Or here too!
For the next update, we’ll change some things around! And we would like to keep you informed before those changes happen!
Read about all the changes in the in-game news! 🤓
The tusked mouth gapes Yet, from its depths, not a sound Nothing but a stare.
👹 #haiku #ayakashiclan #oniotis 👹
@Gael89357697 @natwithaheart @AshClashYT I agree. Something we need to resolve eventually.
@natwithaheart @AshClashYT We've actually answered that in our Podcast. The TLDR: No. It's complicated because most people play primarily for the Brawlers. We might slow down things down the line - but not anytime soon.
@BrawlStarRey @RiceFreeAsABird @JakubDestro W
The bristles shimmer like whiskers in the moonlight The cold ground stained red.
🦊 #haiku #ayakashiclan #kitsunelola 🦊
@BarisIlbas @Brawl_esports Challenge MM is based on Challenge wins, not trophies.
Good luck in the @Brawl_esports Qualifier this weekend to all the teams around the world. 👊🏼
@AndyLunique Happens to me occasionally, even with banger titles. I remember trying to start GTA4 about 5 times before finay getting into it - and then I played the hell out of it with all DLC.
Similar experience with The Witcher, God of War, Horizon, etc.
@_pdlp @27TvRolo It's not. And it's growing. 😉
@_pdlp @27TvRolo When people wonder why a MAKE skin doesn't make it into the update after it has been voted on - this is why btw. The earliest anything written here could influence us, is with the October (!) Update.
@27TvRolo High level planning for running 12 months, pre production 2 updates in the future. So yes, we have concepts for the update in late August. 😉
Some of you will be very happy over the course of the next three updates it seems! 🙌
What kind of skin themes not existing in @BrawlStars today would you all like to see? 🤔
#brawlstars #skins
At night you see them... Ghostly lamps and fiery eyes glaring in the fog.
👺 #haiku #ayakashiclan #tengumike 👺
The Ayakashi Clan Skins and Challenge are now LIVE!
@JI3T0 No specific reason. We just have a *bunch* of options to choose from!
@DFeather646 We are planning to give another update on the roadmap after the summer break. 👊
@AdrianHaggqvist Despite how much sh*t I usually give you, you're a natural! ❤️