Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

03 Nov

Originally posted by --Xtormiken-

No no, Iskra is really muted, not even the default voice comes out, she's just muted like Velikan atm

Also other characters like Ghost, Park, Otter and sometimes Cpt Price have the default voice now, it all started with Ghost since the spurned and burned update, now that bug has spread out to other characters

Confirmed for Iskra on our end too (when testing)! Thanks for that. Shared back with the team and they'll look into it. We'll check into those others you called out too to see if we can replicate it.

Originally posted by babygirl-des

I don’t want my comment to get lost… but what can I expect downloading the beta? This is my first time. Like what’s different.

Replying to you just to spite u/Viking_North2 . Anyways, the beta is full of content from upcoming seasons, which could be anything from something very obvious like a new mode or map (no new map in this one) or more subtle things like UI changes, optimizations, settings updates, or in-game functionality (like weapon inspect).

Originally posted by TheGreatDyneAmmoYT

I have a question, can we expect to buy any luckydraw at any time through the arsenal section? It's similar to warzone arsenal where we can check blueprints and get redirected to designated bundles.

Heya, there was talk of trying to add something like that quite some time ago when Arsenal first released, but with For You that does seem like a real possibility. Ideally, if you had that available for you through that store feature you would click on that weapon in Arsenal and be taken that page. At the moment it of course (to your question) doesn't work that way, but hopefully we can get something like that going in the near future. Appreciate the question!

Originally posted by shield_y

Thanks! Took a look and like some of the other players in that thread we actually aren't sure what the issue is here. Is it just that she is less gold and you prefer the previous version? The operator variant is looking pretty great to us. Quick reference here from a shot we just took:

Originally posted by --Xtormiken-

hello, can you please fix Domino and Richtofen not having callouts like "reloading, changing mag, enemy down, i got shoot, im hurt etc" also, are you aware of the Iskra character being muted even tho she has a voice ???

Heya, appreciate the call-outs about those callouts (we know, terrible )! For Iskra she doesn't look to have a unique voice, but are you saying her default female operator voice over isn't playing at all in anyway? Or only in specific situations like for Domino and Richtofen?

Also, in relation to Domino and Richtofen are there specific variants of those operators you are seeing this on?

Originally posted by shield_y

Are you aware of outrider Amazonas face issue ?

We don't think so, but could you share some details or if it is a visual issue a screenshot or vid? Happy to take a look.

02 Nov

Originally posted by BonnieB-007

Will we be getting any significant Cold War content? I would love to get guns from that game, especially since many of them returned from BO1

We're working on it! 👀

Originally posted by armeliiito

Hello devs,

Its not only Park and Otter that have their VO missing. Gaz - Broadsword also got his voice lines removed after the update. The legendary AK-47 Pumpkin Head is missing it firing sound effect as seeing in the lucky draw trailer. Can you add them back?

Here a post about it

Here is the firing sound wrongly attribuated for the AK-47 Wrath Black and Gold and later removed in this update

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Hey there, thank you for calling these two bugs out! We'll send this over to the team so they can start looking into them. Appreciate you linking the threads as well!

Originally posted by worse_than_bot

Cannot login into test server, it's always showing a message saying 'current clients version is smaller than the last one'

Hey there! Hmmm, that is strange. Is it possible you have the old build still installed? That could give you that error message. If so, remove it and try logging in again!

Originally posted by HUNT3DHUNT3R

In the ancestral remembrance draw, why is the instrument being played improperly?

It's a oud, not an electric guitar.

Anything is an electric guitar if you try hard enough 🤘... but yes, we clearly took some creative liberties here.

Originally posted by charmxtheking

Attack of the undead where?

Hey, no plans for that mode to rotate in this season. However, we do see that on the list for limited time modes next season! Just a warning that the they aren't all locked yet for Season 10 (limited time modes), but hopefully it remains and you'll see it then. Feel free to re-ping about it when we do the S10 release community update.

Originally posted by TripleXYT20

Okay I have experience the test server in Garena and even though you guys add the option to delete resources it's always download back that same resources over and over can you please fix that please

Hey, yeah we saw some issues with that feature in this version of the public test build too. It isn't clear if it is fixed in this current version or if we'll be adding that in soon, but we'll check and see. Regardless, that feature it is planned to come to the game in a future update.

Originally posted by Rick_Astley6478

Hi CODM , I want to thank every single person who worked on this game , the whole CODM team is doing a great job ! But there are some small bugs in the game like the missing voice lines for Tengu Undead Crusade and Otter Backstroke (Helen and Alex were fixed ) also we have many voice less characters in the game like demir , soap , griggs , farah and many more , can you please add their voice lines ? That's it sorry for the long message and Happy Halloween 🎃

Heya, no need to apologize, this isn't a long message at all . Appreciate the congrats and appreciation for the team! We'll check on those two for Tengu and Otter, so thanks for calling them out. From a quick glance those don't seem to be on our list of issues under investigation.

Also, in regards to more voice over for other characters we won't have voice over for all of our operators because we honestly just have too many. We instead try to focus on those who frequently are featured, whether that's through in-game events or the comics. However, we are always adding or updating voice lines every single season. There is hope we may get to those specific operators you called out!

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Hope people love that one too! We'll keep an eye out as well.

Trick or treat Call of Duty: Mobile community, it is time for one more update just after Halloween and full of information and news related to the next week! This year we were able to go all-in by theming the whole season to the colors, silliness, horror, and nuances of that beloved and spooky holiday. To celebrate that, we were able to make a half a dozen videos last week to help celebrate the season, the holiday, and more! It may be two days late, but Happy Halloween everyone:

Happy Halloween CODM...

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31 Oct

30 Oct

Originally posted by FlintBlaze

thanks! currently I'm working on american bulldog artwork and I'll post it when it's finished

Hope people love that one too! We'll keep an eye out as well.

Originally posted by BeastFromEA

Probably delayed most probably coming out when the test server is ready