Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

02 Oct

Originally posted by Demi-Fiend

That is a lot of days and sorry for missing your previous post. The issue sounds pretty clear, so thanks for the write-up last time. Let us check and see if this on that current list of fixes coming in this next update.

Originally posted by 503dev

Same here. As a gamer who confirmed mobile games you have convinced me otherwise. Hands down this is my favorite game. I don't mind spending time nor money. I am happy to see battle royale getting attention lately. This game also turned me into battle royale. It has been an insane ride since launch and even pre-launch, thank you.

That is lovely to read and thank you so much for the support! It has absolutely been insane to look at our original game one year and to see how it has grown. Also, if you are a fan of BR then you should have a lot to love in this next update.

Originally posted by KalmiaLetsi

They said they have alot going on next season meaning they'll be more content you can acquire as such only giving away 1 weapon

Yeah, we just have a pretty huge number of events going on top of a variety of giveaways or contests that will taking place during that season. We are trying to make it seem like a wealth of content without it feeling like it is overwhelming.

Originally posted by _xEsoteric

Thank you for the continuous support! The game right now is as good as it ever has been and I can't imagine how much better it can get with the next season(thought with this dev team I know I will be surprised)! This is such a minor detail that it feels inconsequential to say, but are there any plans to get the season schedule back to how it used to be (with new seasons coming on the first of every month)? In my opinion I used to be far more excited for the new seasons when they came on the new day of the new month - everything felt novel!

Thank you for the kind words, for the support, and for interesting piece of feedback. The short answer is that yes, ideally we'd also love to get it back to the beginning of each month, but that would just require us slowly pushing it back that way month after month since we don't want to shorten or stifle any of the upcoming seasons.

Originally posted by OmegaXesis

Add the top 2 winners instead of just 1 winner. It's so hard to choose haha! I cannot wait for the Anniversary update! The game is so different than when it first came out, and so many positive improvements have been made. Cheers to another year! :]

Haha, sorry. We almost went with two but we have so much going on during this next season that we wanted to narrow this down to just one winner.

Originally posted by Mum_Spaghetti5

any news on zombies maybe it is a surprise?

No news on that front!

Originally posted by thervssian

Thank you for making this the best mobile game ever. I started playing in on global launch day and love how far this game has come 1 year later. Can’t wait for the anniversary content, I’m sure it’s gonna be an absolutely phenomenal season.

You have been with us since launch?! It is a pleasure to meet you and to be able to say thank you for being such a long-term fan of the game. We are honored and grateful for your support, especially that you also recognize just how much we've improved, expanded, and added to the game since launch. It has come so very far and we still have so much more planned!

Originally posted by Hatedndepressed

Any hint that standoff Halloween is coming in this week

Check our social channels tomorrow and you should like what you see! However, we aren't releasing anything Halloween related until about a week before Halloween.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Call of Duty: Mobile Community!!! It is October 2nd and our worldwide launch of this massive undertaking was just around one year ago on October 1st (PT). We truly cannot express our gratitude to you all, especially the many players in these communities that have been around since October of 2019! It is amazing that we not only have so many players from all over the world, but that we have had so many players who have been with us throughout the entire year.

We have a lot going on in October and most of it is starting when we launch the next season i...

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Originally posted by _Rudraksh_

Idk how to messege you guys privately...soo i am posting the link below your comment...

Got it! Thanks for the quick response. We'll ping you tomorrow once the post is up.

Originally posted by _Rudraksh_

I have no issues can do would be an honour

Haha, well thank you. Would mind sending us the clip itself so we can embed it into a post? Feel free to do so however you like, whether it is something like just a link to a Google Drive, Dropbox, or anything else. Just send us a PM and we'll keep an eye out. We have a community update coming tomorrow so we'll give you a shoutout then!

Originally posted by Pfrance

For a 1 yr anniversary it’s kinda a let down tbh. No gifts or surprises? Even mcoc(which is one of the most stingy mobile games out there) does an anniversary event with freebies to all their players. What do we get? A lucky draw to spend money on...🥳 nothing says thanks for supporting us like a lucky draw...🤷🏼‍♂️

Heya, today is our actual 1 year anniversary day, but we like we said in the post we have everything coming later on around our actual season release and the new update. There is a pretty insane amount of stuff being given away across that time period, so even if you have no intention on buying anything there should be ample opportunities to grab new gear and celebrate with us.

Originally posted by freddysl124774

Could you give a hint as to what the new scorestreak is going to be, if it is attack or aid

Sure, there are a lot of questions here in this thread we can't discuss at all yet, but for a new scorestreak it is aid or support based. More a utility as opposed to something that reigns destruction down upon your enemies.

Originally posted by Singh300697

Where are big announcement

Coming later once we get closer to our next season! Today is just about celebrating our 1 year anniversary.

Originally posted by Midnight_Sladee

Is there any reasons of why does the global version has not an anniversary event yet?

Hey hey, those events aren't always necessarily the same between each version. It could be something where the global team wants to save that for later, like closer to the season release, or just has a differing opinion on whatever the event is. Is this in Garena or Korea presumably?

Greetings Reddit community!

Today is our 1 year anniversary of Call of Duty: Mobile and while we don't have a season dropping or anything today, we do have much more coming in mid October that is still tied to anniversary.

For now, thank you all for being here, for sharing this with us, and for supporting us and this community through the year! The memes have been stellar, the discussions have been passionate, and the majority of people have always treated us (the community team) and our overall developers with a lot of respect. That isn't common for video game communities, we'll do our best to never forget how lucky we are for that reason and for many others that make us love participating here.

To celebrate our 1 year anniversary we have our first look at our logo and the upcoming season:


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29 Sep

Using that music feels like a cheat code haha, but that is an excellent sketch with a truly insane amount of detail. Any interest in a community highlight in one of the upcoming community updates? It is clear people appreciate your art and it is always a nice excuse to share that outside of this subreddit since we post the updates in multiple areas.

Originally posted by Niccolasss

My expectation was the one we got

Glad to hear most people in this thread saying they didn't expect that one from the trailer. Most of our trailers use areas from new maps that are quite a bit different from the in-game version of that map (like night time Tunisia). We did really want to do this as well because it would look fantastic, but our team ended up deciding on sticking with the clean original version.

Originally posted by Entrapta_lol

I actually kind of hate cuz if you accidentally hit more than like, 2 people you will get instakilled constantly, it's annoying as hell

Heya, we actually love the way that is setup, because it forgives you for 2 TKs (basically), but then after that the system is really saying "be more careful" and no longer punishing anyone but yourself. If you do just TKs only, no reflective damage, then you would already see dozens of posts about people griefing and TKing like no ones business.