almost 5 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Hello @Turgron, thank you for sharing your concern, we’re aware of the issue and it’s being looked into but we could always use additional information:

Is your father using old thralls or new thralls captured and placed after the last update ( the new ones can level up, the older ones cannot )?

Does it happen consistently after setting a thrall or pet on follow?

Could you specify which thralls and pets have produced this behavior?

almost 5 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

No problem at all!

By teleporter, do you mean using the admin teleport function or the map room?

To clarify, the thralls and pets follow him normally, but when teleporting by either of the above methods, do they fail to teleport as well while they are in follow mode?

almost 5 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Thank you for the additional details, we’ll register the issue for our team to look into!

Regarding the admin commands and teleport, you can find more information in our wiki and in the following video as well: