogy. The game is great but feels unfinished. I think they were making good progress rounding it out and then redirected their focus to releasing on other platforms. It's nice more people are getting to play, but they are stretching themselves very thin and it's caused a setback

19 Sep


Originally posted by Meanguns76

Not at unlicensed. Normal failstack at unlicensed then myth B gear at common

Ok that makes me less anxious XD


Originally posted by Meanguns76

If you really want to increase your failstack for your A gear upgrades, use a mythic piece of B gear that you are using on one of your toons once you get the initial 15%-20% stack. You can easily fail 3 or 4 more times and get the stack to 25%-30% or better. If it breaks you may have B gear repair tools or you can buy them for much less than A gear tools. If it succeeds you can use the gear still so no harm. I’ve used this method when I want to get legendary gear to +4,+5 or myth using master. Legendary gear will break more often than mythic making it the hardest and most costly pieces to upgrade in my opinion.

Sounds very risky since the B mythic could be destroyed in the process


Originally posted by Moomander

Weapons seem to have the highest fail rate, tho a lot of players won't use them as they return more cores when scrapped.

aye the high core cost is why I didn't recommend them

18 Sep


Originally posted by trism82

awesome! just out curiosity, why chest and legs as a dud to use? Is it because they hold the highest GS?

It seems chests and legs, having the highest GS also have the highest risk of breaking so you'll failstack faster just using those


It looks like you need to put some focus into upgrading your gear for a bit. Tag along on higher-level field boss runs like Bone Dragon (hit and run) for a chance at drops, and save up seeds, fortification stones and sigils to enhance with

15 Sep


Like, you thought about running, but you were on the fence about it

14 Sep


Originally posted by reginahall74

I have the poster and have tried numerous time now. This is my 5th toon. I have never had this problem

If the regional quest icon is showing on the map and you kill the boss, does the wanted posted icon disappear? It sounds like you may need to write a support ticket at


Originally posted by ezioauditore2018

I see What’s the content there in BU? Since it’s coming to pc early next year since I’m waiting for that

Not sure exactly what you mean by that. I guess the most defining feature is it's dynamic combat system, based around various attack combos you choose to use depending on circumstance. The world and story are super interesting, but the game doesn't do a great job of giving you the details on it so you have to dig a little for lore, but its there. Most of what you'll be doing after questing your way to the end is daily dungeons and regional quests, and pvp battlegrounds if that is your thing


Originally posted by thenewNFC

I'd say the closest you'll get to classic WoW on a console MMO right now is Neverwinter and that's pushing it. Maybe, maybe DCUO.

Blessed is probably better than say Black Desert for that experience but it is legit hard to compare anything on a console to WoW at any point of it's existence.

Right? When I first started playing BU I had suspicions designers had played DCUO just before

11 Sep


Originally posted by Trill_f0x

That is hardly a full look into the update. It's barely a tease on one aspect of the update.

Edit to add I'm not actually salty just a light jab at the devs. There's been some concerns in the player base about the channel drops and a lot of people are looking to this fall update and info about it for inspiration to keep grinding. I personally was pretty excited to hear more about the new dung's, blessings, map area, PvP updates and get more clear communication about the channel changes and how we can expect an update to address any new issues since the drop (i.e. rift invasion)

All of this is meant to be quick peeks at what you can expect in this update. We have some more content coming, and our next update isn't too far away following this one.

Quite a bit of what you're hoping to hear about won't be in this update. The new map area, and a whole lot of other items are going to be in the update following. You can always expect to see a major content update every other update. The ones in between will still be big, but they're going to focus on other aspects of the game so we can make other improvements based on your feedback.

This is not going to be a major content update. There will be some new content, and we'll be talking about that soon. But our focus this time around is making the game a better experience, not just making it bigger.



Hi folks... maybe check the website for news updates before posting this kind of meme? Or accusing of being abusive? This article went up yesterday:

02 Sep


Originally posted by admiralorko

Hi Folks,

As has been mentioned this image is fairly inaccurate at this point. However, we'll be dropping some info about our next update later this week.

I'll also work with the devs to provide a new roadmap update as well as it's been a little while since our last roadmap update.


I will also remember to make sure what account I'm logged into before posting in the future...

26 Aug


This Reddit is for discussions about Bless Unleashed only. There are is another sub-reddit for your topic, we assure you.