Hello, why can’t you cancel account links and add other accounts for security? I gave my information in my account and you couldn’t cancel linked accounts. Why do all games have account cancellation and adding other accounts for increased security?
Heya, sorry wish we had some news on that but that's generally been a technical challenge on our end that we haven't been able to overcome. It could still come sometime in the future, but for now we don't see any changes with that system in the near future.
Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile community!
It is time for a brand-new season of Call of Duty: Mobile with Season 3: Cyber Mirage out now to all platforms! This season comes with new events, playlists, a new Battle Pass, and a wide variety of changes and improvements on top of the normal seasonal content. If you haven’t already noticed, some of this has already gone live, like the new Wildcard system. Here is a quick look at that new feature:
Read more External link →Heya, thanks for posting this. We actually identified this as a bug and fixed it. If you see anything similar again please do report and share! Appreciate you taking the time to share all of those details.
I'm sure they'll add this eventually.
We do plan to generally keep adding Wildcards over time, so it's completely plausible. Of course, we'll wait to see how balance shakes out with this first batch for adding more.
When is the possibility of siren mythic re run?
Certainly possible, but no specific news we can hint at for that yet. We have been consistently cycling all of the Mythics back around though, so we have no doubt Siren will return as well.
What’s other mythic are you bringing back? You always rerelease 2 mythics every season.
This season we have the new Mythic Tundra and the returning Mythic MG42, so two weapons!
My main issue is with ranked matchmaking. The SBMM doesn't seem to account for play style - I constantly get matched with players who ignore objectives in Domination and Hardpoint and play those modes in ranked matches like they're TDM or Frontline. This makes objective-based games frustrating since half my team isn't even trying to play the actual mode.
I'd like to see matchmaking that considers how players interact with objectives, not just their skill level. Maybe track captures, defends, and objective time as part of the matchmaking criteria? Or reduce points for players who ignore objectives in those modes in ranked games?
I know there's an overhaul coming, but my primary concern is being matched with people who have similar playing styles and actually play the game mode as intended. 5v5 with friends helps avoid this issue, but finding enough players isn't always possible.
We don't have a good response to appropriately reply to your thoughtful feedback, but we just wanted to say thank you for all of that and for taking the time.
What did you do to our Ranked video lol? We are sad to report that the real video has no dancing in it (clearly a mistake on our part).
Heya, are you just talking about the lobby screen or the game in general? Either way, always lovely to see these types of comments and thanks for trying it out again.
What about match making, any fixes to that in season 3?
Heya, what's your issue specifically? Like for pubs? Ranked? Balance? Connection issues?