@Roxie162001 It's not "half".
Season 10 will be 7 weeks (-30%) since it's the transition, following seasons will be 8-9 weeks long (-10-20%). Prizes and rewards are unchanged.
The Quest distribution will adjust depending on the season length.
@CentrureAstrike Not quite! You unlock quests at 300 - which means you have ~5 Brawlers or so unlocked, depending a bit on your luck. Still - a ton of quests for a hand full of Brawlers with only a few modes available.
It's very fast progress at the end of the season.
@only1shock Very uncertain, definitely not in the previous form since it didn't achieve it's goal.
@GoldenboyFTW Nah, f*ck that. I've never bought into this sentiment. People gotta be better.
@AugeBrawlstars I see dogs. I like. Simple. 🥰
@megumutou How so? I think being able to buy the premium pass every other pass is pretty amazing.
@blackkout007 @Brawl_Family
@Enskca_ Hey! Yes, they will be.
@Patrick__CRF New seasons will start at the first Monday every other month and then last 8-9 weeks depending on the dates. The next season is an exception due to the transition from old to new cadence.
Our Club will be promoted to Silver II after this season (it's open, some people randomly joined it).
I'll also play Power League in S10 to see if I can escape Bronze despite relatively low level Brawlers - I have 5 Brawlers on Level 7 and 3 of those have at least 1 Gadget.
Started playing my F2P mini 12 days ago and finished #BrawlPass S9 just in time for the next season which means I'll be able to purchase #Fang for free which is pretty amazing.
✅ Brawlers: 20/53 ✅ Trophies: 7,847 ✅ Club: Bronze III ✅ Ranked: -
#brawlstars #F2P
@eandersson_net Code = life confirmed? 😂
No sneaker is powerful enough to handle his kick! 👟
#Fang arrives TOMORROW after tier 30 in the #YearOfTheTiger Brawl Pass! 🎟
@paulobsgamer We're not reimbursing gem purchases. You can't really "accidentally" change your name. 😉
Fang coming up in less than 48 hours. Let's warm up for the new season with the first animation... 😉
#brawlstars #YearOfTheTiger #fang
May the best Brawler win! The #YearofTheTiger Season starts on Monday! 🐯 https://t.co/qQ8Tiv54Gc
Pure. Went 9-2 with @Dani_Supercell. Is it just us or do Duo Challenges feel harder than regular ones?! 😅
#brawlstars #challenge
May the best Brawler win!
The #YearofTheTiger Season starts on Monday! 🐯
@RKRigney That Byron is the secret MVP! 🥰
@501wolff Thanks!